Kingo Android
Android ROOT is a software, programed by years of dedicate development, which can help Android users to root their devices in the easiest and safest manner. It is free of any charges, risks and preparations. Users no longer need to mess with the complicated scripts in some forums or be afraid of bricking and damaging their phone. Unlike any other rooting instructions, self-developed tools or programs, Kingo Android ROOT is trustworthy software that has been extensively tested by millions of Android users and carefully programmed after years of development. It is a must-have for every Android user. With the rise of Android as a free, open-source system and the boom of Android users, Android ROOT appears on stage and brings users a "Superpower" tool to make smartphones smarter than ever. It is capable of rooting almost every Android model from whatever manufacturers (Samsung, Motorola, HTC, Sony, Google, etc.) and every Android version from Android 1.5 the cupcake to the newest Android 4.3 Jelly Bean. And it keeps evolving with the development of Android. It can help you to true mastery of your Android. Rooting is a modification process to the original system, in which the limitations are removed and full-access is allowed and thus resulting in the ability to alter or replace system applications and settings, run specialized Apps and even facilitate the removal and replacement of the device's operating system with a custom one. Brand assurance from Kingosoft Technology Ltd. will set you free of concerns when rooting your Android. The highy trained R & D team has committed to research and develop programs concentrating into Android OS with years, adheres to the philosophy of perfection in order to help Android users achieve the best user experience. It also offers unparalleled support for 24/7 to help its users to resolve problems.
Read more: Kingo Android ROOT - Free download and software reviews - CNET Download.com
Fungsi Root :
Original Posted By boykeasido►maap gan, nanya dong emang kalo hape diroot itu biar apa ya gan ? ngaruhya apa ? soalnya ane gak tau

Fungsi Root yaitu :
Yang Pertama, Seperti halnya kalau pemakaian Computer kamu, kamu akan bebas untuk ngelihat folder di dalam drive kamu berupa program files, system, bin, dan lainnya.
Tetapi kalau di Android yang belum di root, untuk melihat itu(folder system) tidak bisa lewat HP maupun lewat Computer. Jadi harus di-root untuk memunculkan folder-folder tersebut.
Yang kedua, misalnya HP kamu
upgradenya mentok di Android Ice Cream, tapi ada custom ROM/OS (ROM atau OS - Operating System artinya sama aja) yang bisa upgrade ke Jelly Bean, nah
setelah install Jelly Bean itu biasanya butuh di-root. Untuk apa??
Untuk membetulkan yang error2, misalnay ga bisa cek pulsa jadi mesti copy paste files dari folder yang sudah disediakan oleh developernya ke folder system kamu.
Original Posted By boykeasido►
makasih gan infonya. kalo ane play store ane bisa dibuka tapi gak jalan jalan gan. jadi cuma loadingnya doang. itu perlu diroot jg gak ya ? apa cuma aplikasinya aja yg bermasalah ?
pakai ROM darimana gan? official bukan? Kalau bukan dari official dan dari developer, maka perlu di ROOT tapi sebelum di ROOT terlebih dahulu mesti tanya developernya tersebut, apakah bug dari ROM tersebut yang membuat google play stuck ini sudah ada file bug fixednya, kalau ga ada, di root juga percuma, mesti nyari ROM lain.
Cara Root: (SELAMA PROSES sekitar 2-5 menit jangan cabut kabel dari laptop)
1. Download Kingo Android
2. Buka Kingo Android di Laptop / PC
3. Sambungin HP ke Laptop / PC yang mau di ROOT
4. Aktifkan USB Debugging dan USB Mode (kalau ada) di HP
5. Pencet tombol ROOT di Laptop / PC, ikutin langkahnya sampai terestart sendiri (ROOT berhasil)
6. Selesai
Cara Unroot:
1. Setelah HP di ROOT maka muncul aplikasi SUPER SU di HP
2. Pencet Aplikasi SUPER SU
3. Pencet Fully Unroot Permanent
4. Selesai
(Jika sudah di unroot, bisa di root lagi gan.. suka2 agan gimana enaknya)
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PS: TS Pake HP Lenovo uda ditest root lancar jaya