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Russian "Kornet" anti-American "General Abrams"
Russian "Kornet" anti-American "General Abrams"
June 28, 2014 Print

Soviet and Russian Grau never paid enough attention to improving 9M133 ATGM "Kornet" in part to overcome the dynamic and active protection installed on past deep modernization of American tanks "Abrams". In February this year, an article appeared in the press, stating that "Cornet" is capable of hitting not only tanks but also fortifications, low-speed air, surface targets. This article contains untrue statements relating to the operation of "Cornet" with dynamic (CLE) and active (AZ) protection "Abrams".

This position misinformed officers, cadets of schools, students, employees of defense related to the study, creation and operation of this type of weapon. Despite the versatility of "Cornet", the task of combating tanks remains a priority. Let's try to sort out this problem.

Questionable effectiveness "Cornet"

Tactical and technical specification (TTZ) Grau envisaged creation of a rocket complex "Cornet" with semiautomatic control system by a laser beam. The complex was designed to defeat current and future tanks, equipped with dynamic protection. Missile with a tandem HEAT warhead must penetrate thick armor plate package mm/60 475-500 deg. with hinged DZ (CDD-1).

Simultaneously tandem warhead penetration simulators should provide frontal protection M1 tank - P60, P30, P65, equipped with built-in RS units (CDD-2). Thus generally ignored, the efficiency of RS depends on its length in a plane interactions. However, even on the ancient tanks M48A3, M60A1, "Centurion" was used with a length of DZ hinged containers 400-500 mm. In other words, their TTZ Grau continued unjustified technical policy, leading to the creation of ineffective anti-missile "Cornet".

Instead of really existing DZ with a length of 400-500 mm container mounted on foreign tanks, as an analogue for testing domestic ATGM Grau substantiate DZ with a length of 250 mm container that is irresponsible fact. Largely overcome missile "Cornet" DZ according to Grau TTZ can be considered a fabulous illusion has nothing in common with the reality of combat.

Probabilities defeat tanks M1A1, M1A2, presented in Table. 1, obtained as a result of mathematical simulation under the leadership of General Designer, Academician Arkady Shipunova. Based on simulation graphs plotted probabilities defeat tanks M1A1, M1A2 depending on armor penetration of the main charge (KO) tandem warhead. These data have been published in a magazine for the capital armor penetration OZ "Cornet" 1300 mm.

Results Table. 1 refer to two cases of interaction "Cornet" with DZ. The first case illustrates the results corresponding CDD-1, BDZ-2 analogues are not DZ mounted on overseas tanks. The second case corresponds to the condition of detonation all eight elements DZ (EDZ) in the container CDD-2, 15-mm steel cover which always interacts with the body "Cornet" and cumulative jet KO (Fig. 1).

Container-BZP 1 represents extruded hollow body made of sheet steel with a thickness of 3 mm, which is equipped with two flat EDZ, each of which consists of two stamped steel plates of 2 mm thickness (length - 250 mm Width - 130 mm) and placed between them layer of plastic explosives, 6 mm thick. Protection against chemical weapons and armor-piercing projectiles provides BDZ-2 on a plan SRI steel container which consists of four sections and the top covered with a steel cover general (500h260 mm) thickness of 15 mm. Each section contains two EDZ 4S20. ATGM detonate when hit EDZ one section. EDZ adjacent sections explosion occurs due to the presence of steel partitions therebetween. Detonation EDZ one section causes "cutting" of the 15-mm cover plate (length - 250 mm, width - 130 mm), which never interacts with the body missiles, and is not present in the way of a cumulative jet KO.

For the first case high values ​​of probability of hitting tanks M1A1, M1A2. Note that these values ​​correspond to install CDD-1, CDD-2 "Abrams" with a length of 250 mm EDZ, which fragments the explosion LZ never interact with the cumulative jet KO, which confirms the illusion organized Grau.

