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pesawat MH370 ditemukan?
assalamu'alaikum wr wb
benarkah pesawat MH370 telah ditemukan? Ane disini mau ngasih tau agan2 "katanya" pesawat MH370 telah ditemukan di lautan hindia, ane dapat info ini dari twitter, banyak sekali orang malaysia yg ngetweet konfirmasi posisi terakhir pesawat MH370 dan ngirimin surat al-fatihah buat para korban..

Ini beberapa buktinya:
tweet dari @niylammm_ "MH370 disahkan terhempas di lautan hindi, alfatihah to all passenger"
tweet dari @foxnews "Malaysia pm says satelite data indicates missing jetliners MH370 went down in indian ocean:"
tweet dari @_syaidatul_ "AAIB UK confirm that last location of MH370 is in the middle of indian ocean"

untuk yg mau nambahin ifonya silahkan gan, ane keburu pegel ngetik di hp emoticon-Hammer (S)

untuk beritanya:

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Najib
Tun Razak today said that new radar
analysis has concluded that the
missing Malaysia Airlines MH370 has
crashed in the south Indian Ocean,
bringing to end a 17-day mystery of the fate of the runaway jetliner. The revelation also confirms the
tragic news that no passengers could
have survived the crash of the plane
which went off radar one hour after
taking off from Kuala Lumpur to
Beijing, carrying 239 passengers and crew, on March 8. “With deep sadness and regret that I
must inform you that, according to
this new data, flight MH370 ended in
the southern Indian Ocean,” said a
sombre Najib in a hastily arranged
press conference. Acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein was
with him. Najib said that he was briefed by
representatives from the UK Air
Accidents Investigation Branch
(AAIB) this evening to tell him that
Inmarsat, the UK company that
provided the satellite data which indicated the northern and southern
corridors, has been performing
further calculations on the data. Using a type of analysis never before
used in an investigation of this sort,
they have been able to shed more
light on MH370’s flight path, he said. “Based on their new analysis,
Inmarsat and the AAIB have
concluded that MH370 flew along the
southern corridor, and that its last
position was in the middle of the
Indian Ocean, west of Perth,” said Najib. “This is a remote location, far from
any possible landing sites. It is
therefore with deep sadness and
regret that I must inform you that,
according to this new data, flight
MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean,” he added in a very brief
statement. He did not take questions
from journalists. He said that the authorities would be
holding a press conference tomorrow
with further details. “In the meantime, we wanted to
inform you of this new development at
the earliest opportunity. We share
this information out of a commitment
to openness and respect for the
families, two principles which have guided this investigation,” he said. He also added that Malaysia Airlines
have already spoken to the families of
the passengers and crew to inform
them of this development. “For them, the past few weeks have
been heartbreaking; I know this news
must be harder still. I urge the media to respect their
privacy, and to allow them the space
they need at this difficult time,” he
said. It is believed the search mission for
the rest of the plane and the remains
of its passengers, as well as the all
important black box, will continue. The
black box is important for the
investigators to determine the cause of the crash. Earlier Malaysia Airlines sent SMS
message to relatives to say: “Malaysia Airlines deeply regrets that
we have to assume beyond any
reasonable doubt that MH370 has
been lost and that none of those on
board survived. As you will hear in the
next hour from Malaysia’s Prime Minister, we must now accept all
evidence suggests the plane went
down in the Southern Indian Ocean.” Family members of the passengers in
the jetliner have been briefed of this
new breakthrough and efforts are
being made to fly them to Perth as
soon as possible. The Malaysia Airlines flight went
missing from civilian radar an hour
after takeoff when it was flying over
the South China Sea. The aircraft was
picked up by military radar an hour
later in the western side of peninsula Malaysia flying towards the Andaman
Sea. The flight transponder which tracks
the plane was switched off internally.
Investigators now believe that the
flight was flying over the Indian
Ocean, based on the ‘pings’ sent out
by the plane which was picked up by satellite feeds. The plane is suspected to have flown
some five hours before its “pings”
went missing. Most of the passengers
on board were Chinese nationals. The
focus of the search now is centered
some 2,500km southwest of the Australian city of Perth. Yesterday, 18,500 square nautical
miles were searched in the Australian
search area where an Australian
search aircraft had located two
objects, one circular and one
rectangular. Earlier this evening, Najib had
received a call from the Australian
Prime Minister about the two objects,
and that an Australian ship was in the
vicinity to pick up the objects. The search missions was largely
concentrated in the south Indian
Ocean region following satellite
images of floating debris, which until
now were not confirmed to be from

Pesawat Australia yang terlibat dalam
pencarian pesawat Malaysia Airlines
MH370 melihat dua objek di lokasi
pencarian tim negara tersebut di
Samudra Hindia, satu objek berupa persegi panjang dan satu lagi
berbentuk bulat. "Beberapa menit lalu, Perdana
Menteri Malaysia menerima telepon
dari Perdana Menteri Australia, yang
menginformasikan bahwa sebuah
pesawat Australia telah melihat dua
objek di lokasi pencarian Australia, satu persegi panjang, satu bulat,"
kata pemangku Menteri Transportasi
Hishammuddin Hussein dalam jumpa
pers di PWTC, Kuala Lumpur, Senin. Kapal HMAS Success saat ini tengah
menuju lokasi tersebut dan
kemungkinan objek tersebut bisa
ditemukan dalam beberapa jam
mendatang atau paling lambat besok
pagi, katanya. Sebelumnya, pesawat pencari China juga melaporkan
melihat beberapa objek di lokasi
pencarian Australia. Namun objek-
objek tersebut tidak berada dalam
kawasan yang diidentifikasikan oleh
pihak Australia pekan lalu. Dua objek berwarna oranye
berukuran sekitar satu meter dan
sebuah drum putih juga terlihat oleh
pesawat pencari, namun objek-objek
tersebut belum teridentifikasi dan
belum ada bukti terkait pesawat MH370, kata Hishammuddin. Lokasi pencarian Australia saat ini
meliputi wilayah seluas 18.500 mil laut
persegi. Kapal yang sudah berada di
lokasi baru HMAS Success, namun
sejumlah kapal China diperkirakan
tiba di lokasi pencarian pada 25 Maret. Tiga pesawat -dua dari Jepang
dan satu dari Uni Arab Emirat- sudah
diberangkatkan dari Subang menuju
koridor selatan. Hishammuddin mengatakan bahwa
operasi pencarian masih dilakukan di
dua koridor yaitu koridor utara dan
selatan. Namun dengan adanya
temuan terbaru dari tiga negara
yaitu China, Australia dan Prancis, lebih banyak armada dikerahkan ke
selatan untuk dapat mengesahkan
bahwa objek-objek yang tertangkap
satelit itu benar-benar berasal dari
pesawat MH370. Setelah ada konfirmasi bahwa objek-
objek tersebut merupakan bagian
dari MH370, semua armada dari
Malaysia maupun negara-negara lain
akan diarahkan ke lokasi tersebut,
kata Hishammuddin. "Sampai saat ini belum ada kesimpulan yang bisa
dibuat terkait hilangnya MH370,"
katanya. Pencarian pesawat MAS MH370 yang
hilang sejak 8 Maret sudah memasuki
hari ke-17, namun belum ada
kejelasan mengenai keberadaan
pesawat tersebut. Pesawat yang
membawa 239 penumpang termasuk kru tersebut hilang dalam perjalanan
dari Kuala Lumpur menuju Beijing
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Diubah oleh 24-03-2014 15:17
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