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Militan Al-Qaeda/Al-Nusra Membunuh Komandan Senior FSA Di Suriah (Rebel Vs Rebel)
Al-Qaeda militants killed Syrian rebel commander - FSA spokesman

A senior figure of the rebel Free Syrian Army has been executed by Al-Qaeda-linked militants during negotiations. Multiplying conflicts between moderate and extremist rebels confronting President Assad might lead to an opposition split-up.

Supreme Military Council member Kamal Hamami, also known for his call-sign Abu Bassel al-Ladkani, was meeting with members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in the Syrian port city of Latakia when he was murdered, FSA spokesman Qassem Saadeddine informed Reuters.

“The Islamic State phoned me saying that they killed Abu Bassel and that they will kill all of the Supreme Military Council,” Saadeddine said. “He met them to discuss battle plans.”
Militan Al-Qaeda/Al-Nusra Membunuh Komandan Senior FSA Di Suriah (Rebel Vs Rebel)

Iraqi Al-Qaeda in Syria

The Islamic State of Iraq group is considered to be an umbrella organization for a long list of insurgency groups, including members linked to Al-Qaeda, the former Mujahideen Shura Council, and various other groups that wish to establish a unified Islamic theocracy within the majority Sunni regions of Iraq.

The leader of the Islamic State of Iraq, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, arrived to northern Syria to take control over Al-Qaeda operations in the country. Al-Baghdadi is seen by the Syrian opposition front as being more interested in imposing radical Islam than overthrowing the current government, Reuters reported.

The Islamist Al-Nusra Front, which was officially declared a “terrorist group” by the US in May, is considered to be the most effective opposition group battling Assad.

The group merged with the Islamic State of Iraq in May.

Disunited Syrian opposition consists of motley groups, including those incorporating radical Islamists from abroad affiliated with Al-Qaeda. Some foreign militants fighting in Syria have real battle experience confronting American troops in Iraq.

The interests of radical Islamists effectively go against the plans of the moderate rebels, who see Assad as the major obstacle towards making Syria a better place and are fighting the government army in order to topple the ruler.

Experienced Islamist militants are flocking to Syria for a more global project: creation of pan-Arabic Islamic Caliphate, Al-Qaeda’s official objective. Their attitude towards yesterday civilian ordinary rebels is contemptuous, mostly because it is the professional fighters who make up the effective nucleus of the rebel forces.

The open killing of a senior FSA member could signal a serious conflict emerging between radical Islamists and more moderate members of the opposition, who suspect radicals of attempting to highjack the Syrian opposition’s cause. This is not the first time that Al-Qaeda-linked groups are blamed for assassinating moderate rebel commanders.

Fractured Syrian opposition splitting up

"Nusra is now two Nusras. One that is pursuing Al-Qaeda's agenda of a greater Islamic nation, and another that is Syrian with a national agenda to help us fight Assad," a senior rebel commander with close ties to the Al-Nusra Front told Reuters.

"It is disintegrating from within," he added.

Rivalries among the now fractured Syrian opposition look to be increasing, and are likely behind several assassinations of commanders within the moderate rebel groups.

"We continue to be concerned about the influence of extremist groups, including Al-Qaeda in Iraq. This is why we have been coordinating and discussing with partners the need to continue to strengthen the moderate opposition and channel any assistance through the moderate opposition, including the Supreme Military Council," a US official said in May.

Al-Qaeda’s Iraq arm is thought to number in the thousands. The group’s foreign fighters seem to be focused not on toppling Assad but rather on the anti-Western agenda of Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri.
Growing radicalization of opposition fuels US doubt

The killing of another moderate figure of the FSA’s governing council is almost certain to further complicate efforts to arm the opposition - a policy shift which was announced by President Obama in June.

Efforts to increase aid - specifically to provide arms to Syrian rebels - seemed to hit an indefinite delay in Congress this week. Members of both the House and Senate intelligence committees enacted stringent restrictions on funding, which appeared to prevent the White House from delivering arms shipments to the opposition, sources told congressional newspaper The Hill.

The newspaper added that lawmakers moved to block the military aid because they feared that weapons would fall into the hands of terrorist groups.

“Whatever we do, we have to make sure we do it right,” Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, said on Tuesday.

“If we are going to arm, we have to make sure we have control of what arms are out there and how people are trained to use those arms so they don’t fall into the hands of our enemy Al-Qaeda,” added Ruppersberger.

Adding to concerns that arms could end up becoming tools for jihadist elements of the Syrian opposition, Iran is thought to be training Hezbollah fighters within Syria as a counterweight to Sunni-backed Al-Qaeda groups.

A car bomb exploded in a Hezbollah-controlled region of Beirut on Tuesday, adding to mounting evidence that Syria’s civil war - now comprising of Al-Qaeda insurgent elements - is spilling across the border into Lebanon. The evidence has triggered fears of a wider regional conflict.

Hezbollah’s role in Syria’s ongoing conflict became clear in May, when it led a 17-day assault against the rebel-held town of Qusair – located just five miles north of Lebanon. Since then, Hezbollah forces have been deployed alongside Syrian government forces in Damascus and Homs.