Finally, Table. 1 contains the values ​​of the probability of the destruction of tanks for the conditions of the second case. It is recalled that the measures taken by the rocket armament 9M119M "Invar" and 9M131 "Metis-M" have layout scheme similar to "Cornet". Experimental studies on the interaction of these missiles with built CLE containers having a length of 500 mm, revealed that when they hit the upper half of the container with the detonation of eight EDZ armor KO tandem warhead is reduced by 70%. We extend these laws to "Cornet". In this case, armor KO tandem warhead "Cornet" after interacting with the 15-mm cover drops to 900 mm, and the value of armor penetration undeformed portion of the cumulative jet of 400 mm. Using materials of the said Article Arcadia Shipunova define the probability of hitting tanks M1A1, M1A2 rocket "Cornet". Probability of defeat in this case would be for M1A1 - 0.1, and for M1A2 - 0.07. It can be assumed that the effectiveness of such destructive action "Cornet" was not to be accepted for service. But magicians Grau proved otherwise.


The main drawback of the fighting qualities of judgment "Cornet" that they no association estimates combat capabilities "Cornet" with the parameters of development of protection "Abrams". Celebrated the defeat of the two M1 tanks during "Operation Iraqi Freedom", but no attention is paid to what thousands of tanks M1, M1A1, M1A2 underwent thorough modernization by aggregation "modular armor" with DZ and AZ. As a result of this upgrade appeared thousands of tanks M1A2 SEP.

However, "Cornet" is one of the latest anti-tank established in accordance with the TTZ Soviet Grau. As a result (Table 2) due to incorrect parameter setting DZ foreign tanks has established a number of ineffective anti-tank with tandem warhead.

During state testing "Cornet" barriers used P30, P60, P65, "imitating" frontal protection M1 tank and not current and future tanks. Job in TTZ simulators CDD-1, CDD-2, P30, P60, P65 is whether blunder, whether rigging and fraud. This reader can understand yourself (IEE number 10, 2012).

Significant influence on the layout scheme missiles "Cornet" provides dynamic protection installed on foreign tanks. However, mentioned at the beginning of this article publication presents a very naive formulation functioning tandem warhead missiles "Cornet". Here it is: "... the missile 9M133 received a tandem warhead where the first charge was destroyed explosive reactive armor - iron boxes with explosives in blasting anti-tank weapons which casts aside or destroyed, and the second charge directly affects the tank. It is noteworthy that for an effective cumulative jet second, he's the main charge rocket is in the tail section, engine equipped with oblique nozzles - in the middle, and the control system is located in the tail of a rocket. "

Let us analyze this absurdity. It is alleged that LZ tandem warhead destroyed explosive reactive armor. It is well known that LZ detonates in a collision with a DMZ. Then against its cumulative jet excited detonation of explosives in the DMZ. Therefore DZ can not destroy the first charge, as at the moment of excitation detonation in the DMZ he simply absent. After the "destruction" of the first charge somewhere there antitank ammunition that is discarded to the side or destroyed. Whence came this round remains a mystery. And suddenly there is a second charge tandem warhead, which affects the tank. Next, we will not deal with the unfortunate description of the interaction of "Cornet" with DZ and its mounting as a look at what is actually happening.

In order not to overload the reader difficulties provide a simplified scheme of interaction tandem warhead missiles "Cornet" with built-in RS (CDD-2), in which the container is located eight EDZ simultaneously detonating when exposed to cumulative jet LZ. Upon collision "Cornet" with BDZ-2 (Fig. 1) is triggered LZ (1) to form a cumulative jet that drives the detonation of explosives in the EDZ. Formed from the detonation products in the EDZ blast through 70 microseconds (ms) provide movement 15 mm cover a speed of 400 m / s. After 300 ms after switching LZ using delay lines carried undermining OZ (5) to form a shaped charge jet having armor piercing 1100-1300 mm. But on the way the cumulative jet KO all the time will be 15-mm cover that part of the body will deform "Cornet" with existing fillings. The greatest contribution to reducing armor piercing rocket engine will KO (3) due to the shift of the channel (4) for the passage of a cumulative jet KO. Cumulative jet KO after interaction with the channel takes the form of engine, approximately corresponding to a sine wave, which is why there is an interaction with the main armored not in the same area (area of ​​a circle equal to the diameter of the cumulative jet), but rather with a scattering of the square a rectangle whose length is 120 mm, width 20 mm. In other words, a mechanism to reduce the impact of armor piercing DZ is dissipating the cumulative jet armor plates on a much larger area than the area of ​​the shaped charge jet impact in the absence of 15-mm cover on its lateral surface.

