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ISIS BAKAR GEREJA? ternyata gak ada saksi alias HOAX
There is no evidence that Saint Ephraim’s Cathedral in Mosul has been burned

So far, there is only propaganda – but there is a lot of it, which is already exploiting three years of real suffering across three countries. It is exploiting people’s concern in order to spread fear and drive ethnic cleansing. Some unfortunates, who are concerned for the endangered communities in Mosul, have shared the first then the second piece of propaganda.Has the Islamic State burned down the Syriac Catholic Archdiocese of Mosul? Part one…

selengkapnya baca di sumbernya lansung aja deh gan... cape copy paste pakai hp...

Gua sih dari awal sudah ada firasat, kalau ini propaganda syiah lagi.. udah kewalahan ngadepin isis, coba2 melibatin kristen kedalam conflict di timteng.. seolah2 sama2 orang yg terzalimi oleh isis,.. sama kayak di indonesia, pura2 menginginkan persatuan sehingga bisa merapat ke NU, seolah2 sama2 di zolimi wahabi..
Padahal kagak ada bedannya, mau libatin kristen, yahudi, kafirin, murtadin dkk utk gempur isis, karena pasukan panji hitam ini sdh di jamin rasulullah utk tak terkalahkan..

Sumber: http://conflictantiquities.wordpress.com/2014/07/20/syria-iraq-mosul-burned-syriac-catholic-cathedral-propaganda/
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