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[HISTORY] The Singapore Story is the Israel Story
Christmas Eve, 1965, is the unofficial date of the start of the great and continuing love story between Israel and Singapore, a love affair that was kept a deep, dark secret. The international press, like the Israeli media, tried to bring the tale to light. Occasionally, scraps of information leaked out; some were published, some were denied, many were disregarded. The Israelis, as usual, wanted to rush to tell all their friends, but managed to overcome that desire. The fear that the ties would be terminated if they became public knowledge had its effect. Israel imposed a total blackout on the story and the secret was preserved. Until the other side could no longer contain itself.

hubungan dekat dan berkelanjutan antara israel dan singapura dimulai ketika malam natal 1965. Dimana peristiwa ini dirahasiakan dari publik. Israel sebenarnya ingin sekali memberitahukan kepada semua orang tentang apa yang mereka lakukan kepada singapura, tapi mereka bisa menahan keinginan tersebut karena takut bahwa hubungan kedua nya akan rusak apabila peristiwa tersebut diketahui publik)

In his book, "From Third World to First: The Singapore Story 1965-2000," published in 2000, Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's founding father and its first prime minister, disclosed the secret that had been kept for almost 40 years: It was the Israel Defense Forces that established the Singaporean army. The Israeli military mission was headed by Yaakov (Jack) Elazari, then a colonel, who was later promoted to brigadier general. After leaving the army, he became a consultant to the Singaporean army. He died 15 years ago. "To disguise their presence, we called them `Mexicans.' They looked swarthy enough," Lee wrote.

dalam buku nya nya berjudul "From Third World to First : The Singapore Story 1965-2000 yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2000, Lee Kuan Yew fouding father dan perdana mentri pertama singapura mengutarakan rahasia yang telah diajaga selama hampir 40 tahun. Adalah IDF (Israel Defence Forces yang telah membentuk Singaporean Army. Misi militer israel di singapura dikepalai oleh Yaakov elazari. "untuk menyamarkan kehadiran mereka (tentara israel), kami memanggil mereka Mexican. Mereka terlihat cukup hitam (untuk dipanggil mexican) " tulis lee

Singapore's army is today considered the strongest and most advanced of the military forces in Southeast Asia. The alliance between the Israeli and Singaporean defence establishments intensified and expanded, and it now encompasses cooperation between the two countries' military industries, as well. The scope of the deals, according to foreign sources, indicates that the Singaporean army is one of the major clients of Israeli combat means and military technology. Singapore's aircraft industry is cooperating with its Israeli counterpart and with Elbit Systems in upgrading the F-5 warplanes of the Turkish Air Force. A few years ago, Singapore's defence minister revealed that the Gil antitank missile, which is manufactured by Raphael (Israel Armaments Development Authority), was developed in cooperation between the two countries.

Surrounded By Muslims

Lee explained the need to maintain secrecy to his close friend in the leadership, and the first defence minister in his government, Dr. Goh Keng Swee. "We have to ensure, as far as possible, that the arrival of the Israelis will not become public knowledge, in order not to arouse opposition among the Malay Muslims who live in Malaysia and Singapore," the prime minister summed up. That, in essence, is Singapore's problem. The residents of the small island, which has an area of about 670 square kilometres (Israel is 30 times as large), are mainly Chinese, and they live between the two Muslim countries of Malaysia and Indonesia. Life in the shadow of the large Muslim majority and fear of a Malaysian incursion are an integral part of the history of the two countries. Until 1965, Singapore was part of Malaysia. In that year, the British government decided to withdraw from all its colonies east of the Suez Canal. In a rapid process it was decided to sever Singapore from Malaysia and to establish it as a new and separate country.

lee menjelaskan dia harus menjaga kerahasiaan kepada teman-teman dekat nya di jajaran pemimpin, dan menteri pertahanan pertama dr. goh keng swee mengatakan bahwa "kita harus memastikan, sebisa mungkin bahwa kedatangan (tentara) israel tidak menjadi pengetahuan publik agar tidak menimbulkan perlawanan diantara muslim malaysia yang hidup di singapura dan malaysia
Pada dasarnya, masalah singapura adalah penduduk wilayah kecil mereka ( hanya sekitar 670 square km, israel memiliki wilayah 30x lebih luas) adalah lebih di dominasi etnis chinese, dan mereka hidup diantara 2 negara yang di dominasi islam (indonesia dan malaysia). Hidup dalam bayang-bayang negara yang mayoritas muslim dan ketakutan akan serangan malaysia adalah bagian integral dari sejaraah kedua negara (singapura dan israel). sampai 1965, singapura adalah bagian dari malaysia. pada tahun itu, pemerintah britania memutuskan untuk menarik semua koloni-koloni nya di timur terusan suez. Dalam proses yang singkat, diputuskan untuk memisahkan singapura dari malaysia dan membentuk negara baru dan terpisah.

