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[HOT] Wah, Mimin Andrew diwawancarai sama founder Tech In Asia gan!

[HOT] Wah, Mimin Andrew diwawancarai sama founder Tech In Asia gan!
Iseng2 nulis keyword "kaskus" di Gugl, eh ketemu ginian. 

![[HOT] Wah, Mimin Andrew diwawancarai sama founder Tech In Asia gan!](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.iamwire.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Techinasia.jpg)
Apa sih Tech In Asiaitu?
Tech in Asia adalah sebuah perusahaan startup media teknologi online yang berbasis di Asia, dengan anggota tim yang tersebar di wilayah tersebut. Sebagai tim jurnalis dan blogger yang memiliki semangat besar untuk menghadirkan ide baru dalam menyampaikan berita, kami bersama-sama berjuang untuk satu tujuan – menciptakan situs berita teknologi terbaik dengan fokus pada Asia, dan untuk menyampaikan beragam hal menarik yang terjadi di Asia ke seluruh penjuru dunia.
*selengkapnya bisa langsung dibaca di website nya.
Menurut Tech In Asia:
Kaskus is well-known in Indonesia as a discussion forum, with over 28 million unique visits each month. In recent years however, it is evolving into an e-commerce marketplace. Will Kaskus survive the transition and continue to stay relevant in the mind of Indonesians?
Willis Wee, founder of Tech in Asia, will be interviewing Kaskus CTO Andrew Davisand CEO Ken Dean Lawadinata to find out about their plans for the company, how founders should grow their startups, and how they can understand their own strengths and curb their weaknesses.
Berikut garis besar wawancaranya gan:
What’s your vision for Kaskus?Ken says its started as a C2C platform. The community started to transact more, which is why they have transitioned to e-commerce for the past two years.
Why?Logistics are not great, and there’s disparity between big and small cities. But demand is huge. The internet is a connector between demand and supply. That’s why they’re focusing on building a payment system, too. They couldn’t find a system that helped, so they built KasPay.
Kaskus’ new platform hasn’t launched, but it will improve user experience and help on the logistics side, says Ken. Their goal is to make it easy for consumers to buy and sell. Kaskus gets data from the community: when they joined, what they are involved in, how active they are, etc. This information helps because a community leader is more trusted as a seller. Having the data allows them to do social commerce.
When will the site be launched?Andrew says the company, three months ago, found a guy who will become the COO of Kaskus. It started as a one-man team, and now it’s a 100-man site. It’s a new experience for them. “For a founder to be up to it, it’s not about whether they can handle it or not. It’s about knowing their weaknesses and knowing that they need a mentor,” says Ken.
The COO is the ex VP of IT for the Bank of America. They also hired a product manager from AMD. They’re paying for a system and a better product. They wanted to hire from inside, but they couldn’t find anyone. So they had to hire from outside.
We know Kaskus has been wanting to do e-commerce for two years, but the product hasn’t launched. What happened?Ken says the startup faced “setbacks.” Kaskus is a brand that’s well known. If Kaskus fails, everyone will know. They can’t afford to have that. That’s why they’d rather push the product later than ship an incomplete product.
Ken says the platform is finished, but they’re planning to launch in Q1 next year. That’s if everything goes according to plan.
The new COO will be able to give the team an honest perspective. This avoids groupthink. Ken says the company hasn’t used a single cent from its investments.
Why not acquire a company to build expertise?Ken says everything in Indonesia is expensive right now. Also, the other companies may not have the same goals as Kaskus.
In the transition from a small company to a big company, when did they decide to have a different business to continue growing?Andrew says the team has grown from two to over 20 developers. It’s harder to control, and they have to deal with a different culture. As Kaskus gets bigger, it’s not so easy to fix.
Ken says that Kaskus cannot stay complacent, and has to move from one place to another. “In the next 10 years, I won’t know what users want. Whatever solutions users want, we will provide it.”
“What are your weaknesses?” asks Wee. Ken says he knows nothing about the technical side. But he knows about product development. The founders also feel they lack experience.
By next year, Ken hopes the new COO will become the new CEO, so that Ken and Andrew can learn from him. One day, when they are more ready, they can retake the reins.
Ken will assume the role of chairman, Andrew will continue as an advisor.
“The number one goal of the founder is not to hold on to their position, but to make sure it survives,” says Ken. A person that started the company may not be the best to run it. If the founder gets run down by a truck, the company should still survive.
Would there be a conflict of vision of the founders step down?No, because the vision was set at the beginning. Ken says they’ve been searching since January 2011. They offered the job to someone, but got rejected. Now they’ve found someone with the same vision and patience to build the brand rather than just being concerned about short-term revenue.
Ken wants to “suck all the skills out of this guy [the new COO].” As a replacement, he’s as good as it gets, says Ken.
Andrew will not stay on as CTO. He was more of a graphic designer to begin with, and had to pick up programming from scratch. They’ve found someone else to take over. “Kaskus is my baby, but for 4 years, I’ve not taken a break,” he says.
Willis asks if Andrew has a girlfriend. Andrew says yes. He plans to get married and start a family.
Andrew will still keep giving ideas to Kaskus on new features.
Ken and his wife are starting Tororo, which sells baby products online. The industry is dominated by offline retailers. Online baby product stores are a new concept. They’re educating the brands about e-commerce. Their number one competitors are still the brick-and-mortar stores.
He believes baby needs are recession-proof. People will spend on baby products even as they give up the dream of owning a car. Ken wants to build a product people need, not luxury goods.
How easy is it to convert forum users to e-commerce buyers?Andrew says it’s hard. His plan is to let competitors educate the market first while he learns from them. Kaskus is big enough that they can afford to go late since they can implement a new scheme fairly quickly.
HR is limited in Kaskus. Online companies at their stage need people with relevant experience who know how to scale. There’s no such thing in Indonesia, as every startup is still in the early stages. It’s different in Silicon Valley, where talent is available at the right price. Ken also places emphasis on staff training.
Ken says main pillars of the company in the next two years will still be e-commerce and payments systems.
sumber: jangan di-klik
Ini pas lagi wawancara

![[HOT] Wah, Mimin Andrew diwawancarai sama founder Tech In Asia gan!](https://dl.kaskus.id/cdn.techinasia.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/ken-andrew-startup-asia.jpg)
Oke dah...itu aja sih...semoga terhibur 

Spoiler for NOTE:
TS sengaja tidak menerjemahkan isi ke dalam bahasa Indonesia dikarenakan 2 hal:
1. TS ingin mempertahankan originalitas
2. TS gak begitu jago bhs. Inggris, nanti salah2 malah di-bully
3. Perhatikan juga baik2 isi wawancaranya, mimin ada buka2 rahasia looh
1. TS ingin mempertahankan originalitas

2. TS gak begitu jago bhs. Inggris, nanti salah2 malah di-bully

3. Perhatikan juga baik2 isi wawancaranya, mimin ada buka2 rahasia looh

Dan jadilah Kaskuser yang DEWASA:
1. Jika menurut agan trit ini BURUK, maka RATE-lah dengan nilai yang BURUKpula.
2. Jika agan TIDAK SUKA dengan cara penyampaian ane, maka kirimkanlah ane BATA.
1. Jika menurut agan trit ini BURUK, maka RATE-lah dengan nilai yang BURUKpula.
2. Jika agan TIDAK SUKA dengan cara penyampaian ane, maka kirimkanlah ane BATA.
Diubah oleh anon009 03-12-2013 19:30

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