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gan ane newbie coba mau ngeshare aja nih gan
coba cek deh followers agan apakah ternyata banyak fake followersnya di webnya fake followers klo banyak cobalah kita apus2in gan ....
klo mau banyak followersnya yaudah gausah di bot bot segala klo emang tweet2an ente bermanfaat pasti banyak deh yang follow ..... ane iseng2 aja waktu itu nyoba n ga nemu2 gan cara ngehapusfake followers tapi kali ini ane akan sebar nih triknya yang ane dapet barusan aja hehehehe
Tapi jangan lupa gan pembaca yg baik harus ninggalin jejak yah minta
juga yah gan
oke ane ga pake pict2an segala coba ini aja gan :
1. ente login dulu twitter ente gan terus masuk ke" me " n klik followersnya ....nanti kan banyak nih followers muncul nanti ente script gan ( cara ini cuma bisa dipake di google chrome) yang ngedukung script .....
2. cara script gmna ??? coba klik CTRL + SHIFT + J nanti muncul console
3. nah di scriptnya ente copy ini gan terus pastein di console
// Copy everything in this text area. Script begins on the next line:
var limit = 20,
i = 0,
num = 0,
r = 0,
count = 0,
rating_array = [],
followers = 0,
numFake = 0,
endEarly = false,
following = 0,
userFollowers = $('.profile-card').find("[data-nav='followers'] strong").text(),
userFollowers = parseInt( userFollowers.replace(/,/g, "") ),
upperLimit = userFollowers * .95,
userTweets = $('.profile-card').find("[data-element-term='tweet_stats'] strong").text(),
userTweets = parseInt( userTweets.replace(/,/g, "") ),
userFollowing = $('.profile-card').find("[data-element-term='following_stats'] strong").text(),
userFollowing = parseInt( userFollowing.replace(/,/g, "") ),
rating = 0,
scanLeft = userFollowers,
newDashboard = '<div class="dashboard new-dashboard" style="position: fixed;"><div class="module enhanced-media-thumbnails "><div class="flex-module media-thumbnails large recent_photos"><div class="directions-block"><h2>Directions for removing twitter followers:</h2><br><p>We need to scan all of your followers to see which are fake and real.</p><br><button class="btn" id="start-scan">Click here to get started!</button><br><br><p style="font-size: 12px;">Because you have ' + userFollowers + ' followers, this will take about ' + Math.floor( userFollowers*.0125 ) + ' minutes.</p></div></div></div></div>'
// Thanks for taking a peak at the code, if you have any questions or suggestions, shoot me an email at jacobdmulligan@gmail.com
function checkRating(item_id) {
return rating_array[item_id][0];
function setRating(i, newClass) {
rating = parseInt(followers)/parseInt(following)*parseInt(tweets);
if (parseInt(tweets) > 100 || parseInt(followers) > 100) {
rating = 100000;
if(rating < limit) {
setRed(num, numFake);
if (scanLeft <= 1) {
endEarly = true;
update(numFake, scanLeft);
function update(numFake, scanLeft) {
function setRed(num,numFake) {
$('#stream-items-id .stream-item:nth-child(' + num + ')')
.css({'background-color' : '#f2dede' , 'border' : '1px solid #eed3d7' , 'position' : 'relative'})
.addClass('setRed' + numFake)
.append('<button class="btn noblock" data-ratingID="' + numFake + '" style="position: absolute; top: 9px; right: 10px;"><span>Don\'t remove me!</span></button>');
// If user clicks on the "Don't block" button, this will change the rating
var changeID = $(this).attr('data-ratingID'),
changeID = parseInt( changeID.replace(/,/g, "") );
rating_array[changeID][0] = 99999;
.removeClass('btn noblock')
.text('Will not be blocked')
.parent().css({'background-color' : 'white' , 'border' : '1px solid #e8e8e8'})
function deleteFollower(limit) {
$.each(rating_array, function() {
rating = this[0];
itentifier = this[2];
if (rating < limit) {
$currItem = $('#stream-items-id .stream-item:nth-child(' + itentifier + ')');
$currItem // Comment these lines out for testing!
