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[Pict Inside]Koleksi Foto Menakjubkan dan Indah
[Pict Inside]Koleksi Foto Menakjubkan dan Indah
Foto-foto ini diambil dari laman Beautiful and Amazing Photo Collection di salah satu social media terkenal.Sepertinya ini laman internasional dan Raja Ampat sempat diposting gan.Pengelompokan nya dari Ane sendiri bukan dari blog.Jika berkenan boleh di rate *****dan dikomeng,dan Ane gak menolak cendolSemoga no repost
Raja Ampat Islands in Indonesia
Love these little guys! They are Inca Terns, which live off the coast of Peru and Chile. They develop their white 'mustaches' or facial plumes as they grow up.
Tall Treehouse With Amazing Spiral Stairs.
Amazing Statues
102-Year-Old Abandoned Ship is now a Floating Forest.
Nature at its peak
Thatched Cottage in Ireland, and yes, the grass really is that green in Ireland!
Frozen Lake Baikal in Siberia, Russia
Black Butterfly
Streets of Spello, Italy
Artist Peter Cook grew this living garden chair using tree shaping methods, primarily training a living tree through constricting the direction of branch growth. The chair took about eight years to grow.
This is a Real Panda. China has this "Panda Diplomacy" and this one will be sent to Japan as an friendship envoy. For safety reasons, he sits as a passenger with his feeder, not in a cage. Fastening the seat belt, wearing a diaper, eating bamboos.
Blood Lake, Texas, USA
Zakynthos Island, Greece. The water is so clear, it looks like the boat is floating in the air.
Love this shot
Spoiler for Raja Ampat:
Raja Ampat Islands in Indonesia
Spoiler for burung berkumis :aneh:
Love these little guys! They are Inca Terns, which live off the coast of Peru and Chile. They develop their white 'mustaches' or facial plumes as they grow up.
Spoiler for rumah pohon:
Tall Treehouse With Amazing Spiral Stairs.
Spoiler for jangan pergi:
Amazing Statues
Spoiler for kucing galau:
Spoiler for kapal berpohon:
102-Year-Old Abandoned Ship is now a Floating Forest.
Spoiler for kambing nekad:
Nature at its peak
Spoiler for rumah impian:
Thatched Cottage in Ireland, and yes, the grass really is that green in Ireland!
Spoiler for jangan nyebur ke sini gan:
Frozen Lake Baikal in Siberia, Russia
Spoiler for kura-kura netas:
Spoiler for kupu-kupu:
Black Butterfly
Spoiler for bebek demo BBM:
A Chinese Farmer in The City of Taizhou Takes his 5,000 Ducks Out For a Stroll
Spoiler for italia:
Streets of Spello, Italy
Spoiler for kursi dari tumbuhan?:
Artist Peter Cook grew this living garden chair using tree shaping methods, primarily training a living tree through constricting the direction of branch growth. The chair took about eight years to grow.
Spoiler for panda:
This is a Real Panda. China has this "Panda Diplomacy" and this one will be sent to Japan as an friendship envoy. For safety reasons, he sits as a passenger with his feeder, not in a cage. Fastening the seat belt, wearing a diaper, eating bamboos.
Spoiler for danau?:
Blood Lake, Texas, USA
Spoiler for di Yunani:
Zakynthos Island, Greece. The water is so clear, it looks like the boat is floating in the air.
Spoiler for lol:
Spoiler for wow:
Love this shot
Spoiler for Open it:
Bagaimana gan?minimal buat nyuci mata ke arah yang positif dan naturalis.Ane lumayan capek gan bikin thread ini,jadi kalau berkenan ane boleh minta ratenya atau cendolnya ganane tambahin ntar gan pictnya.
nona212 memberi reputasi
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