Apabila mereka bertanya tentang kami,maka jawablah : John Dee adalah sebuah band dalam balutan music rock,asal Bandung,Jawa barat,Indonesia yang siap mendobrak setiap sudut dinding telinga kalian,selamat menikmati dan selamat membuktikan folks!
Asalamualaikum Wr.Wb agan/sist semua
ane mau coba share lagu-lagu buatan band ane,dengan harapan agan-agan sekalian bisa memberikan masukan buat ane sama band ane
Spoiler for band ane gan:
sedikit cerita tentang band ane nih gan
Spoiler for sejarahnya:
untuk sekarang kita masing ngeluarin-ngeluarin single2 dari kita dulu aja,hehe sekalian pengumpulan materi juga kalo emang udah siap buat proses album (amiiin!!)
daaaaaan ini dia lagu hit single kita yang pertama
dan ini salah satu video manggung kita waktu di Chinook cafe (maaf baru satu yang ane masukin ke yout*be nya)
Spoiler for video:
dan ini untuk lirik history nya :
dan tambahan buat agan dan sist semua lirik "history?!" [SPOILER[/youtube]
(when i wake up), all i hear just people shouting, cause we can't find what happened behind
(and we get stuck),to all who tell shit story and make some life just like babydoll in a krack
oh lord of justice where you go? all i wanna hear is just from what you say
i need to see i need to understand,whats going on?
wake up!
this is the right time. we open minds and gonna tell everythings i know
i'll take a one step, so move along,move along,move along for now
is there all about the money?
or its for authority?
is there all about the money?
you ride all the history
you kill the people,and you take father's life from his child
let down the happiness, treat us like a hungry dog
and get along 8x
you throw your heart and make big fucking disaster!!
get alooooooooong!!
wake up…wake up!! WAKE UP!!!
dan kita sekarang baru banget ngeluarin lagu yang slownya yang judulnya "sincerely"
there are several thing is going out of control
don't ask why it happened
let it go away
few thing that we need to understand
its a god way,we just to through it all
*) we just a human,just human being
living for fantasy..and lot to compare
who sometime believe in wonder word
and sometimes regret when became too late
hope for nothing
pray for something
we have to sincere 2x
back to *),reff
we just to sincere,throw your worries out... we just to sincere,we just to sincere...
what we do,is what we gonna get