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20 Hal Yang Perlu Dihindari saat Usia 20an
Usia 20an adalah bagian penting dalam hidup, dalam usia ini kalian akan mulai menentukan hidup kedepannya. This is the time for you to hustle, scrap and fight for the life that you want for yourself. You manifest your own destiny during these crucial years.Every move you make is a test. Don’t f*ck it up.

ini adalah hal2 yang perlu di hindari di usia 20an

20. Bekerja untuk Uang, bukan untuk membangun impian atau cita-cita

Jangan pernah lakukan apapun hanya karena kamu merasa nyaman. Carilah tantangan untuk dirimu dan bangun mimpimu, meski saat ini itu terasa tidak mungkin. Suatu saat kamu akan menyadari bahwa uang tak selamanya akan membuatmu bahagia. itulah perjalanan hidup.

19. Berpikir bahwa inilah saat yang tepat untuk jatuh cinta

Saat semua temanmu mungkin melakukan ini, jangan jatuh kedalam jebakan dari suatu hubungan.

18. Mencoba untuk bertindak seperti seseorang daripada belajar bagaimana untuk menjadi salah satu

Setiap detik dan jika lebih banyak waktu yang dihabiskan untuk berpura-pura menjadi orang yang Anda inginkan, maka Anda akan tenggelam di pasir cepat bahkan tanpa mengetahui bahwa Anda sedang tenggelam. You can enjoy the success when you actually attain it.

17. Berteman tanpa mendapatkan kepercayaan

If you ever want people to take you seriously, then you have to take them seriously. Just because you think you trust someone doesn’t always mean you can.

16. Bersikap tidak perduli dengan berpikir hidup hanya sekali hingga tak menghiraukan saran dari orang lain.

Get focused and lock into what you’re supposed to be doing. If you don’t know what that is, then you better figure it out ASAP.

15. Menjadikan semua yang Anda mau menjadi suatu kebutuhan

Make sure your priorities are in tact or you will lose your track.

14. Melupakan bahwa keluarga adalah hal yg utama

Those who supported you before anything deserve to be taken care of when you reach your success. Family comes first, no matter what happens. If you work for whom you love instead of just yourself, you will get far. karena, keluarga akan datang paling pertama, tidak perduli apa yg terjadi terhadap anda.

13. Menyalahkan orang lain kecuali diri Anda sendiri untuk apa pun dalam hidup

Hold yourself accountable for everything. At the end of the day, all you have in the world is yourself so go hard.

12.Mendapatkan kenyamanan seperti Anda benar-benar layak down time

Don’t get lazy now!! ini bukan saatnya untuk bermalas2an..

11. Bertahan dengan pekerjaan yg tidak mengajarkan Anda apapun

A bad job is like an unhealthy relationship. Truthfully, the only reason you’re there is because it is the safest and easiest thing you know.

10. Mengikuti kebanyakan orang

You can be aware of the trends, but never follow them. If all your time is spent trying to adjust to your surroundings, you’ll get lost in the crowd all the more easily.Success and greatness are constructed by trendsetters themselves, not those who latched on to what’s currently trending. Jadilah unik, dengan diri sendiri. Kita boleh saja memperhatikan trend, tapi jgn terlalu mengikuti mereka.

9. Failing to energize those around you

Although you may sometimes think there is a lack of talent in your networks — this is never the case. It is your sole responsibility to inspire, encourage and drive those around you to succeed. Change and greatness can be sparked everywhere, but bring it upon yourself to trigger it.

8. Berpikir bahwa Anda perlu berhenti untuk belajar dan tumbuh

Do you live to enjoy the moments you dreamed of or a lifetime of unimaginable success?

7. Thinking that anyone will ever pay you back

Your 20s will be accompanied with a slew of poor investments by both you and those around you. Whether rich or poor, there will always be someone in your circle that will need a helping hand.

6. Investing in relationships with the wrong values

Your love life is an investment — and the smarter the deals you execute, the savver of an investor you become. Cinta Anda juga sebuah investasi lho..

5. Bertahan dengan teman yang hanya menghabiskan waktumu tanpa memberi nilai lebih dalam hidupmu

Teman-teman dapat menjadi hal yg penting, tapi jika mereka tidak memberi inspirasi yg Anda butuhkan dalam menjalani hidup, biarkan mereka pergi. Satu-satunya orang yg harus kamu dengar adalah dirimu sendiri, bukan orang yg pesimis yang membuatmu jatuh dengan hal-hal negatif nya, tapi disisi lain akan ada orang yg ingin melihatmu sukses tak perduli apapun yg kamu lakukan.

4. Forgetting about the piggy bank and spending every dollar you have

If our check is for $9, then we’re most likely spending $30. Between credit cards, school loans and every other avenue for attaining a quick dollar, our need for immediate gratification is worse than ever.The truth is it’s about making more money, not saving it. But at the same time, if you have no means for expanding your revenue channels, then you must be able to save a few dollars here and there. No one likes to have to walk to work because he blew every dollar at LAVO.

3. Not wrapping it before tapping it

If you don’t want to have a child then you better limit your excuses. As vulgar as it may sound, sometimes there are only a few options in life, so you must avoid all potential margins of error.The road to success is not paved with having responsibilities of children and your future wife to be. This is a somewhat lonely journey thaat you must take by yourself and those you love will be able to celebrate with you after.

2. Dating unstable people with mommy and daddy issues

We need to control the invincibility we all feel when it comes to both men and women. Whether she’s a stripper or he’s a frat bro, we feel the need to be the knight in shining armor for our lovers.As chivalrous as this may seem, we hate to break it to you, but you will never be able to change anyone. By setting yourself up for a losing battle, you’ve only ensured your misery for the next few months. She’s clingy for a reason, don’t be her Dr. Phil. And if he doesn’t have ambition now, he never will.

1. Forgetting that karma is a huge b*tch

Whether it’s burning bridges with people you loved, stealing your friend’s girlfriend or plotting against an ex-partner, we must always remember that karma is the biggest b*tch we’ve ever met.There is nothing more true than the fact that whatever goes around comes around, and you are not immune to the cosmic forces that be. We’re not asking you to go on your Mother Teresa pilgrimage, but don’t be surprised when reality catches back up with you and brings you to your knees. Be a good person. You’ll get further in life.

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