Mengenal Lebih Dalam Aplikasi Sketchbook Express Dan Sketchbook Pro
Mengenal Lebih Dalam Aplikasi Sketchbook Express Dan Sketchbook Pro
Spoiler for Sebelumnya:
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Sebelum mengetahui perbedaan Express dan Pro, tentu kita harus mengetahui apa itu aplikasi "Sketchbook"
Sketchbook merupakan aplikasi keluaran Autodesk untuk menggambar/desain grafis/buat sketsa dari gadget ber-OS Android dan iOs (apple). Aplikasi ini memudahkan kita dalam menggambar, terutama membuat sketsa. Kenapa ? Karena aplikasi pada gadget layar sentuh ini membuat kita lebih mudah membuat garis2 sketsa (seperti menggambar dengan pensil di kertas). Kan enak tu menggambar dengan jari atau stylus pen, lebih gimana gitu, dan bisa dikerjain sambil santai
Spoiler for Perbedaannya:
Menurut beberapa sumber (bukan dari ane langsung ya), sketchbook express cuma tersedia 3 layer sedangkan pada sketchbook pro tersedia hingga 12 layer (WOW, kalau di photoshop mah gak ada batasnya
Terus bedanya di pick colornya. Dan yg jelas yg pro bayar seharga $1,99 untuk smartphone dan $3,99 untuk tablet, kalau yg express FREE
Untuk fitur lengkap keduanya,liat aja dibawah ini :
Spoiler for Express:
✓ Full Screen work space with on demand UI
✓ Multi-touch navigation with a 2500% zoom
✓ Up to 3 layers you can merge and toggle visibility
• Opacity control on each layer
✓ Import layer from the Gallery on your device or Camera
✓ Save to the Gallery on your device
✓ 6 Preset Brushes, including Flood fill tool
• Synthetic pressure sensitivity (brush fade-off)
• Smooth brush stroking
✓ Add text to current layer
✓ Dynamic symmetric drawing
✓ Color Wheel and Customizable Color Swatches
Spoiler for Pro:
✓ Full Screen work space with support for any device orientation
✓Canvas sizes
• Create large canvases (up to 6.6 MP on newer models)
• Dynamically sets available layers
✓Pen Only Mode (For devices supporting Pen input)
• Pressure sensitivity
• Ability to draw with only the pen
• The canvas will not recognize touch input
• Touch input will be recognized by all the Tools, Panels, and menus.
✓Multi-Touch Interface:
• Two finger pan & zoom navigation with 2500% zoom
✓High Quality Brushes and Tools:
• Professional grade paint engine delivers smooth and precise brush strokes
• More than 60 preset brushes, including pencils, pens, markers and natural media
• 90 additional brushes and stamps brushes
• Completely customizable brush settings for each brush
• Draw styles for creating straight lines, rectangles, and circles
• Straight edge and circle guides
• Synthetic pressure sensitivity (brush fade-off)
• Dynamic symmetric drawing
• Import images from Photo Library
• Import from Camera
• Duplicate, Merge and Reorder Layers
• Move, scale, and rotate layers interactively using Multi-Touch
• Toggle visibility and adjust Layer Opacity
• Layer Blend Modes: Multiply, Add, Screen and Normal
• Preserve Transparency mode to paint only where paint already exists
• Reorder layers
• Store and view work-in-progress
• Export images to your local storage
• Import/Export as a layered file (PSD)
• Share via Intent
• Color Wheel with HSB and RBG color space
• Customizable Color Swatches
• Copic Color Library
✓ Customizable UI
• Customizable double tap canvas shortcuts.
• Palettes to store your favorite brushes and colors
• Radial menu so store custom brush and color combinations.
✓Stay Connected:
• Built in news panel for live info about Sketching events and announcements