Kebetulan ada agan laptop ane acer gan v5. Ngomong kok beberaoa tombol yg difungsikan bareng tekan Fn ngga jalan ya gan spt contohnya sleep
Prihatin ane gan baca pengalaman agan. Semoga bisa didapatkan jalan keluar yg paling baik sesuai kehendak Allah.
Just share with you on the presentation that first of all you need to have an idea of what you like or understand then come with.the following aditional information and may be some jokes during the live presentaton.
Just share with you on the presentation that first of all you need to have an idea of what you like or understand then come with.the following aditional information and may be some jokes during the live presentaton.
Info bagus gan. Ane baru tau sejarahnya seperti itu. Ada yg bilang, kalau penipuan investasi, pasti bunganya akan "too good to be true".