Apa pendapat agan melihat kaskuser seperti ini
Original Posted By TheTick►
Hahaha... ketauan kelas mu cuma segitu. taunya jualan nasi doang.
Kagak beda jauh ama ente punya latar belakang ya?
Been raised up in Texas since I was 9th grade. Graduate in several universities in US.
Udahlah ane kagak mau nyombong kok. Tapi pembaca laen kan bisa menilai. Ente kalau mau main ginian pasti dijamin kalah jauh mulai dalam semua sektor. Udah ah mending kagak usah deh.
Introspeksi diri kek. hahahaha...
Original Posted By TheTick►
Y'all are just bunch of spec of shit who never been out of your momma's cunt.
Check this out. Do you think I can have all these in Indonesia?
I have a plenty more in my armory.
And these babies are not cheap. I went shooting 3x in a week. using about 600-1000 rounds each time. Even if your father was General in Indonesia would never have as much as guns and bullets as mine.
There are REAL GUNS and RIFLE and live bullets
not Airsoft like in Indonesia.
And yes Everything ARE BIG in TEXAS.
Let me see what you have?