Terima kasih banyak buat Tuhan YME, buat mimin, momod, agan dan aganwati yang udah buat jadi HT ke 1 ane
Setelah TS baca komen2nya, TS mau meluruskan : ini bukan kartu yg bisa ngeramal, TS sendiri ga percaya ramalan, krna hanya Tuhan yg tau masa depan .Tp mnrt TS kartu ini dibuat brdasar strateginy iluminati, jd ap yg akan iluminati lakukan mgkin hmpir sma sama kartu ini, sekali lagi, ini bukan kartu Peramal!
A. Apa itu Iluminati Card Game?
Illuminati card game adalah sebuah standalone permainan kartu dibuat oleh Steve Jackson Game(SJG), terinspirasi oleh The Illuminatus! oleh Robert Anton Wilson dan Robert Shea .Permainan memiliki perkumpulan rahasia dengan bersaing satu sama lain untuk mengendalikan dunia melalui cara-cara jahat, termasuk hukum, ilegal, dan bahkan mistis .Ia dirancang dan diadaptasi dari teori konspirasi . Ini berisi kelompok bernama sama dengan organisasi dunia nyata, seperti Society for Creative Anarchy and the Semiconscious Liberation Army . Game ini dapat dimainkan oleh dua sampai delapan pemain. Tergantung pada jumlah pemain, permainan bisa memakan waktu antara satu dan enam jam.
B. Sejarah Permainan
In September 1981, (US) and her regular freelance cover artist Dave Martin discussed their shared admiration of the Illuminatus! Trilogy, and the latter suggested a game. Steve Jackson decided against adapting the novel because of the expense of game rights, and the difficulty of adapting a novel with such convoluted plots. He decided "a game about thesecret-conspiracy idea behind Illuminatus!" was doable. After doing research on the Illuminati and conspiracy theories, and "extensive and enthusiastic playtesting" it went on the market in July 1982 in the Pocket Box format (a plastic box the size of a mass-market paperback) which was at the time the usual for SJG. Over the next few years, three expansions for the Pocket Box Illuminati game were publishedthe first two were substantially incorporated into the deluxe edition, while the third was an earlier version of what would become Illuminati: Brainwash.
Robert Shea provided a four-paragraph introduction to the rulebook for the Illuminati Expansion Set 1 (1983), in which he wrote, "Maybe the Illuminati are behind this game. They must bethey are, by definition, behind everything." Despite this initial involvement, Wilson later criticized some of these products for exploiting the Illuminatus! name without paying royalties (taking advantage of what he viewed as a legal loophole).[3] Later commentators have attributed both the game and the Illuminatus! Trilogy as using real conspiracies as "targets of ridicule."[4]
C. Sekilas Tentang Aturan Main
Permainan ini dimainkan dengan cara mengambil, menghancurkan dan menetralisir grup yang bebas atau milik orang lain. Lawan Bisa mempertahankan Grup, menggunakan taktik tertentu dan lainnya. Satu Boxnya terdiri dari 6 kartu Illuminati: The Bavarian Illuminati, The Discordian Society, The Ufo's , The Servants Of Cthulhu, The Bermuda Triangle, The Gnomes Of Zurich, Society Of Assassins, The Network, Church Of SubGenius, dan Shangri-la. Kartu Illuminati ini Akan mengambil Grup lain, grup tersebut bisa mengambil grup lain juga.
Kartu ini dibuat di era 90an, banyak dari kartu ini, yg persis terjadi di tahun2 berikutnya , mungkin pembuat kartu udah tau rencana iluminati, dan kemungkinan beberapa kartu yg belum terjadi di kehidupan nyata, terjadi kedepan
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