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ZIP Abraham Materials. “Ask and It Is Given”. Esther went to the channeler Sheila Gillette who channels Theo a group of 12 Arch Angelic Beings (see Theo Group). Theo told Esther that she would soon be channeling Abraham. Abraham's messages are full of the joy of spirit and its creative nature.

PDF (Scanned Book) “PLEIADIAN WORKBOOK – AWAKENING YOUR DIVINE KA” by Amorah Quan Yin, 1996. The Pleiadian Workbook is a direct transmission from the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light - light beings from the Pleiades – who say it’s time now for spiritual growth, ascension, and healing. Through Amorah Quan Yin, we are taught to open our “Ka Channels”, which pull energy from our multidimensional, holographic selves into our physical bodies. These galactic healing techniques align us with our divine selves, raise our vibratory rates, and rejuvenate and balance our bodies. while accelerating spiritual evolution and stimulating emotional healing. Original price: USD$ 18.00,- Can be free download at:

PDF (Scanned Book) “PLEIADIAN INITIATIONS OF LIGHT” (by Christine Day, 2010.) Original price: USD$ 18.95,- Can be free download at:

Audio CD 1 & 2 (already audiograbbed into MP3 format for Handphone) which accompany above book “Pleiadian Initiations of Light” (by Christine Day, 2010.) are:

Separated Audio CD. Pleiadian Energy. “HEALING THE BRAIN.” This audio CD is specifically designed to work directly within the cells of the brain to assist with any brain or nervous system dysfunction. It can be used for brain injuries, epilepsy, stroke, dyslexia, ADD, autism, MS, brain tumors, and following any form of brain surgery. It can also be used to stimulate a higher level of brain function. Play this CD on a daily basis to support the healing of any brain dysfunction, as well as for healing and rejuvenating the cells of the brain. (already in MP3-audio format for Handphone, audiograbbed from original CD). Original price: USD$ 12.95,- Can be free download at: http://www.4*

Separated Audio CD. Pleiadian Energy. “BIRTHING THE SACRED HEART: MANIFESTING YOUR “HEART’S” DESIRE.” All manifestation must be done through the Sacred Heart. This audio CD will take you on a journey into and through your Sacred Heart, thereby enabling you to activate the manifestation of your heart’s desire into your life right now. Each time you listen to this CD you will birth into another level of your Sacred Heart and bring yet another level of your heart’s desire into reality. (already in MP3-audio format for Handphone, audiograbbed from original CD). Original price: USD$ 12.95,- Can be free download at:

Separated Audio CD. Pleiadian Energy. “LETTING GO.” The Letting Go energy transmitted by the Pleiadians in this audio CD will help you loosen your grip on all that you have been holding onto; all the guilt, shame, self-condemnation, anger, fear , and pain of your experiences. Working with the conscious breath, you will free yourself to move forward and open up to new opportunities that life brings to you. This channeled material with the letting go energy is multi-dimensional in nature, so each time you listen to the CD you will liberate yourself to another level.Be aware that “letting go” may release deep emotions held in the cells. Remember to breathe, and know that these emotions are leaving the cells. (already in MP3-audio format for Handphone, audiograbbed from original CD). Original price: USD$ 12.95,- Can be free download at:

PDF (Scanned Book) “MAHATMA I & II – THE I AM PRESENCE” by Brian Grattan, 1994. What all of mankind have learned in the past about creation is the way that existence isn’t – a paradox! “I, Vywamus, think that this (Mahatma) is the most important thing that’s happened on your earth and for humanity.” Awaken and realize that all of mankind will create their “body for Ascension,” whether they accomplish this now or later, and that this is not the exclusive domain of Christ or Buddha or many others who have ascended – this is your birthright. You are not relegated to worshipping those who have already done this basic initiation called Ascension. Christ and Buddha would be the first to acknowledge that they are just beginners on their eternal journey. When mankind lift the veils of their unworthiness and recognize that they are the Sons of God, that there is divine equality and no one is greater than another, then you will have begun your journey in the way that it was intended. In your near future your Planetary Hierarchy will release the world from theology, ecclesiasticism and the wrathful Jehovah and return humanity to its rightful journey into spiritualizing matter, not worshipping it! The Mahatma is for those who are motivated to search for the answers that can respond to their mental and spiritual bodies. In the past, mankind’s choices of beliefs and religions have supported only the emotional body and the darker, material side of life. And truly, if one is going to remain on Earth, very drastic shifts of consciousness will be required to have mankind remain in Earth’s new fourth-dimensional reality. No matter how contrary to your current beliefs, this book contains methods for creating your spiritual Lightbody for Ascension, and it also explains your eternal journey in a way that was never before available to mankind. $19.95 . Can be free-download at:

PDF (Scanned Book) “SPIRIT ALLIES” by Christopher Penczak. Manual of how to communicate with your “Spiritual Team”. Can be downloaded free at:

Free PDF. “TRANSMISSION MEDITATION”. Meditation for the service of humanity (Non-profit and Non-organizational membership) which channeled aquarius energy and Ascended Masters of Earth. Help the world ... and yourself! The next step in today's 'spiritual revolution' is putting the gains of personal development to work for the world, says Benjamin Creme. In a new, expanded 4th edition of his book, Transmission - A Meditation for the New Age, Creme explains that the time is past to focus on one's own spiritual progress without engaging in some form of service. Transmission Meditation, he says, is the simplest way to do both - at the same time. Transmission Meditation is a group service activity which 'steps down' the great spiritual energies that continually stream into our planet, focused by the Masters of Wisdom - our 'Elder Brothers'. This process, which makes the energies more useful to humanity, is like that of electrical transformers that step down the power between generators and household outlets. These transformed spiritual energies, Creme explains, are gradually uplifting all life forms and changing our world for the better. "What is unique about this work," says Creme, "is its simplicity. It is a perfect vehicle for the aspirations of very busy people. It is safe, highly scientific, non-denominational, free of any charge, and unbelievably potent. It is a service in which we can involve ourselves for the rest of our lives and know that we are helping in the great transformation to a more just and compassionate world. At the same time I know of no other form of service which makes for such far reaching and fast spiritual growth." The preface includes Creme's extraordinary account of his 40-year collaboration with a Master of Wisdom, and how it led to his primary work of preparing the way for Maitreya, World Teacher for the coming age. Can be downloaded free at:

Free PDF from book “Complete Ascension Manual” by Joshua David Stones, Ph.D

Free PDF from book “Seth Speaks” by Jane Roberts.

Zip PDF from books by Neale Donald Walsch.

Reiki Music MP3 free-download. With Bell for each 3 minutes to accompany Reiki Postures, basic level. http://www.4*

Free distant attunement, of Reiki Healing Art. For Level 1 (Basic), Level 2 (Advanced), Level 3 (Master). Free at:

Free PDF from book “Mahatma Ascension Reiki”

Pesan-pesan Ascended Master Maitreya
Buku: http://www.4*
MP3-Audio-Channeling-part-1: http://www.4*
MP3-Audio-Channeling-part-2: http://www.4*
MP3-Audio-Channeling-part-3: http://www.4*
MP3-Audio-Channeling-part-4: http://www.4*

Diubah oleh gampilpisan 24-07-2013 12:13
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