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BEWARE: Pembantu RT yg satu ini masak soup dgn darah MENSTRUASI !

BEWARE: Pembantu RT yg satu ini masak soup dgn darah MENSTRUASI !
Gan, mau share news heboh yg lg hot di SG
Original Post
STOMPer Ynez shares her horrible experience with this Indonesian maid that apparently collected her menstrual blood in a tea-bag and used it to cook soup for the family.
The STOMPer recounted:
"I want to warn the public that this maid is very dangerous.
"She collected her menstrual blood on facial cotton pads and secretly put them into a disposable tea bag to cook soup for our family!
"We cannot let this evil person do this type of black magic to anyone anymore.
"So please pass her picture around. She is from West Java, Bogor.
"Of all the 5 pictures I have posted, the ones taken indoors are all taken at my grandma's place when she was 'alone' at home with my grandma.
"Could she had taken the pictures herself?
"I have also started a Facebook group about employers who have had domestic maids who did nasty and evil deeds to them, to warn the public and also to let the public know that the maids are not always the victims.
source : http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/st...ith_blood.html
Ringkas Cerita (Translation):
Sy mau memperingatkan publik, PRT ini sangat berbahaya.
Dia mengumpulkan darah menstruasi dirinya dan diam2 memasukkkannya kedalam teabag dan menggunakannya untuk memasak sup utk keluarga saya!!
Saya tdk bs membiarkan org ini melakukan ilmu hitam ke org lain lagi, jadi tolong sebarkan foto dia, dia dari Jawa Barat, Bogor
Foto PRT nya

yg lbh penasaran mengenai news ini bisa join ke group nya di fb
semoga info ini bermanfaat, n hati2 dlm milih pembantu, skr pembantu ud pd aneh2 n makin berani....
btw,ane cuma share aja gan, inpo2 lebih lanjut mending lgs join group n tanya ama ex majikannya...skr ni PRT uda dipulangin ke bogor, jd waspada,sapa tau dia salah satu pembantu dirumah andaaaaaa!
Original Post
STOMPer Ynez shares her horrible experience with this Indonesian maid that apparently collected her menstrual blood in a tea-bag and used it to cook soup for the family.
The STOMPer recounted:
"I want to warn the public that this maid is very dangerous.
"She collected her menstrual blood on facial cotton pads and secretly put them into a disposable tea bag to cook soup for our family!
"We cannot let this evil person do this type of black magic to anyone anymore.
"So please pass her picture around. She is from West Java, Bogor.
"Of all the 5 pictures I have posted, the ones taken indoors are all taken at my grandma's place when she was 'alone' at home with my grandma.
"Could she had taken the pictures herself?
"I have also started a Facebook group about employers who have had domestic maids who did nasty and evil deeds to them, to warn the public and also to let the public know that the maids are not always the victims.
source : http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/st...ith_blood.html
Ringkas Cerita (Translation):
Sy mau memperingatkan publik, PRT ini sangat berbahaya.
Dia mengumpulkan darah menstruasi dirinya dan diam2 memasukkkannya kedalam teabag dan menggunakannya untuk memasak sup utk keluarga saya!!
Saya tdk bs membiarkan org ini melakukan ilmu hitam ke org lain lagi, jadi tolong sebarkan foto dia, dia dari Jawa Barat, Bogor
Foto PRT nya

yg lbh penasaran mengenai news ini bisa join ke group nya di fb
semoga info ini bermanfaat, n hati2 dlm milih pembantu, skr pembantu ud pd aneh2 n makin berani....
btw,ane cuma share aja gan, inpo2 lebih lanjut mending lgs join group n tanya ama ex majikannya...skr ni PRT uda dipulangin ke bogor, jd waspada,sapa tau dia salah satu pembantu dirumah andaaaaaa!

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