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Refund Tiket Garuda tidak Kunjung di bayar,padahal sdh berbulan.
SEBELUMNYA saya ucapakan terima kasih kepada kaskus, saya tidak tau mengadu kemana lagi.
saya membeli tiket jurusan jpn-osaka,pp pada tanggal, 01 aug 2012, dgn kode booking (Q625KU) dan seakrang sdh di hapus , dgn nmr tiket: 126 2120933810
melalui internet via kartu kredit citibank.
dan tiket itu saya tidak saya pake , terus langsung saya refund.

sebelum saya membeli saya telah tlp ke cs garuda tny hal refund kata max 2 minggu kerja,
berikut aturan situs resmi garuda.

Fare Ticketing

(?) What is a CHILD or INFANT FARE?
(+) Child fare means a fare for a person who has reached his/her 2nd but not yet his/her 12th birthday at the start of travel. Infant fare means the fare for a person who has not reached his/her 2nd birthday.

(?) How can I get more information about the range of prices Garuda Indonesia offers?
(+) Call Garuda Indonesia Call Center 0804 1 807 807 or (021) 2351 9999, any Garuda Indonesia sales office, or your travel agent.

(?) Which destinations have a range of prices?
(+) All GA destinations, domestic and international, have a range of prices.

(?) Why do ticket prices change from time to time?
(+) To accommodate market dynamics / customer needs.

(?) What is ticket flexibility?
(+) Ticket rules/conditions that are attached to tickets are specified according to fares chosen by the customer.

(?) Why should there be a range of prices for the same destination?
(+) To provide specific services to customers of various segments.

(?) What is the difference between Economy and Executive Class?
(+) Economy class offers seating standards equal to “Tourist Class" and less than standards provided for Executive Class. Executive Class offers superior seating standards than those provided on economy / tourist class.

(?) I have a refundable Garuda Indonesia ticket that I am not going to be able to use. How can I obtain a refund?
(+) Unless specified in the fare conditions, an International / Domestic ticket can be refunded directly at any Garuda Indonesia sales office or travel agent’s office, which originally collected ticket payment. For further information, please call the Garuda Indonesia Call Center at Tel. 0804 1 807 807, any Garuda Indonesia sales office or travel agent.

(?) If I return my ticket, how long does it take to receive a refund?
(+) If a ticket is issued and refunded at the same Garuda Indonesia ticketing office, the refund will take approximately 2 weeks. The process may take longer if the ticket was issued by a travel agent.

(?) I have a non-refundable Garuda Indonesia ticket that I am not going to use. Can I still get a refund?
(+) We are sorry to say that this is not possible as it is against regulations.

(?) Can I change my ticket or get a refund if my plans were changed due to unforeseen circumstances?
(+) Yes. Your request will be considered and may be judged as an Involuntary Refund.

(?) I purchased a prepaid ticket for my friend and he did not travel. How do I get my refund?
(+) A ticket issued against a Prepaid Ticket Advice (PTA) will be refunded only to the sponsor of the PTA. The passenger may apply for refund in accordance with GA policy.

(?) Is it possible to up-grade my class to a higher one?
(+) Yes, it is possible. Go to the nearest Garuda Indonesia sales office to recalculate ticket payment.

(?) What is the easiest way to purchase a ticket?
(+) There are 5 different methods using our Garuda Indonesia on-line payment system: ATM, Phone Banking, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, or a Visa or MasterCard credit card. For more information on how to make a reservation and purchase a ticket, click here.

(?) How can an airline ticket be purchased without an ATM card or credit card?
(+) Cash payments are accepted at any Garuda Indonesia branch office or travel agent. Click for list of Garuda Indonesia branch offices.

(?) I lost my ticket. What should I do?
(+) If you lost an electronic ticket document, you can ask any Garuda Indonesia branch office or travel agent issuing office to re-print the ticket if you have proper proof of identity.
For further information call Garuda Indonesia Call Center at Tel 0804 1 807 807, or visit the nearest Garuda Indonesia sales office or travel agent.

