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Aztec: Lost Treasure, Hernan Cortes dan Asal Mula California

Aztec: Lost Treasure, Hernan Cortes dan Asal Mula California
kapal Spanyol pesisir Mexico, pilem Apocalypto


Aztec History

Aztec: Lost Treasure, Hernan Cortes dan Asal Mula California

- Kerajaan Aztec

The Aztec empire might have continued to grow had not the Europeans arrived in 1519. At this time it was at its height, reaching from the Pacific to the Gulf of Mexico, from Central Mexico all the way to Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras.

- Rentang Waktu Berdirinya Kerajaan Aztec

Aztec: Lost Treasure, Hernan Cortes dan Asal Mula California

- Makanan Utama di Aztec

- Seni Aztec

- Perhiasan Aztec

For centuries Aztec jewelry has fascinated everyone who has had the chance to see it. From the necks, ears and wrists of the nobles, the jewelry has made its way into museums and today replicas are sold all over the world.

- Ritual pengorbanan manusia Aztec

Though the human sacrifice is the most talked about, there were actually many types of sacrifices. The people believed that they owed a blood-debt to the gods (see Aztec religion for more on Aztec sacrifice). They wanted to avert disaster by paying the endless debt.

Aztec: Lost Treasure, Hernan Cortes dan Asal Mula California
The moon pyramid at Teotihuacán

- Kuil Aztec

- Aztec alfabet

- Senjata suku Aztec

Aztec: Lost Treasure, Hernan Cortes dan Asal Mula California

- Prajurit Aztec

The largest (and today most well known) of these were the Jaguars (ocelomeh) and Eagles (quauhtin). Men in these societies would wear uniforms representative of these animals.

- Runtuhnya Kerajaan Aztec

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sejujurnya pilem Apocalypto sebenarnya juga ndak jelas kejadiannya di Amerika Selatan sebelah mana, apakah berkaitan dengan suku Aztec atau Maya, tapi di thread ini diasumsikan kalau pilem itu berkaitan dengan Aztec, gitu, gan bro. emoticon-Blue Guy Peace

runtuhnya kerajaan Aztec dan pengejaran akan emas Aztec selanjutnya akan membawa pada ditemukannya California oleh Hernan Cortes sewaktu dia menelusuri jejak harta karun tersebut.


emoticon-I Love Kaskus

Diubah oleh M0squit0 13-10-2013 04:27
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