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Ane cuma bantu servernya promosi aja gan.... kalo menurut ane ini server mantap gan... udh banyak orang indo yang nyicipin,..

ane cuma mau ajak agan" join ini rf.... menurut ane ini server balance tidak ada Over Power,
dan ane sendiri ada di ACC guild K.O.M.A.N.D.O (guild indo :v skalian promosi)

Dari yang ane tau ya gan :

Max LV 65 ( huntnya buat lv 1 - 50 Tidak susah, 50-55 masih di anggap mudah, 55-60 Lumayan susah, 61-63 agak susah, 63-65 susah) karena ini makanya pada jarang ada yang lv max, hanya sedikit... ini lah yang bikin seru, gak seperti 1 hit naek lepel XD.

ARMOR dan SENJATA 57++ sampai 65 (normal)dapat dari hunt monster / beli di NPC
ARMOR dab SENJATA 57 sampai 65 INT dapat dari PB

Untuk urusan Upgrade, dari pengalaman ane ya gan

Max +6
tapi di sini hampir bisa di pastikan tidak ada +6, bisa +5 aja sudah Hoki (donator cuma beli point buat beli T4/T5)
jadi disini mau +5 harus berusaha sendiri gan, tidak ada BELI SAMA GM

igno dapat dari nambah sama PB EQ di CW 4jam 1x up

btw disini harus GB PT, tapi tenang aja ada NPC nya buat gb PT, trus gampang kok, 40 menit udh GM PT nya..

mungkin sekitar itu yang ane jelasin, mudah mudahan agan" mau coba dan mari kita bertemen XD

kalo yang bawah ini saya pinjem dari servernya


Download the Client

Currently you can download our client from 2 sources: GB): Download the client here!n1YBwTIT!8-MwaA...hJAdykF5zcK7bc

MediaFire(1.73 GB): Download the client here

Download the Conversion Patch(beta)

If you already have a client, you can convert that client to ours by using the following patch (it will not work on 2.2.3 clients) – These patches are in beta, and may have a few issues, if you do have issues please message the team on the forum or the FB page: Client conversion Patch from MEGA(49.5 MB): Download the patch from MEGA here Client conversion Patch from MediaFire(49.5 MB): Download the patch from MediaFire here!3o4SQJIL!6hOJkOj_1...0HGY4YXAs04Qjo

Optional Patches

To fix an error with animus’ going through the ground and causing Data Did Not Match error or critical errors, apply this patch:

Animus DDMN Fix from MEGA: here!68pnkToB!t8ktHq...psyFNBIOmamavw

Animus DDMN Fix from MediaFire: here

Error Patching?

If you are having problems with the client you can download the following patch, which will update to version 1.8:

Patch 1.8 from MEGA: here!P5ZlTCCL!LEMc5W...r2CBTteMKi0bVg

Patch 1.8 from MediaFire: here

Net Framework 4.0
Our custom launcher and updater needs .Net Framework 4.0 or above to run.

You can download it here from Microsoft: here


Variable Exp, the rates go up at higher levels to reduce the endless grind, starts low, ends medium
Drop rates are 5x, booty sell rate is at 4x
Mining is at 5x
Animus exp is set to 50x
PTs are set at 50x

Unique Features

Auto Booty Sell – Every mob that drops booty items will automatically be sold and the money is put on the character that last hits the mob – Super quick and easy farming!
Vote for a Daily Quest – Vote for the server, get GP to spend in the Cash Shop, and get a brand new daily quest tailored to your level!
Custom Launcher – The custom launcher gives you all the latest information from the website, and updates your client automatically!
High Quality Mode – If your computer can’t handle the snow/sand/grass and the rain you can turn off High Quality mode in the launcher settings
Custom made Elf Land – Elf Land mobs, spawns and the way you progress through the map has been completely been remade, Elf land now is a level 57+ area
Unique Defence and Attack Balancing – When you upgrade your gear, it’s now worth it, Average Defence Power now means something, and the system is constantly being balanced to make sure we have the best PvP
Combinations to make life easier – Combine 5 talics and 5 gold catalysts to get 5 chips at a time, Combine 2,3,4,or 5x the materials for Excelsior’s at one time! Things to make your life easier!
Solo/Small group BDs – From simple Farming BDs where you can do them when Ether is getting raided to get some money, or experience our Gold Rush BD, race against the clock to collect as many gold boxes as possible!


We have made many small improvements from things to make life easier, like the multiple Combinations, to auto selling booty. But we have stayed true to the game, no over powered items, and will always make sure the server stays that way.

Fully Working Auction House – Trade with your race, earn money, and buy those elusive items
Fully Working Mail – Send mail to your friends!
Fully Working in game Cash Shop – Vote or donate for GP and spend it in game!
Protected Server – We have protection activated on the server to fix many hacks, glitches, and dupes, so you can play knowing everyone is genuine!

Extra Features

No Returnee Weapons – Play the proper way, kill mobs get loot and level up, making the starter levels more fun and quests useful!
No Elven PB – We have taken out the elven PBs from VC and OCL so people need to earn weapons and upgrade them to be better!
No Runes – No runes means you won’t get a race using defence runes to avoid a nuke at CW, and there is no escape!
MAU Arm prices edited – The 50 to 55 arms have had price changes to make it more of a progression in cost, instead of 51 arms being cheaper and more powerful than 50 arms
Only PB Scanners – Stealth and tactics will now play a huge part in CWs and in the whole world, making Trappers even more useful as Spy’s!
Custom Quests at 57+ – Quests all the way up from 57 – 65 showing the natural progression through Elf Land
Many more Features to come! – We don’t just make a server and forget about it, we will continue creating new and more exciting content!

There are too many improvements and enhancements to list here, but come in and have fun, explore more features as we constantly continue to improve the amazing game further.
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