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China Memimpin Dalam Pengeluaran Militer di Asia
China leads in Asia military spending

Military spending by Asia's major powers increased dramatically over the past decade, with China leading the way as its defence budget quadrupled since 2000, according to a newly released study.

Defence spending in China and four other Asian countries doubled over 10 years and will surpass Europe's military expenditures this year, the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington-based think tank, said on Monday.

Asia's arms race still leaves it trailing US defence spending, but it will ensure the United States likely will stick to its plan to shift the country's strategic focus towards the Asia-Pacific region, it said.

Defence spending in China, India, South Korea and Taiwan reached a total of $US224 billion (about $A220 billion) in 2011, which "equates to almost twice the amount spent by these five countries in 2000," said the CSIS study.

"With Asian defence spending projected to overtake that of Europe by the end of 2012, the United States' posture rebalancing toward the Asia-Pacific region is likely to continue," it said.

In 2005, China's military budget outstripped Japan's as the largest in Asia and recorded a 13.4 per cent annual rise that year.

Among all countries, China now ranks second behind the United States in total military spending, though the Pentagon budget still dwarfs Beijing's defence spending at more than $US600 billion a year.

Experts say China's emergence as a global economic giant has driven the spike in military spending, as Beijing seeks to assert its influence beyond its borders to safeguard its access to sea lanes and resources.

China's total defence budget grew from $US22.5 billion to $US89.9 billion between 2000 and 2011, said the report, citing official figures from the Beijing government.

But the study acknowledged that independent estimates put Chinese spending at a much higher level, with the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute estimating Beijing's 2011 defence budget at $US142.2 billion.

India's defence spending grew 47.6 per cent over the decade, reaching $US37 billion in 2011. Japan's military budget rose from $US40 to $US58.2 billion.

South Korea's defence investments swelled from $US17 to $US29 billion, while Taiwan's defence budget expanded at a slower pace, from $US8 billion in 2000 to $US10 billion in 2011.

Apart from Japan, which spent $US238,000 per soldier in 2011, the four other countries devoted $US28,000 to $US44,000 to training, paying and equipping each of its soldiers, the study said
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