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Bagi Yang Suka Judi Bola dan Casino Wajib Baca Fenomena Baru Ini - Change Ur Life
Akhir-akhir ini ada fenomena baru yang sedang ramai dilakukan Oleh orang-orang yang suka berjudi bola, casino, dan sejenisnya karena terbukti sangat efektif.
Singkat kata, ada seorang Suhu Besar di Hongkong yang dijadikan pegangan Oleh penjudi-penjudi besar dari manca negara. Philosophinya sangat sederhana. Setiap manusia mempunuyai luck cycle yang bisa dihitung secara periode, setiap tahun, setiap Bulan, setiap hari, dan setiap jam / hourly luck. Jadi kita harus dan wajib memilih timing utk gambling hanya saat luck cycle kita terutama hourly luck kita sedang bagus. Ketika hourly luck cycle kita bagus, maka apapun yang kita pilih / bet Akan berhasil. Tapi jika luck cycle sedang tidak bagus, mau kita paksa dengan cara apapun tidak Akan berhasil. Jadi timing utk melakukan bet adalah yang terpenting. Untuk yang memerlukan info lebih lengkap tentang fenomena ini, bisa hub saya di +65 82654923 atau pin 2B1639EB atau

Berikut saya kutip dari buku beliau tentang luck cycle:
Luck or luck cycle is also a very important factor that will affect the quality of life. Sometimes when something good happens to a person, people will comment that he/she is lucky.  Indeed luck plays a very important part in a person’s life. When we mention the word “luck”, we somehow associate it with something at random. Luck is not random, luck is pre-determined; a complete Bazi chart will have a luck cycle chart too. Having a good destiny is not everything; it requires a good luck cycle to support it. For example, from a person’s destiny we can tell that a person has potential to become very rich. However, from the luck cycle we will be able to tell when he will be rich. If a rich person goes into a very bad luck cycle, there is a possibility that he will be bankrupt too.  Luck can come in the forms of wealth, health, harmony, career or relationship.  In plotting a Luck cycle chart it consists of a 10-year luck, yearly luck, daily luck, bi-hourly luck, superimposed on each other and using it together with a person’s destiny chart, events in a person’s life can be accurately predicted (eg. marriage, offspring, divorce, bankruptcy, lawsuits, career performance etc). Yes, luck can be pre-determined and it is not at random.  Before you blame all your misfortune on your luck, first find out if you can change it
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