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Syria Kurdistan Bersatu Menyatakan Siap Berperang Melawan Al-Qaeda/Al-Nusra Di Suriah
Masyarakat Syria Kurdistan Bersatu Menyatakan Siap Berperang Melawan Kelompok Al-Qaeda/Al-Nusra Di Suriah Utara

Syrian Kurds urged to rise up against jihadists

DAMASCUS: Syria’s main Kurdish militia Tuesday issued a call to arms to battle jihadists after a Kurdish leader was killed weeks into clashes between the minority group and radical Islamists.

The call came as regime warplanes staged new airstrikes in Aleppo and Homs provinces, killing at least 11 children, the opposition-aligned Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

“We call on the Kurdish people … to step forward … Anyone fit to bear arms should join the ranks of the Committees for the Protection of the Kurdish People [YPG] and to face the assaults of these [jihadist] armed groups,” said a YPG statement published on a Kurdish website.

Isa Huso, a prominent Kurdish politician, was slain as he left his house in the Syrian Kurdish city of Qamishli, a pro-Kurdish news agency reported.

His killing raised to new heights Syrian Kurdish resentment against the main opposition National Coalition and mainstream rebel Free Syrian Army.

“Despite our repeated calls to the National Coalition and the Free Syrian Army command … to date these parties have failed to take a clear position” against the radicals, the YPG statement said.

It said that two weeks since fierce clashes erupted between jihadists and Kurds, it was clear most FSA battalions were coordinating with jihadist groups.

It singled out the Nusra Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, saying that they and the FSA “have become one side in attacking the Kurdish people.”

A Kurdish politician and member of the Syrian National Council – which is opposed to President Bashar Assad’s regime – said the call to arms came as no surprise.

“These obscurantist groups [Al-Nusra and ISIS] are not focusing on Homs [in central Syria] or Damascus province, where there are open battles against the regime,” Mohammad Mustafa told AFP via the Internet.

“Instead, they are assaulting areas that have fallen out of regime control, and attacking the Kurds.

“I have warned the opposition many times, but the opposition has done nothing to stop them.

“They accuse the Kurds of being pro-regime, when in fact it is the jihadists who are helping the regime and all those who want to see Syria’s future destroyed,” Mustafa added.

Clashes between jihadists and Kurdish fighters have raged for some two weeks, intensifying after jihadists were expelled from the key town of Ras al-Ain on the Turkish border.

Marginalized for decades by Damascus, Syria’s Kurds and their fighters have tried to ensure that neither regime forces nor the opposition takes control of its areas.

Elsewhere, mortar bomb attacks and air raids in Homs and Aleppo killed at least 17 people, activists and government officials said Tuesday.

The deadliest attack struck the central city of Homs, which has been an opposition stronghold since the beginning of the conflict and is now the target of a withering offensive by Assad’s forces.

Three mortar bombs slammed into a government-held district of Dablan around midnight Monday, killing 10 people and wounding 26 others, according to humanitarian aid workers.

A government official said many living in the neighborhood fled there to escape fighting elsewhere in Homs. Both spoke on condition of anonymity.

The Observatory said 11 people – including a child – were killed. Hospital officials reported the attack late Monday close to midnight.

Earlier, a family of seven, including four children, who had fled the army’s recapture of Khaldieh district in Homs city was also killed in a raid.

Homs has been the center of protests against Assad’s rule since the Syrian revolt started in March 2011.

In recent weeks, the city has been the scene of fierce fighting between Assad’s troops and rebels fighting to topple his regime.

Government troops captured Homs’ strategic area of Khaldieh Monday after a monthlong battle, bringing Assad’s regime closer to its goal of capturing all of Syria’s third largest city.

In northern Syria, regime warplanes hit the town of Andan, killing seven people, including five children, the Observatory said.

Kurds vow fight extremists in Syria

BEIRUT (AP) — A powerful Kurdish militia said Tuesday it is mobilizing against al-Qaida-linked rebels in northeastern Syria after a Kurdish opposition leader was killed in the area.

