Hallo2 agan2 semuahnya , ane mau share server saya yg baru
Mungkin bagi yg belum pernah bermain SAMP , pasti bingung .
Nah , bagi Yang tahu main SAMP , server ini sangat menarik untuk di coba .
Ni fiturnya :
SA:MP Venom Gaming :
Kalian bisah beli rumah/mobil/bisnins dan masih banyak lagi
Server saya , gabungan dari : drift + TDM + SATDM + Freroam
HostName: [ 0.3X ] Venom Gaming's Real Fun Server [ INA ]
Players: xx/ 30
Ping: xxx
Mode: SATDM | DM | TDM
Map: Venom Build v15
# Admin System 1-7
# Teleport System
# Gang System
# Job System
# House System
# Biz System
# Vehicle Buyable System
# Race System
Player commands
for register : /register yourpassword
for login : /login yourpassword
for changepass : /changepass yournewpassword
for see others
Other Teleports
Goto Your Own House - /gotoh
Goto Bank - /telebank
Goto Bisuness - /gotobiz
Gang Commands List
Create a Gang - /gang create [name]
Join a Gang - /gang join
Invite a Player to Gang - /gang invite [playerID]
Quit Gang - /gang quit
Gang Info CMD - /ganginfo [number] (no number given shows your gang's info)
Gang Deposit - /gdeposit [money] /gwithdraw [money] /gbalance
Weed Help List
To buy some weed - /weedbag, /buyweed
To call a for weed type - /reqweed
To give weed - /giveweed [playerid] [grams]
To offer weed - /offerweed [playerid] [gram]
To smoke weed - /takeweed [grams]
To see how much have - /weedinfo
[Buy weed in 24/7]
Phone Help
To make a call - /call [player id].
To answer a call - /answer.
To end a call - /hangup.
For simple jobs list - /jobs
Law Enforement Job Commands
Taze a Player - /taze
send a cop radio message - /cm
Requst Visual Contact - /vc
Report a Player - /rep
Fine a Player - /fine
Jail a Player - /jlist
Search Player - /search
Cuff and Uncuff - /(un)cuff
Turn On Radio - /radon
Turn off Radio - /sur
Release a prisoner from jail - /parole
Pull Over - /po
Wanted List - /wlist
Criminal Commands
Rob another player type - /rob
Attempt to rob the bank - /robbank
Break out of hand cuffs - /breakcuffs
Escape from jail - /escape
Invite a friend to visit you - /reqvisit.
Medic Commands
To call for a medic! - /medic
Heal another Player - /heal
Cure Player from any disease - /cure
Infect player with Chlamydia - /infect
House Commands
To Set Your House Rent - /sethrent
To Get Rent - /gethrent
Sell House - /sellh
Unlock House - /unlockh
Lock House - /lockh
To Pay Rent - /payrenth
Stop Rent House - /unrenth
Start Renting - /renth
Buy House - /buyh
Enter Any House - /enterh
Exit House - /exith
Vehicle Commands
To buy vehicle - /vbuy
To sell vehicle - /vsell
Park vehicles - /vpark
To call your vehicles - /callcar1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10
See others commands for vehicles : /vmenu
Race Commands
Join a race - /join
To Ready To Start - /ready
To Leave the race - /leave
Abort the race - /endrace
To Display Best Lap - /bestlap
To Display Best Race - /bestrace
Hanya sedikit dri banyak mobil yg saya taru di game
My server on Proggress :
Fun :
Hehehe , itu cuma sekilas aja gan infonya .
ayo buruan deh nyoba , di jamin nggak akan nyeselin
Makasih yahh ..
By : VenomMancer A.K.A Dirgantara