.find('.user-dropdown .dropdown-menu .block-text').trigger('click')
.find('.follow-button .unblock-text').trigger('click')
function postDeletion() {
.append('<h2><span class="fake-count">' + numFake + '</span> fake followers deleted!</h3><br><p>Those dasterdly fake followers are now gone for good! Thanks for using this script, I\'d be humbuled if you <a href="http://twitter.com/jcbmllgn">follow me on twitter</a> or if you tweeted about this tool:<br><br></p><a >FollowersBeGone</a>:<br><a href="https://twitter.com/share" class="twitter-share-button" data-url="http://FollowersBeGone.com" data-text="Remove your fake twitter followers with FollowersBeGone.com!" data-via="jcbmllgn">FollowersBeGone</a>[removed]!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs[removed].insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");[removed]<br><br><a href="#">Click to reload page</a><br><a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/jcbmllgn/followersBeGone">View source on Github</a><br><a href="mailto:jacobdmulligan@gmail.com">Email me</a><p>-Jacob</p>').fadeIn(); // Inserts directions for next step.
$('.noblock').removeClass('btn').text('No longer follows you');
// load iframe that trackes stats: number of followers you have, fake followers that I found, fake followers that you actually deleted, how many followers you have, how many times you've tweeted
// Your twitter handle is not being tracked!
$('body').append('<iframe style="opacity: 0; width:1px; height:1px; position:absolute; bottom:0px;" src="http://followersBeGone.com/tracker.php?user_followers=' + userFollowers + '&user_tweets=' + userTweets +'&user_following=' + userFollowing + '&num_fake=' + numFake + '&num_deleted=' + numFake +'"></iframe>');
function checkVariable(i, newClass) {
var a = $('.profile-modal .profile-modal-header');
if (a) {
tweets = $('#profile_popup').find("[data-nav='profile'] strong").text(),
tweets = parseInt( tweets.replace(/,/g, "") ),
following = $('#profile_popup').find("[data-nav='following'] strong").text(),
following = parseInt( following.replace(/,/g, "") ),
followers = $('#profile_popup').find("[data-nav='followers'] strong").text(),
followers = parseInt( followers.replace(/,/g, "") );
if( newClass && following > 1 || followers > 1 ){
} else {
setTimeout("checkVariable()" , 100); // call myself again in 50 msecs
else {
setTimeout("checkVariable()" , 100); // call myself again in 50 msecs
function followerScan (num_scan) {
endEarly = true;
setTimeout(function () {
newClass = 'count' + i;
$currItem = $('#stream-items-id .stream-item:nth-child(' + i + ')');
var item_length = $('#stream-items-id .stream-item').length;
setTimeout("checkVariable(i, newClass)" , 100);
if( i >= item_length-15 ){
$('#stream-items-id .stream-item').find('.user-actions').css('opacity' , '0');
$("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $(document).height() }, "fast");
if ( upperLimit === i || endEarly === true) {
} else {
}, 275)
function deleteStep() {
$("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow", function(){
.append('<h2>You have <span class="fake-count">' + numFake + '</span> fake followers!</h2><br><p>Scroll down the list on the right and you\'ll see that all fake followers are highlighted in red. If any of these followers where wrongly marked as fake, just click on the "Don\'t block me" button then move on.</p><br><p>Now that we\'ve selected the fake followers, click this button to remove them, note that this CANNOT be undone!</p><br><br><button class="btn primary-btn" id="delete-followers">Delete fake followers</button><br><br><p style="font-style: italic;">Depending on the number of followers you have, this may take up to a couple minutes to process!</p>').fadeIn(); // Inserts directions for next step.
function makeDashboard() {
// remove old dashboard:
$removedItems = $('.dashboard').addClass('removed-dashboard');
// Insert new dashboard:
function undoDashboard() {
$('body').append('<div style="position: fixed;top: 60px;right: 50px;forbidden999999;font-weight: bold;color: white;background: #3e3e3e;padding: 20px;font-size: 20px;" id="follower-tracker"><p><span class="soFar">0</span> fake followers so far.</p><br><br><p>Followers left to scan: <span class="numLeft">' + userFollowers + '</span></p><br><br><button class="btn" id="end-scan">Click here to end scan early</button><br><br><p style="font-size:14px;font-weight:normal;">If the scan starts slowing down, you can<br>end it early, delete current fake followers,<br>then rescan..</p></div>');
$soFar = $('#follower-tracker span.soFar');
$numLeft = $('#follower-tracker span.numLeft');
4. copynya jangan sampe ada yg lewat yah gan ,abis itu ente pencet ENTER aja gan
5. nanti di twitternya bakalan ada tulisan " CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED" ente click aja itu gan trus tunggu deh dia akan bekerja sendiri ngapusin FAKE FOLLOWERS ENTE .....makin banyak fake followersnya ya makin lama nih ane msh diapus2in gan fake followersnya (24menit)
Semoga ini membantu agan2 yang masih ngerasa harus punya followers banyak dengan jalan ngebot hehehehehe
Jangan lupa gan follow ane @igorichrich mendingan follow2an aja deh gan drpda ngebott hehehe kasih cendol juga yah gannnn

coba cek deh followers agan apakah ternyata banyak fake followersnya di webnya fake followers klo banyak cobalah kita apus2in gan ....
