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Sejarah Paper Clip, kecil-kecil tapi penting juga gan!!

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Kalau kita pikir-pikir, paper clip itu secara langsung tak langsung bisa menentukan masa depan seseorang. Coba bayangkan kalo berkas-berkas lamaran kerja tidak dijepit dengan paper klip? nanti disangka pelamar ini tidak serius dan orangnya berantakan seperti isi amplop lamaranya. Walaupun bisa di staple, itu kan kesnnya tidak sopan. Maka dari itu kita jangan anggap kecil hal yang sepele.

Siapa penemu penjepit kertas?

Kalau kita lihat, penjepit kertas hanyalah sepotong kawat baja yang dilengkungkan menjadi dua buah bentuk oval, tapi belum ada orang yang menemukan ide untuk menjepit lembaran kertas sampai akhirnya pada tahun 1867 Samuel Fay menciptakan penjepit kertas untuk pertamakalinya yang kemudian dipatenkan sebagai Ticket Fastener (pengikat tiket), alat ini digambarkan sebagai alat untuk mentautkan tiket dengan kain dan bisa pula dihhunakan untuk menkepit kertas (No paten #64,088 23 April 1867)

Kemudian Erlman J. Wright tahun 1877 membuat desain penjepit kertas yang baru yang digunakan untuk mengikat koran, lembaran kertas, dokumen, dll.

Penjepit kertas moderen diciptakan oleh William D. Middlebrook dari Waterbury, Connecticut. Middlebrook dan dipatenkan pada 27 April 1899 dengan nomor paten #636,272. Beliau pula yang menciptakan mesin pembuat penjepit kertas. Kemudian karya cipta Middlebrook ini dibeli oleh Cushman and Denison sebuah perusahaan yang begerak di bidang bisnis alat-alat perkantoran. Penjepit kertas ini perkenalkan dengan merek dagang GEM.

Sebenarnya pencipta dan pemilik hak paten penjepit kertas sangatlah banyak, hal ini dikarenakan adanya perbedaan disain. Tahun 1899 seorang Norwegia Johan Vaaler mempatenkan penjepit kertas di Jerman yang kemudian tahun 1901 alat tersebut mendapat paten di Amerika dengan nomor #675,761. Masyarakat Norwegia merasa bangga atas penemuan ini dan menganggap Vaaler sebagai penemu sejati.

Selama pendudukan Nazi di Norwegia pada Perang Dunia ke II, orang Norwegia menjadikan penjepit kertas sebagai lambang persatuan nasional (Kalau di Indonesia mungkin Pohon Beringin Sila ke 3, tapi kok lebih meaningfull penjepit kertas ya?? Itulah, jangan sepelekan hal kecil, small things can be so meaningfull). Karena Nazi melarang orang Norwegia memakai kancing berinisial Raja Norwegia, maka mereka mereka menjepitkan penjepit kertas di kerah baju sebagai simbol solidaritas dan penentangan Nazi. Tak jarang penggunaan penjepit kertas ini menjadi alasan penangkapan warga.

Pertanyaannya adalah, apa yang kita banggakan sebagai simbol solidaritas?

Wow, ternyata sejarahnya pake bawa-bawa Nazi segala, padahal cuma paper clip gitu loh!

Revolusi Paper Clip dari masa ke masa :

  1. Fay Paper Clip
    Amneco (1917-21), C (1918), Chicago, Cinch (1896), Climax (198-22),
    Clinch (1896, 1918), Cyclone (1920), Fay (1918), Jiffy, New York,
    Philadelphia, Queen City, Simplex (1918), Uneedit, West
    Patented 1867
    Advertised 1896 (as Clinch)-1961

  2. Wright Paper Clip
    Patented 1877
    Advertised c. 1877

  3. Utility Paper Clip
    Patented 1895
    Advertised 1890-1900

  4. Gem Paper Clip
    Glide, Superior (1920), Lightning (UK),
    Facile (UK), Fixum (Germany), Kimhar
    Not patented
    Advertised 1893-Present
    In 1904, Cushman & Denison obtained a trademark for "Gem" used in connection with paper clips. The announcement of the trademark stated "Used since March 1, 1892," so it is probable that the Gem Paper Clip was introduced on that date.

  5. Patent Spring Clasps
    Advertised 1893-1900

  6. Eureka Clip
    Patented 1894
    Advertised 1897-30
    (The brand name Farmer comes from the name of the inventor, George P. Farmer)