Thus, in the TTZ on "Cornet" were laid under the rules for the interaction of missiles to overcome the short length of the DMZ. Thus, the main requirement was to ensure a high armor penetration, which is easily achieved with a small length of EDZ in designs CDD-1, CDD-2. But to date combat conditions were different. M1A2 tanks appeared AZ system with optional tandem DMZ.


"Cornet" began to enter the army in 1994, and in 2007 received a U.S. land forces after extensive modernization 1150 tanks M1A2 SEP, equipped with active protection system (SAZ). It is known that "Cornet" was not created with reference to the defeat of "Abrams" with SAZ and tandem DMZ. For this reason, in 2007, way of life, "Cornet" duration of 13 years ended. Short-term life cycle "Cornet" is the result of mistakes made in the development of foreign miscalculations of tank. Today layout scheme "Cornet" does not meet the real battle tank properties M1A2 SEP.

An essential feature of martial "Cornet" is the high armor. But so far created "Cornet", foreign tank builders created for the M1A2 SEP tank active protection system, which has achieved positive results in malfunction "Cornet" while approaching the M1A2 SEP. In other words, before the interaction with the armored tank "Cornet" may lose its high armor penetration.

Recently, the leading foreign countries much attention is paid to creating SAZ. These systems need to defeat approaching the tanks and other anti-tank anti-tank weapons. Former Chief Armored Directorate, Colonel-General Sergei Maev in one of his articles, reports, installation of active protection on the tank M1A2 SEP. This complex combines: detection (six special sensors operating in the ultraviolet range of the electromagnetic spectrum, designed to launch anti-serifs ammunition); support means (six laser range finders and radar Millimeter); means of destruction; passive means of staging (smoke grenades) and active (laser jammers and infrared guidance systems antitank complexes) interference.

Picture 1. Rocket engine "Invar" (1) "Metis-M" (2) "Cornet" (3) in conjunction with 15-mm stainless steel lid built DZ sharply reduce these KO armor missiles. Photo by the author

Given that "Cornet" created in TTP 1988, its design is significantly behind modern requirements. For example, in said TTZ is no requirement to overcome tandem RS, wherein the first explosive layer is intended to localize the action LZ, and a second - reducing KO armor penetration. Abroad have long received much attention tandem DMZ.

So, back in 1992 in the Polish Military Institute weapons technology designed unit tandem DZ - ERAWA-2 for installation on T-72 tanks, which were produced in Poland. It is recalled that in Russia to date created a tandem unit DZ "Relic," by which is not an established fact to overcome missile "Cornet". In 1993, Americans began to be active in the creation of a 'reasonable' armor system SAS (Smart Armor System). In this system, combined mesh sensors, computer and blocks of explosives. Essentially, this system - computerized version of the dynamic protection that will detect, destroy or deflect attack munitions using small blocks of the DMZ. In relation to "Cornet" this system will operate as follows. When "Cornet" held sensor system, the computer will determine its size and the number of blocks of RS, which are located under the "Cornet" and should work to securely destroy it.