Singapore declared its independence on August 9, 1965. At the time of its creation, it had only two infantry regiments, which had been established and were commanded by British officers. Two-thirds of the soldiers were not residents of Singapore, and in any event the leaders of the nascent state had no faith in the strength of the minuscule army. The defence minister, Goh, contacted Mordechai Kidron, the former Israeli ambassador to Thailand, and asked for assistance. Kidron arrived in Singapore within days, along with Hezi Carmel of the Mossad. "Goh told us that they think that only Israel, a small country surrounded by Muslim countries, with a strong army, could help them build a small, dynamic army," Carmel says. The two Israelis met with Lee, who writes that he "told Keng Swee to put it on hold until Lal Bahadur Shastri, the prime minister of India, and President Nasser of Egypt replied to my letters seeking their urgent help to build up our armed forces."

singapura mendeklarasikan kemerdekaan mereka pada 9 agustus 1965. pada masa pembentukan nya, singapura hanya memiliki 2 resimen infantry, yang telah dibentuk dan dikomandoi oleh tentara britania. 2/3 dari tentara mereka bahkan tidak tinggal di singapura. Akhirnya menteri pertahanan goh menghubungi Mordechai Kidron (bekas duta besar israel untuk thailand) dan meminta bantuan. kidron segera datang ke singapura beberapa hari kemudian bersama denganHezi Carmel Mossad. "goh mengatakan bahwa menurut mereka bahwa hanya israel, sebuah negara kecil yang dikelilingi negara2 islam, dengan militer kuat yang dapat membantu mereka membangun sebuah tentara yang kecil dan dinamis" kata carmel. dua orang israel itu kemudian bertemu dengan lee, yang menuliskan bahwa di meminta keng swee untuk menunggu sampai Lal Bahadur Shastri(perdana mentri india). dan Nasser (presiden mesir) membalas surat nya untuk mencari bantuan mendesak untuk membantu membangun angkatan bersenjata kita".

It's not clear whether Lee, in fact, believed India and Egypt were capable of, or interested in, building up Singapore's army. Many Israelis believe the two leaders were approached only for appearance's sake. After a few weeks of waiting, India and Egypt congratulated Singapore on its independence but did not offer military aid. Lee ordered Goh to push ahead in contacts with the Israelis.

masih tidak jelas apakah lee, faktanya, percaya bahwa india dan mesir cukup capable, atau tertarik untuk membangun tentara singapura. Tapi setelah beberapa minggu menunggu, india dan mesir mengucapkan selamat atas kemerdekaan singapura tetap tidak menawarkan bantuan militer. Lee kemudia meminta goh untuk memacu kontak dengan orang-orang israel.

At the same time, in the wake of reports sent by Kidron and Carmel, the Israeli defence establishment deployed to supply military aid to Singapore. In discussions conducted by the chief of staff, Yitzhak Rabin, with the participation of the deputy chief of staff and head of the Operations Branch, Ezer Weizmann, it was decided to make Major General Rehavam Ze'evi, who was then deputy head of the Operations Branch, responsible for building the Singaporean army. Ze'evi (nicknamed "Gandhi" ) paid a secret visit to Singapore and the preparatory work began on his return. "Gandhi said he wanted to create an ideal army for Singapore, something we hadn't built here," Carmel says. "Instead of setting up a Defence Ministry and a General Staff, Gandhi suggested an integrated organization, a more economical structure. So there wouldn't be too many generals and too few soldiers."

pada saat yang sama, setelah mendapat laporan yang dikirm oleh kidron dan carmel, department pertahanan israel dikerahkan untuk mensuplai bantuan militer untuk singapura. Dalam diskusi yang dipimpin oleh kepala staff Yitzhak Rabin, dengan partisipasi wakil kepala staf dan kepala Cabang Operasi ezer weizmann, telah diputuskan untuk menunjuk mayjen Rehavam Ze'evi yang saat itu wakil kepala Cabang Operasi, bertanggung jawab untuk membangun singaporean army. Ze'evi (nicknamed "Gandhi" ) melakukan kunjungan rahasua ke singapura dan persiapan pekerjaan dimulai setelah dia kembali. "gandhi mengatakan bahwa dia ingin membuat sebuah balatentara yang ideal untuk singapura, sesuatu yang tidak kita bangun di sini (di israel) . carmel mengatakan "alih-alih menyiapkan kementrian pertahanan dan staff umum, Gandhi menyarankan sebuah organisasi yang terintegrasi , struktur yang lebih ekonomis. Jadi tidak akan ada terlalu banyak jendral dan terlalu sedikit prajurit.

lee kuan tew

Diubah oleh DevilGuardian 13-08-2016 07:49
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