(?) I need a Garuda Indonesia ticket cover for a formal report to my office. How can I get a ticket cover?
(+) Garuda Indonesia passengers can keep the ticket cover for personal use or copy their flight coupon before flying.

di atas sudah jelas prosesnya 2 minggu.

Pada tanggal 11 AUG 2012, saya ajukan refund , kepada garuda karena tidak jadi berangkat, terus email ke garuda indonesia,, mendapatkan sedang di proses,
dan saya pun tlp ke cs garuda untuk konfirmasi refund lg, kata tunggu 2 minggu,

Tapi sampe hari ini tanggal 12 SEpt 2012, saya masih belum terima dana yg di janjikan Garuda kepada saya,Yang akan di kreditkan ke Kartu kredit saya.
Dengan berbagai alasan garuda ,mereka berdalih bialng sudah transfer uangnya ke saya, tp saya juga belom terima dananya.

Setiap x saya telepon ke cs garuda mereka berdalih bahwa pihak terkait blom masih, dan segera di proses, saya sdh tlp 15 x , telepon ke garuda , setiap x ,telepon harus menjelaskan lebih rinci a-z kronologi, dan saya juga di oper2 oleh CS garuda , dan harus tunggu BErjam2 , sampe Ahkirnya juga egk ada penyelesaian dari garuda.

setelah Tlp saya ke CS 15x ketemu mr.heri ( bagian web)katanya , dan saya di kirim email pada tanggal :5 Sept 2012

TICKET NUMBER : 126 2120 933 810

Details of refund :


Back to credit card MASTER CARD XXX 9417

Demikian yang dapat kami sampaikan. atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terimakasih.

Salam Hormat,

Garuda Indonesia Online Booking Team
sampe hari ini juga tetap masih di proses, GMn kinerja Garuda , menurut anda,dan temen2 semua , Kata kelas international.

SAya juga megadu ke, karena di moderate isinya jd berbeda dgn kronoloy yg sebenarnya, dan tetap saya ucap terima kasih kepada
ini linknya:


, saya sdh tidak tau harus gmn mengadu dan menyelesaikan masalah ini dgn garuda , kapan uang refund transfer ke rek kartu kredit saya.

mereka juga berdalih bahwa mereka sdh transfer uang ke citibank, tapi saya cek ke citibank sama sekali tidak ada transaksi mengantung dari garuda indonesia.

INi bener saya merugikan saya sebagai KONSUMEN , Yg membeli tiket garuda indonesia, yang prosesnya berbulan2.sampe skrg tidak kunjung terima dana saya.

SAya ingat saudara2 hati2 membeli tiket garuda indonesia, mereka tidak konsisten pada aturan mereka sdr. Pada saat mereka terima uang dari kartu kredit kita SEcepat kilat, Tapi pas mau memrefund uang tiket kita berbulan, tidak kunjung di transfer, saya lihat komplain di kompas ada yg sampe 3bln, masih tidak di transfer.

Menurut temen2 pantaskah garuda indonesia, sekelas international, harus urus refund harus berbulan2, harus berkali2 telepon CS, dan tunggu2 berjam2, Padahal PEmbelian melalui Online , kartu kredit , seharusnya lebih cepat dan bukan di tempat AGEN travel , yg harus mendatangi agen yg kita beli.

dan MEraka menyuruh saya untung datang , ke garuda Sarinah, hanya untuk proses refund tiket garuda, padahal pembelian kita secara online.
Sunguh tidak Logis Maskapai yg terbesar indonesia , dalam hal Refund masih lelet. masih lebih baik LION AIR , menurut pengalaman REFUND cuma 3 minggu lsg di transfer ke kartu kita.

Agan2 mohon pencerahan dan penyelesaiinya gmn ?

Terima kasih atas dukungannya.
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