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**10 Kebiasaan Orang Indonesia, Yang Unik di Mata Dunia**
emoticon-shakehandGan, ini Thread Pertama Ane di The Lounge, Mohon Dukunganya Gan emoticon-shakehand

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10 Kebiasaan Orang Indonesia, Yang Unik di Mata Dunia

**10 Kebiasaan Orang Indonesia, Yang Unik di Mata Dunia**

Keindahan geografi, keunikan budaya, serta keramahan penduduk Indonesia menarik banyak wisatawan asing untuk mampir di negara kita tercinta ini. Bahkan tidak sedikit dari mereka yang cinta mati, dan akhirnya menetap di Indonesia.

Berikut adalah 10 kebiasaan orang indonesia, yang dianggap unik oleh para wisatawan asing ketika berkunjung ke indonesia.

1. Indonesians are obsessed with NOSE. The straighter the better! That's why some people favored western people to have babies with.
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2. Indonesians eat RICE two to three times a day. The rule of 40% carbs doesn't fit them. The rice should be like 60%. It's getting worse when it comes to Men, in particular those who has a job with physical  exercise
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3. Indonesians think atheist is communist. It is because of Soeharto's regime propaganda which has never been properly encountered up to the present moment.
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4. Sometimes some Indonesians are confusing bribery and charity, that explains why Indonesian corruption index are horribly high.
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5. Most Indonesians have issues with linguistic, they rarely finish their sentences and simply think their counterparts understand what they are about to say even though they don't say it. 
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6. Most Indonesian women think their husband HAS TO provide her everything, because it's his job. Even if the women are financially Independent. 
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7. Indonesians cannot eat without mashed chilies (sambal) or chilies sauces
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8. Indonesians love the idea of going to the beach and sunbathing, just because the westerns do so, but during sunbathing they are busy to think how to lighten their skin back
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9. Indonesians think traveling overseas is cool, overseas duty trip is kinda rewards. The upper middle class go to Sin or HK to go shopping, buying stuffs that are available in any stores in Indonesia. One more thing, Indonesians think what is the point of traveling overseas if you don't have picture of you in front of every landmark in the destinations. Even worse, they bring DSLR ask others to take pictures of them, instead of to take pictures. 
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Sekian gan, Terimakasih sudah mampir, menurut ane beda negara beda budaya, bagaimanapun juga Indonesia tetap di hati ane
Maaf gan kalo kurang berkenan, ane masih newbie emoticon-Malu (S)
Bagi cendolnya gan biar ane semangat posting hehe, Kalo agan ada point yang perlu ditambahkan nanti ane pasang di pejwan emoticon-shakehand

Nih ide dari agan agan sementara ane tampung duluemoticon-Kiss
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Makasih buat Kaskuser yang udah komeng di thread sederhana ini, Maav karena tidak semua bisa terpejwan kan karena adanya limit dalam berkata-kata, tapi jujur aja pendapat dari kaskuser sangat Luar biasa dan ada beberapa yang nampar banget ke ane. Makacih agan agan sekalianemoticon-I Love Kaskus (S)

Diubah oleh gatotkacasraya 17-07-2013 05:00
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