Hello guys I wanna participate at this thread to improve my English ,:shakehand2 I'm a job seeker :malu: ,just want to practice my English for mastah or regular member correct me if my english wrong ,thankyou at last if you have a job vacancy for mechanical engineering ,tell me ya haha :D
jangan kuatir, debunk-nya pun sudah ada gan :ngakak oleh kaskuser pula :ngakak http://nomorehoax.blogspot.co.id/2014/08/benarkah-minum-sambil-berdiri-berbahaya.html :ngakak mantap gan ajaran nabi
https://www.anglo-link.com/index.php?/online_lessons/video_lessons & http://www.engvid.com/ talk to me if you need anything. :shakehand2 Thank you agan rahan :shakehand2 :travel
Sudah terbukti dari kesehatan gan bahayanya minum beridiri Sobat, pernahkah kita ditegur oleh teman, guru, ayah atau ibu kita disaat kita makan atau minum sambil berdiri? Jika pernah maka kita pun akan bertanya-tanya. Mengapa dilarang? Apa sebabnya? Mungkin mereka menegur karena alasan etika dan
Mending Ane Pilih Merk ASUS http://s.kaskus.id/images/2016/03/07/7311855_20160307081146.jpg Asus ROG G752VY-GC344T (Intel Core i7 6700HQ, 2.6 Ghz up to 3.5 Ghz, Wifi, DDR4 8 GB, HDD 1 TB Sata, DVD-RW, CR, Bluetooth, Vga Geforce GTX980 8 GB DDR5 , Camera, BL, LCD 17.3", Windows 10) Harga 29 J
Hey guys, there is no easy way in learning English. You could memorise all the grammar or use some sort of tips and tricks to get a good TOEFL/IELTS mark but it is not going to help you in your day to day english. What I would suggest you is try to listen and read everything in English everyd
It's not subjunctive when used in present real conditional. It's called indicative mood. I'm not going to explain what indicative mood is. The difference between "if nobita were to study, he would be a good student" and "if nobita studies, he will be a good student" is that in
Thank you for the explain What's different with this sentence gan "If Nobita studies ,he will be a good student". Is it still subjunctive gan? Sorry about my English :o
We have to proud an Indonesian ,we have a loooooot of culture .Thak make our neighbour claimed our culture :ngacir2 :salaman