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ISIS Berusaha Mempertahankan Keturunan dengan membuka Biro Jodoh di Syria dan Irak

The radical Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), which advocates public stoning for adultery, has opened a “marriage bureau” for women who want to wed the group’s fighters in territory they control in Syria and Iraq, AFP reported.

The Jihadist group’s office is operating from al-Bab, a town in Aleppo province of northern Syria, for “single women and widows who would like to marry ISIS fighters,” the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

The Britain-based monitoring group, citing residents, said interested parties were being asked to provide their names and addresses, “and ISIS fighters will come knocking at their door and officially ask for marriage."

Last week, ISIS also expanded into tourism, taking Jihadists on honeymoons and civilians to visit other parts of its “caliphate.”

Running twice-weekly tours from Syria’s Raqa to Iraq’s Anbar, ISIS buses fly the group’s black flag and play jihadist songs throughout the journey.

ISIS proclaimed a “caliphate” last month straddling the two neighbouring Arab states.

It firmly controls large parts of northern and eastern Syria, the Iraq-Syria border and parts of northern and western Iraq.

The group has been accused of a number of atrocities, including mass kidnappings and killings.

ISIS has its roots in Iraq but spread into Syria in late spring 2013.

Bagi yang gak ngerti bahasa Inggris intinya :
Setelah banyak membantai laki-laki rakyat Suriah dan Irak secara teori banyak terdapat janda terlantar
Isis mendata tiap rumah berapa perempuan yang sudah menikah dan yang belum
Tiap rumah yang pintunya diketok semua pada ketakutan
Banyak penduduk yang berbohong tentang status pernikahan walaupun dipaksa dan dijanjikan "honeymoon"
Laki-laki yang mau nikah kebanyakan pria asing yang gak bisa bahasa Arab
Kalau berhasil dikimpoi diajak honeymoon naik bis

Bis Honeymoon

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