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Tiongkok : Ekonomi Terbesar di Tahun 1820, Kedua Terbesar Sekarang
China was the world’s largest economy in 1820 – and is the second largest economy today

Written by
Jonathan Eckart Project Specialist, Economic Growth and Social Inclusion Initiative, World Economic Forum

Share of world GDP (%of world total), 1700 – 2030

The Chinese economy receives a lot of interest in the media but it can be difficult to keep track of the basic facts. Here is an overview of China’s economy in the context of its global economic rise.

When President Monroe looked beyond the United States in the 1820s, he saw a vastly different world than the one we see today: the Greeks had just begun to revolt against the Ottoman Empire, Brazil declared independence from Portugal and the world’s first modern railway opened in England, where the first industrial revolution was already underway. Meanwhile, China, where the Qing dynasty approached its third century of imperial rule, held the largest share of global GDP.

Two-hundred years later, global economic leaders and tech experts gather in China against the backdrop of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. China is now the world’s second largest economy (and the largest if measured in PPP terms), having fallen behind from the late 19th Century onward as several industrial revolutions compounded in the Western world. But China began an unprecedented economic catch-up in 1978.

Terjemahan :
Ekonomi Cina menerima banyak perhatian di media tetapi bisa sulit untuk melacak fakta-fakta dasar. Berikut adalah gambaran dari perekonomian China dalam konteks kenaikan ekonomi global.

Ketika Presiden Monroe melihat keluar Amerika Serikat pada tahun 1820-an, ia melihat sebuah dunia yang sangat berbeda dari yang kita lihat hari ini: orang-orang Yunani baru saja mulai memberontak melawan Kekaisaran Ottoman, Brasil menyatakan kemerdekaan dari Portugal dan kereta api modern pertama di dunia dibuka di Inggris, di mana revolusi industri pertama sudah berlangsung. Sementara itu, China, di mana dinasti Qing mendekati abad ketiga pemerintahan kekaisaran, memegang pangsa terbesar dari PDB global.menusul

Dua ratus tahun kemudian, para pemimpin ekonomi global dan ahli teknologi berkumpul di Cina dengan latar belakang Revolusi Industri Keempat. Cina sekarang ekonomi terbesar kedua di dunia (dan terbesar jika diukur PPP), setelah jatuh tertinggal di belakang mulai akhir abad ke-19 dan seterusnya pada saat beberapa revolusi industri memperparah ketertinggalannya dari dunia Barat. Tapi China mulai menyusul dengan cara yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya dalam sejarah sejak tahun 1978.


China is the world’s largest exporter and the second largest importer of merchandise goods. China has a substantive bearing on global economic performance. Since 2010, it’s the world’s largest exporter and second-largest importer of merchandise goods, as well as the fifth largest exporter and third largest importer of commercial services. The below figure visualises China’s trade with countries across the world.

The main destinations are the US (17%), the European Union (15.9%), Hong Kong (15.5%), Japan (6.4%) and the Republic of Korea (4.3%). Ninety-four percent of all merchandise exports are manufactured goods, 3.2% agricultural products and 2.7% fuel and mining products.

Komposisi export China 10 golongan terbanyak

The following export product groups represent the highest dollar value in Chinese global shipments during 2015. Also shown is the percentage share each export category represents in terms of overall exports from China.

Electronic equipment: US$600.3 billion (26.3% of total exports)
Machines, engines, pumps: $364.5 billion (16%)
Furniture, lighting, signs: $98.7 billion (4.3%)
Knit or crochet clothing: $83.8 billion (3.7%)
Clothing (not knit or crochet): $78.5 billion (3.4%)
Medical, technical equipment: $73.8 billion (3.2%)
Plastics: $65.8 billion (2.9%)
Vehicles: $62.7 billion (2.7%)
Iron or steel products: $60.6 billion (2.7%)
Footwear: $53.6 billion (2.3%)

Jadi bukan cuma baju, sepatu, mainan anak2 dari plastik seperti yang diblow-up oleh kelompok tertentu yang cuma berdasarkan pengamatan di Mangga Dua.Yang menarik justru tujuan exportnya utamanya adalah AS, Eropa, Jepang dan Korea padahal orang Indonesia menganggap semua produk China barang KW.


SUMBER 2 : http://www.worldstopexports.com/chin...op-10-exports/

Note Indonesia tidak tercantum karena jumlahnya kecil <$100B

Tiongkok Investor Terbesar kedua dan Pemberi Pinjaman Terbesar Dunia

China is the second largest provider and the top receiver of foreign direct investment (FDI)

Written by
Jonathan Eckart Project Specialist, Economic Growth and Social Inclusion Initiative, World Economic Forum

As the ABOVE charts show, China is among the largest providers and receivers of foreign direct investment (FDI). Last year alone, FDI outflows from China jumped by 15% from the previous year and reached 116 billion US Dollars. The US, by comparison, had a total outflow of 337 billion US Dollars in FDI (a 3% rise)

CHINA Pemberi Pinjaman Terbesar Lebih Besar dari Bank Dunia


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Diubah oleh bungdonaldbebek 22-08-2016 20:00
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