General Overview
Street Fighter X Tekken is a game similar in structure to Street Fighter 4 and Tekken Tag Tournament. Tactics are melded from both games to create the 2v2 battle system.
Unlike other team games the moment one of your characters goes down the round is over. It's important to manage the life bars of each character separately rather than acting as if they were one collective life bar.
Using the amazing Street Fighter IV engine, this game mixes 2D gameplay with fully realized 3D character models.
Fighters from Street Fighter and Tekken universes battle for domination in both new and familiar highly detailed environments that are brought to life with engaging animations.
In addition to modes such as Versus and Training that will feature new enhancements to make the fighting experience more in-depth and enjoyable, Street Fighter X Tekken will include Tag Team combat where players select two fighters to deliver knockout assist attacks and special combos.
main game berbasis windows live tanpa perlu buat user atau login ke WindowsLive
krack into the game. Without going through the Games for Windows Live.
Play Game Without Games for Windows Live.
Copy 'XLive.dll' to the game directory to play without GFWL.
kracked by THETA.
sudah ane coba dan sukses. nanti user yang dipake adalah user name dari windows kita, bukan user (misal) player1 bawaan dari game. tapi kalo game sudah terlanjur jauh, jangan dipake. karena otomatis jika pake user windows kita. game akan mulai dari awal lagi. untuk kembali ke user sebelumnya, tinggal delete file xlive.dll
Cara pakai:
1. Extract file ke folder SFxTK (default: C:\Program Files\Capcom\Street Fighter X Tekken)
2. jalankan SFXTCC.exe
3. klik tombol ditengah, setelah itu akan muncul notifikasi, klik ok.
4. Selsai.
Jika mau mengembalikan ke costume awal, ulangin langkah diatas. SOURCE(credit: tkwlee from 3DMGAME)
Cara Moding Costume
Original Posted By xagunkx►
lagipula ane mw share
karna di depan adalah milik tweekle (katanya sih ganti kostume all)
neh dari SEGA_Sakura4 (karna dy ganti kostume karakter 1 per 1)
to TS mohon taruh d pjwan
Cara na :
extrack dlu ke game directory agan2
kemudian :
Spoiler for Klik Ini:
contoh kostum yang berhasil di swap
Spoiler for Abel BWkill:
Bonus :
Spoiler for minta Link by PM:
link Download beserta Cara2 na (yg kgak kwt karna BW kill) include d dalamna tinggal extrack : Link Lokalpass: nama forum ini
Setting Controller
Bagi pengguna stick selain stik xbox 360(abal2 dll) bisa mengunakan software emu xbox360 untuk setting secara otomatis.
caranya tinggal ekstrak dan taruh di folder dir game. dan ikuti petunjuknya. software
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