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[Analis] AS Telah Kalah Perang di Afghanistan Sebelum Perang
A political analyst says that the United States lost its war in Afghanistan before it was launched more than a decade ago, Press TV reports.

“I think that there’s a recognition that this is a war that cannot be won. There’s an old song from the Vietnam era by the great songwriter Phil Ochs who said we’re fighting in a war we lost before the war began. He was talking about Vietnam but it certainly is true of Afghanistan,” Institute for Policy Studies’ Phyllis Bennis said in an interview with Press TV on Tuesday.

The analyst pointed to the growing number of green-on-blue attacks or insider killings, resulting in the deaths of US-led troops in the war-torn country as proof of escalating anti-US sentiment in Afghanistan.

“Once they’re in the military, it doesn’t mean that they lose their political thinking. In the case of Afghanistan, the fact that a young man may join the military doesn’t mean that he stops resenting, powerfully, the US occupation of his country.”

She added that many young people in Afghanistan, like young people in many other countries, simply join the military because they need a job.

According to Bennis, US and NATO officials say 25 percent of these killings “appear to be carried out by Taliban infiltrators in the military or the police.”

This is while the other 75 percent seems to be rooted in “personal disagreements.”

“I think those so-called personal disagreements, in fact, are reflective of massive public opposition to the presence of the US and NATO troops,” she added.

“The problem is a political one. The problem is the reluctance by anyone in power in Washington to say this war is over -- we have failed and we need to get out now; not at the end of 2014 when we will withdraw combat troops and keep the trainers and keep the Special Forces, but fully withdraw immediately.”

Asu negara lain mungkin bisa ente kuasai dan taklukkan tapi ini negara udah bawa temen NATO main keroyokan kok letoy dan masih gengsi ni ye mengakui emoticon-Malu emoticon-Cool
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