FILM DORAEMON TERBARU DI TAHUN 2013, "Nobita's Secret Gadget Museum" (wajib masuk!)
FILM DORAEMON TERBARU DI TAHUN 2013, "Nobita's Secret Gadget Museum" (wajib masuk!)
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Hai agan dan aganwati Kaskusersemuuaaaa..
Gimana kabarnya nih? Semoga baik-baik aja yaa..
Hari ini ane mau membagikan sedikit informasi mengenai kartun kesayangan kita semua
Apalagi kalau bukan, DORAEMON ....
Bocah mana sih yang ga suka dan gak tau kartun DORAEMON ??
Jadi ane barusan searching film terbaru di tempat biasa ane download, trus ketemu Film DORAEMON TERBARU 2013 gan..
Gilaaaakk, seneng banget gue serius, soalnya kartun ini udah lama banget kagak ngeluarin Film Petualangan terbarunya
Yaudah, langsung aja deh gan, tanpa basa-basi lagi, cek mariii...
Inilah agan-agan yang udah sangat Mengapresiasikan apa yang ane buat, terimakasih agan-agan
Spoiler for BUKTI NO REPOST:
...Inilah Film DORAEMON Terbaru... Doraemon The Movie: Nobita's Secret Gadget Museum
Spoiler for POSTER:
...Sinopsis / Cerita...
Spoiler for SINOPSIS / CERITA:
*** Bahasa Inggris ***
The movie begins in a museum. There are guards everywhere along with a museum director because there is a thieve named Kaitou DX who threatens to take a precious item inside the museum. When the crafty thieve, who disguised himself as the museum director, tries to take the statue he is going after, a detective who looks like Nobita appears. As it turns out, this is all Nobita's dream inside his classroom.
Back in Nobita's home, Doraemon is asleep. All of a sudden, a mysterious protal appears and a card with the letters "DX" falls on the ground. Immediately after, Nobita returns home and threw his backpack on top of the card, and his test with "0%" falls out from his backpack. He quickly hides the tests paper and put it together with the card into his pocket as his mother came. Soon, the thieve arrives through a portal and steals his cat-bell. Without his cat-bell, Doraemon started to act more and more like a normal cat. In order to stop this, Nobita, Shizuka, Suneo, and Gian decided to go and search for his bell. They went to a factory where all the Doraemon gadgets were made. They were fascinated by all the tools and most of all, they saw the very first "Anywhere Door" ever made!
*** Bahasa Indonesia ***
Dalam kisah kali ini yaitu:
Ketika Doraemon sedang tidur, ada seorang pencuri terkenal yang datang untuk mencuri bel yang ada di kalungnya Doraemon. Tanpa adanya bel di kalungnya, maka Doraemon akan bertindak selayaknya seekor kucing yang normal. Untuk menghentikan ini, maka Nobita, Shizuka, Suneo, dan Giant harus pergi untuk mencari bel milik doraemon yang telah di curi. Lalu akhirnya mereka pergi ke suatu tempat yaitu sebuah pabrik dimana semua alat-alat Doraemon dibuat. *maaf cuma dapet segitu yaa gan
...Trailer dan Informasi Film...
*** Trailer ***
Directed by
Yukiyo Teramoto
Written by
F. Fujio Fujiko (manga)
Higashi Shimizu