FIFA 13 Official Thread - Join The Club - Part 1
Devolper : EA Canada | Publisher : Electronic Arts | Genre : Sports | Release Date : 25 September 2012 US / 28 September 2012 UK
Indeks Thread :
System Requirements :
System Requirements :
Minimum System Requirements
OS: Windows Vista SP1 / Windows 7
CPU: 1.8 GHz Core 2 Duo
RAM: 2GB RAM for Windows Vista & Windows 7
Disc Drive: DVD-ROM at 8x Speed
Hard Drive: 8.0 GB, with additional space required for saved games and DirectX 9.0c installation
Video: 3D accelerated 256 MB video card with support for Pixel Shader 3.0
Minimum Supported Video Cards: ATI Radeon HD 3600, NVIDIA GeForce 6800GT
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c
Input: Keyboard, Mouse, Dual Analogue gamepad, VOIP Headset
Online Multiplayer: 2-22 players, 512 kbits/sec or faster
Single System Multiplayer: 2-5 players on 1 PC
Recommended System Requirements
OS: Windows Vista SP1 / Windows 7
CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4g / AMD Athlon II X4 600e 2.2g
RAM: 2GB RAM for Windows Vista & Windows 7
Disc Drive: DVD-ROM at 8x Speed
Hard Drive: 8.0 GB, with additional space required for saved games and DirectX 9.0c installation
Video: Nvidia 8800 GT / ATI Radeon HD 4650
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c
Input: Keyboard, Mouse, Dual Analogue gamepad, VOIP Headset
Online Multiplayer: 2-22 players, 512 kbits/sec or faster
Single System Multiplayer: 2-5 players on 1 PC
OS: Windows Vista SP1 / Windows 7
CPU: 1.8 GHz Core 2 Duo
RAM: 2GB RAM for Windows Vista & Windows 7
Disc Drive: DVD-ROM at 8x Speed
Hard Drive: 8.0 GB, with additional space required for saved games and DirectX 9.0c installation
Video: 3D accelerated 256 MB video card with support for Pixel Shader 3.0
Minimum Supported Video Cards: ATI Radeon HD 3600, NVIDIA GeForce 6800GT
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c
Input: Keyboard, Mouse, Dual Analogue gamepad, VOIP Headset
Online Multiplayer: 2-22 players, 512 kbits/sec or faster
Single System Multiplayer: 2-5 players on 1 PC
Recommended System Requirements
OS: Windows Vista SP1 / Windows 7
CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4g / AMD Athlon II X4 600e 2.2g
RAM: 2GB RAM for Windows Vista & Windows 7
Disc Drive: DVD-ROM at 8x Speed
Hard Drive: 8.0 GB, with additional space required for saved games and DirectX 9.0c installation
Video: Nvidia 8800 GT / ATI Radeon HD 4650
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c
Input: Keyboard, Mouse, Dual Analogue gamepad, VOIP Headset
Online Multiplayer: 2-22 players, 512 kbits/sec or faster
Single System Multiplayer: 2-5 players on 1 PC
Spoiler for ss:
- Be NICE to Other Kaskusers! (except to rules breaker aka idiots)
- Gunakanlah bahasa Indonesia yang bisa dimengerti user lain.
- Selalu baca page one, dari awal sampai akhir sebelum memulai posting.
- Cek terlebih dahulu FAQagar masalah yang sudah pernah dibahas tidak diulangi-ulangi.
- No fanboy war, delete post atau bahkan ban permanen bakal langsung diberikan (dianggap rusuh)
- Dilarang PM TS atau penghuni lain menanyakan hal yang menyangkut game ini karena tidak akan dijawab. Pertanyaan harap langsung disampaikan di thread ini.
- Selalu usahakan menggunakan multiquote.
- Dilarang post shortlink/cashlink (adf.ly, zid*du, dsb)
- Diharuskan men-spoiler gambar yg berukuran melebihi 500x500
Quote:[spoiler=][img]gambar.jpg[img] - Diharapkan menggunakan multiquotejika ingin meng-quote postingan lebih dari satu
- Dilarang double posting dengan sengaja (pengecualian untuk sharing), absen, junk (pertamax, nice info, menuju TKP, dsb), spam, dll
- Dilarang berjualan/beriklan di thread ini.
- Dilarang menggunakan Signature dalam bentuk apapun, apalagi jual-beli.
- Dilarang post hal-hal di luar FIFA 13
Jangan protes kalo ada bata melayang, itu kesalahan Anda tidak membaca dengan cermat rules yang ada.
When you are in Rome, do as the romans do.
Di Mana Bumi Dipijak, Di Situ Langit Dijunjung.
When you are in Rome, do as the romans do.
Di Mana Bumi Dipijak, Di Situ Langit Dijunjung.
Diubah oleh TheNumberOneFan 13-10-2013 12:02
Komentar yang asik ya
Komentar yang asik ya
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