

DISGORGEAvatar border
[GENRE] BRUTAL DEATH METAL(Death Metal into more Extreme Level)
Cheers for all of you Guys!!!

First of all thread ini dikhususkan untuk para Barbarianyang telinganya akrab dengan musik berbau Gore,Cruel,Putrid,Abominable,Torturing,Violence,Rape,dan yang ganas-ganas lah pokok'e,hehehe!!

Maaf kalo saya sebagai TS baru ngepost 2 postingan emoticon-Stick Out Tongue,soalnya ID sebelumnya kurang mantep buat jadi kuncen thread ini, emoticon-Blue Guy Peace.Buat anak-anak Kaskus yang demen sama musik beraliran keras ini,disinilan tempat kalian untuk membahas band-band Brutal Death kesayangan,bisa juga promosi band,teknik,label,zine,shows,equipment,and stuff.

History of Brutal Death Metal :


Characteristics ofBrutal Death Metal :


Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brutal_death_metal

Spoiler for Attention please!:

Infected Disarray
[GENRE] BRUTAL DEATH METAL(Death Metal into more Extreme Level)

Myspace ofBrutal Death Metal bands :

[GENRE] BRUTAL DEATH METAL(Death Metal into more Extreme Level)
Spoiler for Disgorge(USA):

[GENRE] BRUTAL DEATH METAL(Death Metal into more Extreme Level)
Spoiler for Devourment:

[GENRE] BRUTAL DEATH METAL(Death Metal into more Extreme Level)
Spoiler for Inveracity:

[GENRE] BRUTAL DEATH METAL(Death Metal into more Extreme Level)
Spoiler for Cephalotripsy:

[GENRE] BRUTAL DEATH METAL(Death Metal into more Extreme Level)
Spoiler for Condemned:

[GENRE] BRUTAL DEATH METAL(Death Metal into more Extreme Level)
Spoiler for Digested Flesh:

[GENRE] BRUTAL DEATH METAL(Death Metal into more Extreme Level)
Spoiler for Infected Disarray:

[GENRE] BRUTAL DEATH METAL(Death Metal into more Extreme Level)
Spoiler for Guttural Engorgement:

[GENRE] BRUTAL DEATH METAL(Death Metal into more Extreme Level)
Spoiler for Putrid Pile:

[GENRE] BRUTAL DEATH METAL(Death Metal into more Extreme Level)
Spoiler for Kataplexia:

[GENRE] BRUTAL DEATH METAL(Death Metal into more Extreme Level)
Spoiler for Abominable Putridity:

More updated soon...
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