In the aforementioned article contains many laudatory assessments "Cornet" based on information received from the specialists of different levels. However, these estimates are not based on performance related to combat reality. Such characteristics are survivability, immunity, secrecy. Vitality - property "Cornet" retain the ability to perform their functions with combat injuries. Unfortunately, there are no laws defeat "Cornet" from shrapnel ammunition SAZ tank M1A2 SEP, without the knowledge of which can not be characterized missile survivability. Vitality has on the effectiveness of "Cornet" more powerful effect than all the other characteristics. Noise immunity - property "Cornet" perform combat functions in terms of interference by the adversary. Indeed, with the help of the guidance system of the laser beam is not sufficiently protected from interference stack. Characteristic of immunity could be a possibility in the normal functioning of the specified conditions (reference) interference opponent. Subtlety - property "Cornet" is not to be detected by means of reconnaissance. For example, the portable complex "Cornet" can be detected by the crew of the tank M1A2 SEP using "Cornet" laser source illuminating the purpose rocket. Then follow the destruction of "Cornet", together with the calculation. Such operation may be carried complex mounted on foreign tanks.


Increased security features M1A2 SEP tank by installing SAZ and tandem DZ (TLV) can be estimated as follows. It is known that the probability of hitting the tank (P) is determined by the product of the probability of overcoming SAZ "Cornet" maintaining the normal functioning of a tandem warhead (P1), the probability of hitting the "Cornet" in the frontal part of the M1A2 SEP (P2), the probability of overcoming tandem DZ "Cornet" (P3 ), the probability of penetration of the frontal protection fragments M1A2 SEP (P4), the probability of damage inside the tank units (P5).

To create a protection "Abrams" from the cumulative jet OZ "Cornet" with armor penetration of 1300 mm is no longer possible to use a multi-layered armor that unnecessarily increases the weight of the tank. In other words, while multilayer armor passed. For this reason, "Abrams" is set SAZ and TLV.

Predicted characteristics of combat effectiveness "Cornet" in connection with the installation of "Abrams" SAZ and TLV are shown in Table 3. In the first row of the table published by the probability of hitting the tank M1A2 SEP, which no SAZ and TLV. The second line corresponds to the setting on the tank SAZ that "Cornet" overcome with probability 0.3, which corresponds to the modern system with good noise immunity. "Cornet" was not created to overcome the TLV, as evidenced by the value of R. It is unsatisfactory unsatisfactory probability value defeat M1A2 SEP tank corresponds to the setting on the "Abrams" SAZ and TLV. The smallest value of the probability of destruction of the tank is 0.02, which requires giving "Kornet" properties to overcome the SAZ and TLV. But these properties are much easier to get to the new anti-missile than the modernization of "Cornet".

Unsatisfactory state of combat effectiveness with tandem warhead anti-tank shows that the Ministry of Defense anti-gap continues to widen (IEE number 45, 2011).

In the 80s of the last century has passed the CPP adopted SAZ "Drozd" to strengthen the protection of tanks. At the same time, the MSC has created SAZ "Arena". Obviously, to create these SAZ KB used they create anti-tank guided missiles. Taken into service SAZ "Drozd" and "Arena" showed positive results. But that's all over. The question is why nothing has been done to overcome our ATGM securely to SAZ foreign tanks? State tests (GI) of all domestic ATGM with tandem warheads did not contain verification overcome SAZ foreign tanks last modernization M1A2 SEP. Also, for all missiles with tandem warheads did not provide test tandem DMZ.

Appropriate to recall that the "Cornet" often represent high-precision. On what can we talk about ultra-precise when SAZ tank M1A2 SEP another approaching complete operation "Cornet"?

Submissions indicate that "Cornet" was created by the Soviet TTP, does not account for the appearance of the M1A2 SEP tank with SAZ and TLV. As credit obstacles envisaged P30, P60, P65, corresponding frontal protection fragments M1 tank. These barriers simulators intended to equip built DZ old design. Thus, "Cornet" proved ineffective to defeat the tank M1A2 SEP, whose protection is able to localize the high armor tandem warhead of the missile. It should be noted inactivity Russian Grau that comfortable with this situation.

Author Michael Rastopshin
Sekedar memberikan informasi perihal ATGM "Kornet" yg katanya, katanya lho banyak gagal melaksanakan tugas "suci" melumpuhkan MBT.
Mungkin para formiler yg sangat meragukan performance ATGM "KORNET" dapat mendapat gambaran seperlunya.
Mohon maaf data masih memakai huruf Russia.
Russia setroooong.
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