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Mengenal 6 pebiliar wanita terbaik dan terseksi di dunia

Mengenal 6 pebiliar wanita terbaik dan terseksi di dunia
Selamat siang agan-agan dan aganwati, momod, dan mimin
Semua pasti udh pernah main biliard. paling ga liat permainan biliard di televisi. Pada umumnya kaum pria yg mendominasi permainan ini. Tapi ada juga kaum hawa yang memainkan olahraga ini bahkan sampai menjuarai beberapa turnamen biliard. Berikut 6 pebiliard wanita terbaik dan terseksi di dunia 

1. Pan Xiaoting
Pan Xiaoting is the first-ever professional pool player from China to play full-time on the Women’s Professional Billiard Association (WPBA) tour. Pan’s beauty and growing achievements in billiards have made her one of the most famous female athletes in her country. Pan was named WPBA Rookie of the Year in 2006 and finished the season ranked #13. Pan won her first WPBA tournament at the 2007 Great Lakes Classic. Later she won the 2007 WPA World Nine-ball Championship held in Taoyuan City, Taiwan. (from en.wikipedia.org)
Wanita kelahiran 25 Februari 1982 ini merupakan salah satu dari sepuluh pemain biliar terbaik di dunia.
Pan Xiaoting is the first-ever professional pool player from China to play full-time on the Women’s Professional Billiard Association (WPBA) tour. Pan’s beauty and growing achievements in billiards have made her one of the most famous female athletes in her country. Pan was named WPBA Rookie of the Year in 2006 and finished the season ranked #13. Pan won her first WPBA tournament at the 2007 Great Lakes Classic. Later she won the 2007 WPA World Nine-ball Championship held in Taoyuan City, Taiwan. (from en.wikipedia.org)
Wanita kelahiran 25 Februari 1982 ini merupakan salah satu dari sepuluh pemain biliar terbaik di dunia.
Spoiler for Pan Xiaoting:

Spoiler for Pan Xiaoting:

Spoiler for Pan Xiaoting:

Spoiler for Pan Xiaoting:

Spoiler for Pan Xiaoting:

Spoiler for Pan Xiaoting:

Spoiler for Pan Xiaoting:

Spoiler for Pan Xiaoting:

Spoiler for Pan Xiaoting:

Spoiler for Pan Xiaoting:

2. Jeanette Lee aka The Black Widow
Jeanette Lee's Profile:
Birth Name: LEE Jin-Hee, Hangul: 이진희
Nickname: The Black Widow - for her tendency of wearing black in a pool match
Date of Birth: July 9, 1971
Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York
Residence: Indianapolis, Indiana
Height: 5'8" (1.73 m)
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Asian
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Husband: George Breedlove (professional pool player)
Children: stepdaughters Morgan Michelle Breedlove and Olivia Sue Breedlove, foster son John Kang, adopted daughter Cheyenne Lee Breedlove and biological daughter Chloe Angelee Breedlove.
Official Site: http://blackwidowbilliards.com/index.php
Professional Debut: 1993
Titles: more than 30 national and international titles
2007 Pool & Billiard Magazine Fans' Top 20 Favorite Players, #4
2001, 2003, 2005, 2007 Ranked one of the Most Powerful People in the Sport by Billiards Digest
1998 WPBA Sportsperson of the Year
1994 WPBA Player of the Year
Formerly ranked #1 in the World and Player of the Year by Billiards Digest and Pool & Billiards Magazine
Jeanette Lee's Profile:
Birth Name: LEE Jin-Hee, Hangul: 이진희
Nickname: The Black Widow - for her tendency of wearing black in a pool match
Date of Birth: July 9, 1971
Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York
Residence: Indianapolis, Indiana
Height: 5'8" (1.73 m)
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Asian
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Husband: George Breedlove (professional pool player)
Children: stepdaughters Morgan Michelle Breedlove and Olivia Sue Breedlove, foster son John Kang, adopted daughter Cheyenne Lee Breedlove and biological daughter Chloe Angelee Breedlove.
Official Site: http://blackwidowbilliards.com/index.php
Professional Debut: 1993
Titles: more than 30 national and international titles
2007 Pool & Billiard Magazine Fans' Top 20 Favorite Players, #4
2001, 2003, 2005, 2007 Ranked one of the Most Powerful People in the Sport by Billiards Digest
1998 WPBA Sportsperson of the Year
1994 WPBA Player of the Year
Formerly ranked #1 in the World and Player of the Year by Billiards Digest and Pool & Billiards Magazine
Spoiler for Jeanette Lee a.k.a The Black Widow:

Spoiler for Jeanette Lee a.k.a The Black Widow:

Spoiler for Jeanette Lee a.k.a The Black Widow:

Spoiler for Jeanette Lee a.k.a The Black Widow:

Spoiler for Jeanette Lee a.k.a The Black Widow:

Spoiler for Jeanette Lee a.k.a The Black Widow:

Spoiler for Jeanette Lee a.k.a The Black Widow:

Spoiler for Jeanette Lee a.k.a The Black Widow:

Spoiler for Jeanette Lee a.k.a The Black Widow:

Spoiler for Jeanette Lee a.k.a The Black Widow:

