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[Share] Film Klasik Terbaik Yang Pernah Agan Tonton, Rekomendasikan Disini !
Definisi Film Klasik :

Classic Film Guide

What is the definition of a Classic Film? Well, it depends. Some would say that a "classic film" is any movie made during the days that the Hollywood studio system was in place. In those pre-1970's days, most actors and actresses were under exclusive contracts to a single studio. If they worked for another studio at all, it was usually because of a trade, or some other arrangement, between the studio bosses. Others would say that any film which receives wide acclaim from film critics, or with (e.g. Academy) award recognition, would earn the standard and should be dubbed a classic film. Unfortunately, both of these methods are suspect due to personal prejudices, errors of omission, and even corruption.


Yepp, langsung aja. Klo ane ini gan : 12 Angry Men

Kenapa ane pilih film ini : Dialognya itu lho gan, rasanya padat & ga ada yang sia-sia. Film ini juga mengajarkan kita untuk tidak mudah terpengaruh dengan pendapat mayoritas, klo kita merasa itu benar, ya dipertahankan dengan sepenuh hati. Rating dari ane : 9,1/10

Gimana dengan agan-agan semua ??? emoticon-Smilie emoticon-Smilie emoticon-Smilie


Film Klasik yang kece punya Based on Rekomendasi Para Kaskuser :

1. The Sound Of Music - Info

2. Seven Samurai - Info

3. Trilogi The Godfather - Info? Googling aja, buanyakkk kok emoticon-Big Grin

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