Referee can make a mistake :p And I don't think just because of the Rodwell's dismissal we could win the game. Actually, I didn't consider that as help from referee, but more to referee's error on judging the situation :shakehand Oh yeah, did you reckon this name :confused: H...
What about old dusty 18 trophies? or Memory of Our glorious Era... :ngacir: Run for my life :metal: there's time for that :ngakaks but I'm still shocked on how twenty-something-million-goalkeeper stealing a DOUGHNUT #eaa :ngacir:
top 4 for sure, if not, Champion :beer: and what reason do I have to say this? Faith :beer: football is round, no one can predict it :D
Spectre all over Kaskus :matabelo: Anyway congratulation for all teams that win last night and on Saturday night :beer:
Didn't know you're in Japan :( Sorry :o Anyway, how's Japan :confused: Entering winter season I believe :D
tanya donk gan :D modem ini udah langsung unlock atau bagaimana sih dari smartfren-nya :confused: trus driver untuk Mac sudah di include blom yah :confused: thx :beer:
mau tanya donk :D modem ini support sama Mac OS nggak yah :confused: baik yang Lock maupun Unlock :) Thx :beer:
2. . 2000 here in Djember 'cat rice' sold at 3000 each * 'sold', is that right to write like that :kagets: It's more expensive than Jogja I think.... Usually in Jogja you can get for Rp 1.000 - Rp 1.500 per pack :D
Hooo :eek: Read something in Indonesian then :D I presume that will help you ;) Go to or any news portal that provide Indonesian language. And if you got something to ask, then ask here :D