3. Ewa Mataya Laurance
Ewa Laurance, wanita kelahiran 26 Februari 1964 ini terkenal sebagai pemain biliar wanita terbaik dalam kompetisi nine ball. Wanita yang telah menggeluti dunia biliar sejak berusia 14 tahun ini pernah menjuarai beberapa kompetisi biliar dunia, yakni WPA World Nine-ball Championship, US Open Nine-ball Championship, WPBA National Nine-ball Championship, International Trickshot Championship, dan the Swedish and European 14.1 Championships.
Ewa Laurance, wanita kelahiran 26 Februari 1964 ini terkenal sebagai pemain biliar wanita terbaik dalam kompetisi nine ball. Wanita yang telah menggeluti dunia biliar sejak berusia 14 tahun ini pernah menjuarai beberapa kompetisi biliar dunia, yakni WPA World Nine-ball Championship, US Open Nine-ball Championship, WPBA National Nine-ball Championship, International Trickshot Championship, dan the Swedish and European 14.1 Championships.
Spoiler for Ewa Laurance:

Spoiler for Ewa Laurance:

Spoiler for Ewa Laurance:

Spoiler for Ewa Laurance:

Spoiler for Ewa Laurance:

Spoiler for Ewa Laurance:

Spoiler for Ewa Laurance:

Spoiler for Ewa Laurance:

Spoiler for Ewa Laurance:

Spoiler for Ewa Laurance:

4. Anastasia Vladimirovna Luppova
Anastasia Vladimirovna Luppova, wanita kelahiran Rusia pada 26 Juni 1985 yang dinobatkan sebagai pemain biliar wanita terbaik di Rusia. Wanita yang kerap mengenakan kostum seksi saat bertanding ini pernah menjadi Miss Billiard pada 2009. Selain itu, Anastasia juga dua kali juara Eropa.
Anastasia Vladimirovna Luppova, wanita kelahiran Rusia pada 26 Juni 1985 yang dinobatkan sebagai pemain biliar wanita terbaik di Rusia. Wanita yang kerap mengenakan kostum seksi saat bertanding ini pernah menjadi Miss Billiard pada 2009. Selain itu, Anastasia juga dua kali juara Eropa.
Spoiler for Anastasia Vladimirovna Luppova:

Spoiler for Anastasia Vladimirovna Luppova:

Spoiler for Anastasia Vladimirovna Luppova:

Spoiler for Anastasia Vladimirovna Luppova:

Spoiler for Anastasia Vladimirovna Luppova:

Spoiler for Anastasia Vladimirovna Luppova:

Spoiler for Anastasia Vladimirovna Luppova:

Spoiler for Anastasia Vladimirovna Luppova:

Spoiler for Anastasia Vladimirovna Luppova:

Spoiler for Anastasia Vladimirovna Luppova:

5. Shanelle Loraine
Kalo yang satu ini ane yakin, agan2 pasti udh pada tau.soalnya doi udh bbrp kali ada penampakannya di forum ini karena 'asset' nya
. Shanelle Loraine, salah satu pemain biliar wanita terseksi di dunia. Wanita asli Filipina ini lahir di Misawa, Jepang pada 25 Maret 1982. Saat ini Shanelle tinggal di Florida dan sibuk sebagai pengajar biliar di University of Central Florida.
Kalo yang satu ini ane yakin, agan2 pasti udh pada tau.soalnya doi udh bbrp kali ada penampakannya di forum ini karena 'asset' nya

Spoiler for Shanelle Loraine:

Spoiler for Shanelle Loraine:

Spoiler for Shanelle Loraine:

Spoiler for Shanelle Loraine:

Spoiler for Shanelle Loraine:

Spoiler for Shanelle Loraine:

Spoiler for Shanelle Loraine:

Spoiler for Shanelle Loraine:

Spoiler for Shanelle Loraine:

Spoiler for Shanelle Loraine:

6. Cha Yu-Ram
Cha Yu Ram, salah satu pemain biliar profesional asal Korea. Wanita kelahiran 23 Juli 1987 ini pernah menjuarai kompetisi biliar Amway Cup. Pada tahun 2009 Cha Yu juga pernah menjuarai nine-ball singles dalam Asian Indoor Games.
Cha Yu Ram, salah satu pemain biliar profesional asal Korea. Wanita kelahiran 23 Juli 1987 ini pernah menjuarai kompetisi biliar Amway Cup. Pada tahun 2009 Cha Yu juga pernah menjuarai nine-ball singles dalam Asian Indoor Games.
Spoiler for Cha Yu Ram:

Spoiler for Cha Yu Ram:

Spoiler for Cha Yu Ram:

Spoiler for Cha Yu Ram:

Spoiler for Cha Yu Ram:

Spoiler for Cha Yu Ram:

Spoiler for Cha Yu Ram:

Spoiler for Cha Yu Ram:

Spoiler for Cha Yu Ram:

Spoiler for Cha Yu Ram:

Nah, itu tadi para pebiliard wanita yang terbaik dan terseksi di dunia..
Ane lebih menghargai para junker karena plg ga msh memberikan komen meski ngejunk, daripada silent reader.

Segelas cendol ga akan bikin agan2 dan aganwati jatuh bangkrut

Segelas cendol ga akan bikin agan2 dan aganwati jatuh bangkrut

Diubah oleh d0r43m0n8280 25-09-2013 07:21

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