  7. Niagara Paper Clip
    Patented 1897
    Advertised 1897-1950

  8. Reeve Paper Clip
    Patented 1897

  9. Cole Paper Clip
    Patented 1897

  10. Perfection Paper Fastener
    Patented 1898
    Advertised 1898-1900, 1916-20

  11. Schooley Paper Fastener
    Patented 1898

  12. Columbia Paper Clip
    Advertised 1899

  13. Clipper Paper Clip
    Patented 1899
    Advertised 1900-11, 1921-23

  14. Daisy Paper Clip
    Patented 1899
    Advertised 1908

  15. Vaaler Paper Clip
    Patented 1900 (Germany), 1901 (US)

  16. Konaclip Paper Clip
    L.B. Expansive
    Patented 1900
    Advertised 1904-10, 1917 (L.B. Expansive)

  17. McGill Paper Clip
    Patented 1900

  18. Octo Fastener
    Advertised 1901-10, 1917-18

  19. Wright Paper Clip
    Patented 1901

  20. De Long Paper Clip
    Patented 1901

  21. Mowen Paper Clip
    Patented 1901

  22. Ideal Paper Clip (very small) or Clamp (larger)
    Patented 1902
    Advertised 1903-Present

  23. Multiple Grip Paper Clip Style E
    Advertised 1902

  24. Mussinan Paper Clip
    Patented 1902

  25. Cox Paper Clip
    Patented 1902

  26. Banjo Paper Clip
    Improved Gem No. 2, Banjo Gem
    Patented 1903 by George W McGill
    Advertised 1909-41

  27. Ring Paper Clip
    Rinklip, Circle
    Patented 1903 by George W McGill
    Advertised 1905-Present

  28. Improved Gem Paper Clip
    Improved Gem No. 1, Lipgrip (UK), Facile with Lip (UK)
    Glid-don (Australia), Clipper (UK)
    Patented 1903 by George W McGill
    Advertised 1909-24

  29. Weis Paper Clip
    Eureka, Star, Triangle
    Patented 1904
    Advertised 1903-41

  30. Common Sense Paper Clip
    Patented 1904
    Advertised 1904-25

  31. Owl Paper Clip
    Regal, Peerless, Supreme
    Advertised 1905-Present

  32. Weis Herculean Reversible Paper Clip
    Marketed 1905 ~ Advertised 1907-10, on market 1918

  33. Mogul Paper Clip
    Patented 1906
    Advertised c.1906, 1908-10, on market 1918

  34. Improved Niagara Paper Clip
    Same 1897 patent as the Niagara Paper Clip above
    Advertised 1908-1950

  35. Hold-Fast Paper Clip
    Advertised 1909-10, on market 1918

  36. Ringklip Paper Clip
    Advertised in Europe 1910

  37. Dennison Paper Clip
    Advertised 1910, 1918 (on market), 1921 (clearance sale)
    Illustrated in Webster's New International Dictionary 1934.

  38. Standard Paper Clip
    Advertised 1910-41

  39. Wing Paper Clip
    Advertised 1915, on market 1918
    Courtesy of Cornelia Moyer

  40. Improved Triangle
    Patented 1917
    Advertised 1923-25

  41. Little Gem Paper Clip
    On market 1918
    Lupo paper clip (Germany)

  42. Vise Paper Clip
    Advertised 1918-50 (Graffco), 1974 (Burro)

  43. Ezeon Paper Clip
    Handi-Grip, Imperial, Rapid,
    Universal, Victory
    Patented 1920
    Advertised 1918-89

  44. Victory Paper Clip
    Patented 1920
    Advertised 1921-22

  45. Collette Paper Clip
    Patented: Collette 1921
    Including all brands, advertised 1924-40
    This type of clip had many equi-spaced perpendicular serrations on the long sides only, not on the ends.
    Serrations are designed to hold papers securely.

  46. Marcel Gem Paper Clip
    Saspraude (Latvia), Savarzeles (Lithuania)
    Patented 1924
    Marketed 1931-93 (confirm. 1955-61 confirmed)
    This type of clip had fewer indentations than the Collette-type clips

  47. Non-Skid Gem Paper Clip
    Dandy Gem, Gripit, Standard Gem
    Patented: Non-Skid 1927, Dandy 1927, Gripit 1930
    Trademark: Dandy (Noesting) 1923 (renewed 1943)
    Advertised 1936-61, 1974 (Standard Gem), present
    This type of clip had many equi-spaced perpendicular serrations all along the wire, not just on the long sides.
    Serrations are designed to hold papers securely.

  48. Perfected Gem Paper Clip
    Perfect, Perfect Gem, Gothic, Gothic Gem, Spear,
    Clipper (England), Trikla (Germany)
    Patented 1934
    Advertised 1937-Present
    Widely used on European continent

  49. Nifty Paper Clip
    Kurly Klip, Spiral, Clipiola
    Patented 1936 (Nifty), 1939 (Kodye Kurly Klip)
    (Similar design patented 1907)
    Advertised 1937-Present
    The shapes of the spirals vary among brands.

  50. Acme Correspondence Clip
    Glide-On Paper Clip
    Acme: Advertised 1950
    Glide-On: Apparently marketed 1993-94
    Glide-On: Production ended in 1994-95
    Acme did not have the small indentations that the Glide-On (see images) has.

  51. Rapid Gem Paper Clip

  52. Vee-Clip
    Marketed by 1966 (pre-ZIP code)

  53. Radia Paper Clip (France)
    Sava (France), Polar (Germany), Ckpenky (Latvia)

  54. Unidentified Paper Clip A

  55. Unidentified Paper Clip B

  56. Unidentified Paper Clip C

  57. Sheet Brass Gothic Paper Clip

  58. Proco Paper Clip
    Courtesy of H A M Stumpel

  59. Sheet Metal Advertising Paper Clips
    We have misplaced the name of the person in the Netherlands who donated these.

  60. Sheet Metal Advertising Paper Clip

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Diubah oleh 16-05-2014 04:10
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