nice thread gan! :beer: ane bantu rate! :army: You're one of SMPN 1 Cibinong's alumnus or students? Please come to our thread! Click the picture below! "SMPN 1 Cibinong as our wiyata-mandala, Kaskus as our cyber-wiyata-mandala"
ajib :matabelo: You're one of SMPN 1 Cibinong's alumnus or students? Please come to our thread! Click the picture below! "SMPN 1 Cibinong as our wiyata-mandala, Kaskus as our cyber-wiyata-mandala"
permisi egers, ane mau nanya, biar nama kita masuk ke pejwan, kayak ovi, ym, sama whatsapp. Daftarnya kemana ya? :think: :o sekalian mau nanya, buat ngilangin kaspersky ane biar jadi ga trial dong :o makasih perhatiaannya :beer: