Game online baru dari Zynga!
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Game ini punya semua ^_^
A brand new card battle RPG with a fantasy theme is now available from Zynga!
Collect demons to be the most powerful ghost agent! Ayakashi: Ghost Guild is the definitive version of gorgeous card battle RPGs!
〜Mysterious fantasy themed card battle RPG 〜
◆◆ Ayakashi: Ghost Guild ◆◆
【Create the most powerful demon deck as a ghost agent】
Ayakashi: Ghost Guild is a free role-playing / card battle game with a rich story line of the battles with ghosts and other agents.
Enjoy the world of Ayakashi: Ghost Guild filled with gorgeously designed demon cards and beautiful music!
◆ What is Ayakashi: Ghost Guild?
【Game description】
As a ghost agent, players try to come to grips with the mysterious events occurring around them. These events are being triggered by legendary creatures with enigmatic power beyond comprehension. Players must attempt to gain control of ghosts and bring them under their power, changing them to a demon. Throughout the rich story line, players must battle against scores of ghosts as well as rival agents.
【Loads of beautifully designed demon cards for you to collect!】
The game boasts gorgeous demons from all over the world, emanating from three distinct origins – Phantom, Divina, and Anima. Drawing the player deep into the game, they must fight through spectacular battles to collect them all and complete the Demon Scroll.
Since ancient times...sprites, magical creatures, ghouls, heavenly spirits and other beings with unworldly powers have been striking fear, and occasionally wonder into human hearts everywhere. These beings are better known as... Ghosts.
Unbeknownst to us, a special group has been protecting humanity from these ghosts' spooky deeds. These people are known as... Ghost Agents.
A young agent with the power to communicate with ghosts, and sufficient talent to put them to use as demons, has appeared...
◆How to play
【Collect demons by summoning and progressing through the story】
Players can obtain demons as they make progress through the story, and they can get rare demons by summoning them. In addition, players can get rare demons by collecting all the sealed stones in the story, which will release a rare demon.
【Negotiate with ghosts to add them to your demon collection】
As a ghost agent, the player has the chance to recruit ghosts to serve them as a demon after they have been defeated. The negotiation is not guaranteed to go well, and there is a chance the ghost will reject the offer so the player may have to rely on luck.
【Enhance demons】
Once the player has obtained a demon, they can be enhanced by fusing them with other demons. Leveling up your demons will improve their abilities and increase particular skill levels, which is crucial in battling other players.
【Facebook fan page】
Check out the latest event updates and game characters description here!
buat yang pengen baca2 di forum luar. banyak tip2 berguna disitu beberapa yang berhasil ane translate
feeder = anima *1 yang ente dapet dari quest
cara efisien untuk memaksimalkan rasio EXP / silver :
1. Kumpulkan feeder yang sama (Wind Wesel, Phantom Pillow, Rat Clan henchman, Kaede, dll) sebanyak 4 buah
2. Pilih "Fuse", kemudian "Fusion Regular" dan akhirnya jenis feeder yang dipakai (Phantom, Divina atau Anima).
3. Cari feeder dalam daftar daemon dan pilih "Enhance daemon", kemudian pilih "bulk fusion", pilih jenis feeder (Phantom, Divina atau Anima).
4. Pilih tiga kartu feeder dan tekan "bulk fusion".
5. Hasilnya akan menjadi kartu level 5-6. Gunakan kartu tersebut untuk fusion pada kartu dg jenis yg sama (Phantom, Divina atau Anima).
Tips umum:
1. Tempat terbaik untuk farming feeder 2-2-1. Untuk 1 health Anda bisa mendapatkan salah satu dari Phantom Pillow, Divina Magatama, Wind Wessel atau Kaede.
* 2-2-1 = Story - Chapter Two: Introducing Anima - 2. The Souls of Objects - Kita Sando: Investigation
2. Gunakan skilled feeder hanya pada skilled daemon
3. Jika memungkinkan, gunakan skilled feeder untuk fusion dg daemon yang skillnya sama
4. Skill dapat ditingkatkan bahkan setelah daemon telah mencapai level maksimum
5. Dengan "big success", Anda hanya perlu kartu feeder dua buah dalam langkah nomor 4
6. Kartu yang sudah level up tidak muncul di "bulk fusion"
7. Disarankan hanya menaikkan health diawal2 level. karena disaat level sudah besar dalam satu hari anda hanya akan naik level 1 kali, dan lebih disarankan fokus pada atk/def setelah itu.
8. Tabung Silver apple dan cabal chain , ada 2 pilihan untuk dapet demon *4, antara beli deneb atk2900/def3150/spirit 27 seharga 100 silver apple atau ditukar 10 cabal chain (bisa kurang kalau ente sudah nabung dari awal2) untuk negotiate Kitanokoubai (muncul di 8-2-1) Spirit: 26 ATK: 2200DEF: 3110Skill: Phantom Defense up. Atau kalo ente merasa hoki bisa negotiate dia silahkan saja
klo gk salah ni game selain di android juga ada di iOS