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[Prikitiw] Bule Nyasar Di Jalur Bus Way :D

Permisi agan2, ane mau cerita pengalaman Temen ane emoticon-Malu
Seputar Bus Way

Tolong Di Rate 5 aja ya gan , , ane kgk Haus jdi gk minta Cendol..
Tpi klo agan ngasih , alhamdullilah.. Rezeki kgk boleh di tolak yagasih? emoticon-Ngakak

Spoiler for Temen Lama Ane Gan:

[SPOILER=Oke Langsung aja ane Critain dkit ya agan / sista]

Jdi, ane punya tmn Layla Swindell, Do'I Main ke Indonesia pertama kali, dalam rangka urusan kluarganya, ane kenal sma dia dri kecil gan..
Lahir dimari , tpi gede nya di UK otomatis kgk bsa bahasa Indonesia...
Dan, Do'I smpe Jakarta tgl 25 Juni.. Dan ane tau dia pulang setelah
Tmn Rumah ane yg cwe.. Dan ane wktu itu lgi di Padang emoticon-Turut Berdukapulang kampung ambo uda/uni, jdi ane gk smpet ktemuan langsung sma dia, alhasil ane di kasih pin bb nya dan mulai ngobrol2 deh emoticon-Malu[/IMG][/URL]

Skarang agan yg tampan dan sista cantik sudah ngerti critanyakan?
Oke Lanjut !!

Sekurang Lebih nya sperti ini gan cerita Tragedi "Bus Way" yg di alami Do"I emoticon-Genit
Percakapan lewat Telpon dngan Do'I emoticon-Malu
[SPOILER=Who's Wrong Me Or Them?!?/ sista]
I have problem with police man a couple days before
There's some text "bus way" So I take that way, for escape from traffic, a was drive a mini bus, and view minute latter the police officer make a sign to me, he want me to pull over..

I was wondering, and say "yes !!?" With stare in my whole face .
And he say in Bahasa , I don't know what he talking about ?!?!??
"I just and only Speak in English !..."
He just just laughing at me .... And he Speak "you wrong way"

"Hey dude, i was in perfect line of Bus Way, and wrong way ! We just take in bus way ! Because I'm driving some mini bus ,, so what's the problem "
Again*** the policeman just laughing.....
At leash the police man call some 1 can speak in english,,
And he arrive not longer,.
Policeman : can you understand?? You was drive in wrong way , this line just for bus way
I say : yah ! I know ! And I take that line because I was drive mini bus ! This vehicle wasn't mini bus in your mind ?? Sir !?
Policeman : yes I know this vehicle was mini bus, but this line just only for "transjakarta bus"
Okay, good job Jakarta !
Who's wrong ? In this case ? This place make us laughing LOL

Bgitu sekira nya gan yg dia omongin di tlpon, jujur aja ane kgk kebagian ngomong emoticon-Malu, ternyata dia bawel bgt gan emoticon-Ngakak

Thanks agan & Sista yg sudah berkunjung d thread ane emoticon-Malu

Untuk yg bertanya "mana foto agan b2 sma dia?"
Ane cuma bsa jawab, pda saat itu ane pulkam k padang gan emoticon-Turut Berduka
Pas, ane pulang dri kampung.. Dia juga pulang ke UK gan emoticon-Mewek,
Beribu2 maaf ya gan & sist emoticon-Mewek
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