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[EVENT] English Forum Gathering (Not a lounge)
As the title goes, this thread is dedicated to plan, take votes and inputs, and document everything regarding the (forthcoming) EF Gath(s). EF Gatherings are open for all kaskusers, especially frequent visitors of English Forum emoticon-Angkat Beer

I understand that not all of us stay in Jakarta, and many also stay abroad, and thus arranging an "all-in" gath would pose a challenge. But there are ways to overcome such matter, such as doing separate gaths in regions, just to be able to get to know each other better without having to wait for too long just to be able to make it to the "national" gath. But that's a suggestion, perhaps you would share an idea of your own?

Hopefully this first post will serve as an announcement board as well for future notifications. So people, roll your opinions about the gath here. emoticon-Angkat Beer



  1. Gatherings are done in different cities by EF-ers living in those cities. So, you should not say anything like "too bad, it's far from my place" or "when will the gath be held in my city?". The EFers in Bandung hold their own gath, and so are EFers in Jakarta, Yogya, etc. Our gatherings are decentralized. The FRs, however, along with the plannings, must only be documented here.

  2. Each post must use a title based on the city of the gathering, for example if you want to talk about something related to a gath in Jakarta, then write JABODETABEK in your post/reply title.

  3. This place is not a lounge. This thread is solely made for the purpose of discussing and planning everything there is regarding English Forum Gatherings. Casual talks are tolerable as long as it is still related to gatherings, before and after.

  4. Thread advertising is strictly prohibited here. Again, please do such in the lounge, that is if the moderator allows it.

  5. Posts that offend religion, ethnicity, race, and social groups (SARA) is forbidden here, as adhering to Kaskus' management's commitment to create a healthy forum for us all.

  6. Posts that expose pornography are also forbidden here. This rule applies to both materials posted here and links leading to that material within cyberspace. Debatable content will be subject to judgment by general impression.

  7. Please keep our discussions as civil and peaceful as possible. Arguments need not be conveyed in a manner of harsh and offensive statements even if you are a subscriber to the principle: 'better to be a good person than a nice person'.

  8. For the sake of order, Gathering Field Reports should be made using the format used in the FRs which have already been linked to the first page. Anyone may volunteer to work on an FR. Pictures, however, may be posted by others in different posts, yet please remember to link them all to the FR post itself.



  1. No SDLF (Sex, Drugs, Liquor, Fighting).

  2. Gathering activity must not infringe local regulations and public interest.

  3. English must be used throughout the gathering.

  4. Each participant pays for his/her own meal/needs, except if a volunteer is willing to provide them.

  5. Please arrive no later than an hour after the scheduled starting time of the gath.

  6. Use of Kaskus merchandise (e.g shirt) is recommended, either worn or given away as prize

  7. Have fun emoticon-Ngakak (S)

More or less rules will be mentioned here as according to developments. One can't have one too many rules, but one can't also have one too many mistakes emoticon-Smilie


PM me for any questions

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