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[TIPS] cara remove virus DESKSTOPPLAYER.exe....VArian terbaru dri ramnit

How to remove desktoplayer.exe
Author:desktoplayer.exe Hits: Update Time:2010-8-7 8:04:49
desktoplayer.exe removal

desktoplayer.exe and detail of desktoplayer.exe:

desktoplayer.exe description :We received the samples of desktoplayer.exe on 2010.08.08, and detected it is a virus. desktoplayer.exe Description: desktoplayer.exe was first detected on desktoplayer.exe Size: 7K bytes, File Path: D:\Windows\desktoplayer.exeThe desktoplayer.exe has the following beheavor:
Visits web sites on your PC security
Infector file which modifies program files to include a copy of the infection
Antivirus Program Report:
Duba: Backdoor.Win32.Nepoe
K7AntiVirus: AdWare.Win32.AdMoke.add
Eset: AdWare.Win32.Rabio
AbnAhnLab: BitAccelerator
Bitdefender: Adware.Trojan.Win32.Generic

Infected Countries:

, Denmark, Colombia, France, Faroe Islands

Reported OS:

Windows ME

Windows XP Professional

Windows 7, Spread Level:3, Threat Level3File type:desktoplayer.exe is Windows exe file., Detected Virus files Beheavor as following:
interception the keyboard behavior
Deleted as a process from disk
This Process can sends MIME Email
Created by unsafe process in task management
The Process is packed and/or encrypted using a software packing process
Process Hijacking
Visits web sites on your PC security
Added as a Registry auto start to load Program on Boot up
Usualy have random filename and refers to many versions of a dynamic link library
Hiding itself for using User Mode Rootkit Functionality

desktoplayer.exe remove instruction

1. Temporarily Disable System Restore, Reboot computer in SafeMode;

2. Locate desktoplayer.exe virus files and uninstall desktoplayer.exe files program. Follow the screen step-by-step screen instructions to complete uninstallation of desktoplayer.exe.

3. Delete/Modify any values added to the registry related with desktoplayer.exe,Exit registry editor and restart the computer;

4.Clean/delete all desktoplayer.exeinfected file(s):desktoplayer.exe and related,or rename desktoplayer.exe virus files;

5.Please delete all your IE temp files with desktoplayer.exe manually,run a whole scan with antivirus program ;
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