New front opens in Syria as rebels say al Qaeda attack means war

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian rebels said on Friday the assassination of one of their top commanders by al Qaeda-linked militants was tantamount to a declaration of war, opening a new front for the Western-backed fighters struggling against President Bashar al-Assad's forces.

Rivalries have been growing between the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the Islamists, whose smaller but more effective forces control most of the rebel-held parts of northern Syria more than two years after pro-democracy protests became an uprising.
"We will not let them get away with it because they want to target us," a senior FSA commander said on condition of anonymity after members of the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant killed Kamal Hamami on Thursday.

"We are going to wipe the floor with them," he said.

Hamami, also known by his nom de guerre, Abu Bassir al-Ladkani, is one of the top 30 figures on the FSA's Supreme Military Command.

His killing highlights how the West's vision of a future, democratic Syria is unraveling.

Assad appeared close to defeat a year ago when rebels killed top officials in a bomb attack and pushed deep into Damascus. Now, with military and financial support from Russia and Iran, he has pushed the rebels back to the outskirts of the capital and put them on the defensive in the south while radical Islamists assert control over the north.

The FSA commander said the al Qaeda-linked militants had warned FSA rebels that there was "no place" for them where Hamami was killed in Latakia province, a northern rural region of Syria bordering Turkey where Islamist groups are powerful.

Other opposition sources said the killing followed a dispute between Hamami's forces and the Islamic State over control of a strategic checkpoint in Latakia and would lead to fighting.


The two sides have previously fought together from time to time, but the Western and Arab-backed FSA, desperate for greater firepower, has recently tried to distance itself to allay U.S. fears any arms it might supply could reach al Qaeda.

Louay Mekdad, FSA Supreme Command Political Coordinator, said Abu Ayman al-Baghdadi, the Islamic State's Emir of the coastal region, personally shot dead Hamami and his brother at the roadblock.

He said a fighter who was travelling with them was set free to rely the message that the Islamic State considers the FSA heretics and that the Supreme Command is now an al Qaeda target.

"If these people came to defend the Syrian revolution and not help the Assad regime, then they have to hand over the killers," Mekdad said, adding that the bodies of the two men were still with the al Qaeda affiliate.

The FSA has been trying to build a logistics network and reinforce its presence across Syria as the U.S. administration considers sending weapons, in part to present a bulwark against units it considers "terrorist organizations."

But with funding from Gulf-based individuals, Islamist brigades have taken a leading role in rebel-held regions of Syria, filling the vacuum of power by setting up religious courts and governance bodies.

The FSA -- a mixture of loosely-affiliated brigades -- is accused by locals of looting and has not been able to present a unified front to sideline hardline units who favor an Islamic caliphate over pluralist democracy.

Some frustrated FSA fighters say they have joined Islamist groups and moderate and hardline fighters sometimes buy and sell weapons from each other.

The anti-Assad Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors the conflict, said the FSA and the Islamic State have had violent exchanges in several areas of Syria over the past few weeks, showing growing antagonism between Assad's foes.

"Last Friday, the Islamic State killed an FSA rebel in Idlib province and cut his head off. There have been attacks in many provinces," the Observatory's leader Rami Abdelrahman said.

Syria's conflict turned violent in the face of a krackdown on protests. Civil war ensued with disparate rebel groups taking up arms and the Observatory says more than 100,000 people have been killed.

U.S. congressional committees are holding up plans to arm the rebels because of fears that such deliveries will not be decisive and the arms might end up in the hands of Islamist militants.

Syria's opposition bemoans the delay, and repeated on Thursday assurances that the arms will not go to Islamist militants.

(Additional reporting by Mariam Karouny in Beirut, Khaled Yacoub Oweis in Amman and Diana Bartz in Washington; editing by Philippa Fletcher),5818654.story

3 Faksi Di Suriah............Ashab,Abqa & Sufyani..........
Assad Force,FSA & Al-Nusra.Al-Qaeda
sesuai dgn islamic eschatology............
Suriah akan hancur lebur menjadi debu...............
dalam satu hadist di sebutkan........Nabi Isa AS akan turun kembali ke bumi bersama 2 malaikat di reruntuhan damaskus, suriah.........ketika beliau kembali tidak ada lagi negara bernama syria................Only Ruin,Destruction & War........

Next based from islam hadist...greath earthquake will destroy & kill 100.000 syria people....after that sufyani will kill & destroy other 2 faction

Syria Will Destroyed, Sufyani Is The Winner Of Syria War...........
This Is Destiny & Fate From Creator Of Universe

Next Imam Mahdi & Prophet Isa era is come..

Stay neutral & dont support any faction in syria war is the best choice

A war within a war.................
Assad Force Vs FSA Vs Al-Qaeda/Al-Nusra........

Yang paling beruntung dalam perang ini adalah Syria Kurdistan....we war only for freedom & independence......
Diubah oleh MuslimAirForce 12-07-2013 16:34
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