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''our greatest power is our mind''

When God made us, there are already 2 superior creature :

Angels and Demons.

then He created us,

weaker in spiritual way than the angels.

weaker in physical way than the animals.

but the most powerful in intellingence,

yes ''our minds the most specialty than other creatures''

mind, is the most powerful n special ability that God gave.

''mind is like a galaxy , always expanding till its reach its limit , but we ourself captive this ability , make it burried slow but sure''

when mind expanding, its questioning.

all the things from micro - macro , alpha - omega , beginning - ending.



God made us different one another :

race, country, economy, culture, even religion.

for what?

God says, I've made u different one another to let u know each other , learn each other.

''your believe is yours , my believe is mine''

once, its look like we all need to become one , once there's a barrier too.

''its forbid to kill others , but its forbid to be closer with those who different''


what the purpose of the differences of ours?

what the purpose of the existences of ours?

''I do believe in God''

do you?


what if...

''religion that exist, is just a human's conspiracy or one of product of our evolutions''

''which God, do you follow?''

End . . . . .

nb: God gave us mind, to be expanding to its limit, He gave us this ability, special, to find Him , and knowing more about Him.

monggo pendapat agan-agan mengenai tujuan penciptaan kita :-)
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