The fight between the Kurds and the extremists has become a war within a war in Syria’s oil-rich region. Clashes between Kurdish gunmen and members of al-Qaida-linked Jabhat al-Nusra and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant over the past weeks left dozens of gunmen dead from both sides.

The fighting claimed a prominent casualty Tuesday, as a car bomb killed Kurdish leader Issa Hisso, said the Kurdish Democratic Union Party, the most powerful faction of the ethnic group in the region.

Syria Kurdistan saat ini berada dalam posisi netral
Di Dalam kelompok syria kurdistan army terdapat faksi sunni,sufi & sekuler
dan mereka berperang hanya untuk satu yaitu kemerdekaan,perdamaian & kebebasan rakyat kurdistan...............
mau assad,fsa atau Al-Qaeda mereka siap untuk melawan..........

Dan musuh utama mereka saat ini adalah Tentara Khawarij Al-Nusra/Al-Qaeda Para Anjing Dari Neraka seperti yg di peringatkan oleh Rasul di masa lalu

“Akan keluar di akhir zaman, suatu kaum yang muda-muda umurnya lagi pendek akalnya. Mereka mengucapkan ucapan sebaik-baik manusia. Mereka membaca Al-Qur’an (tapi) tidak melewati kerongkongan mereka. Mereka melesat (keluar) dari (batas-batas) agama ini seperti melesatnya anak panah dari (sasaran) buruannya. Maka jika kalian mendapati mereka(Khawarij), perangilah mereka! Karena sesungguhnya orang-orang yang memerangi mereka akan mendapat pahala di sisi Allah pada hari kiamat” .(HR. Al Bukhari (6930) Muslim (1066))

“Sesungguhnya diantara keturunan orang ini, ada suatu kaum yang mereka itu ahli membaca Al-Qur’an, namun bacaan tersebut tidaklah melewati tenggorokan mereka. Mereka melesat (keluar) dari (batas-batas) agama seperti melesatnya anak panah dari (sasaran) buruannya. Mereka membunuh orang-orang Islam dan membiarkan hidup para penyembah berhala. Jika aku sempat mendapati mereka, akan aku bunuh mereka dengan cara pembunuhan terhadap kaum ‘Aad.” (HR. Al Bukhari dalam Kitab Ahadits Al-Anbiya’ (3344) Muslim dalam Kitab Az-Zakah (2448), Abu Dawud dalam Kitab As-Sunnah (4764), dan An-Nasa’iy dalam Kitab Tahrim Ad-Daam (4112)).

“Ketika kami bersama Rasulullah -Sholllallahu alaihi wa sallam- , beliau sedang membagi ghonimah, tiba-tiba Dzul Khuwaishirah –seseorang dari Bani Tamim- mendatangi beliau kemudian berkata, ‘Wahai Rasulullah berbuat adillah!!” Rasulullah -Sholllallahu alaihi wa sallam- bersabda, “Celaka engkau, siapa lagi yang bisa berbuat adil jika saya sudah (dikatakan) tidak adil. Sungguh celaka dan rugi jika saya tidak bisa berbuat adil”. Maka Umar berkata,”Wahai Rasulullah, izinkan saya untuk memenggal lehernya! ”Rasulullah -Sholllallahu alaihi wa sallam- bersabda, “Biarkan dia. Sesungguhnya dia mempunyai pengikut, dimana kalian akan merendahkan (menganggap kecil) shalat kalian dibanding shalat mereka, puasa kalian dibanding puasa mereka. Mereka membaca Al-Qur’an, tapi tidak mencapai tenggorokan mereka. Mereka melesat dari (batas-batas) agama seperti melesatnya anak panah dari sasaran (buruan)nya…”. (HR. Al-Bukhari dalam Kitab Al-Manakib (3610) dan Muslim dalam Kitab Az-Zakah (2453)).

Jahannam Hellfire Is Better Place For Khawarij People Dog Of Hell Forever

Stay Neutral.........Fight & Protect You Family.........
That Is The Best Choice In Syria War,,,,,,,,
Diubah oleh MuslimAirForce 31-07-2013 11:31
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