klo mau banyak followersnya yaudah gausah di bot bot segala klo emang tweet2an ente bermanfaat pasti banyak deh yang follow ..... ane iseng2 aja waktu itu nyoba n ga nemu2 gan cara ngehapusfake followers tapi kali ini ane akan sebar nih triknya yang ane dapet barusan aja hehehehe
Tapi jangan lupa gan pembaca yg baik harus ninggalin jejak yah minta

oke ane ga pake pict2an segala coba ini aja gan :
1. ente login dulu twitter ente gan terus masuk ke" me " n klik followersnya ....nanti kan banyak nih followers muncul nanti ente script gan ( cara ini cuma bisa dipake di google chrome) yang ngedukung script .....
2. cara script gmna ??? coba klik CTRL + SHIFT + J nanti muncul console
3. nah di scriptnya ente copy ini gan terus pastein di console
// Copy everything in this text area. Script begins on the next line:
var limit = 20,
i = 0,
num = 0,
r = 0,
count = 0,
rating_array = [],
followers = 0,
numFake = 0,
endEarly = false,
following = 0,
userFollowers = $('.profile-card').find("[data-nav='followers'] strong").text(),
userFollowers = parseInt( userFollowers.replace(/,/g, "") ),
upperLimit = userFollowers * .95,
userTweets = $('.profile-card').find("[data-element-term='tweet_stats'] strong").text(),
userTweets = parseInt( userTweets.replace(/,/g, "") ),
userFollowing = $('.profile-card').find("[data-element-term='following_stats'] strong").text(),
userFollowing = parseInt( userFollowing.replace(/,/g, "") ),
rating = 0,
scanLeft = userFollowers,
newDashboard = '<div class="dashboard new-dashboard" style="position: fixed;"><div class="module enhanced-media-thumbnails "><div class="flex-module media-thumbnails large recent_photos"><div class="directions-block"><h2>Directions for removing twitter followers:</h2><br><p>We need to scan all of your followers to see which are fake and real.</p><br><button class="btn" id="start-scan">Click here to get started!</button><br><br><p style="font-size: 12px;">Because you have ' + userFollowers + ' followers, this will take about ' + Math.floor( userFollowers*.0125 ) + ' minutes.</p></div></div></div></div>'
// Thanks for taking a peak at the code, if you have any questions or suggestions, shoot me an email at jacobdmulligan@gmail.com
function checkRating(item_id) {
return rating_array[item_id][0];
function setRating(i, newClass) {
rating = parseInt(followers)/parseInt(following)*parseInt(tweets);
if (parseInt(tweets) > 100 || parseInt(followers) > 100) {
rating = 100000;
if(rating < limit) {
setRed(num, numFake);
if (scanLeft <= 1) {
endEarly = true;
update(numFake, scanLeft);
function update(numFake, scanLeft) {
function setRed(num,numFake) {
$('#stream-items-id .stream-item:nth-child(' + num + ')')
.css({'background-color' : '#f2dede' , 'border' : '1px solid #eed3d7' , 'position' : 'relative'})
.addClass('setRed' + numFake)
.append('<button class="btn noblock" data-ratingID="' + numFake + '" style="position: absolute; top: 9px; right: 10px;"><span>Don\'t remove me!</span></button>');
// If user clicks on the "Don't block" button, this will change the rating
var changeID = $(this).attr('data-ratingID'),
changeID = parseInt( changeID.replace(/,/g, "") );
rating_array[changeID][0] = 99999;
.removeClass('btn noblock')
.text('Will not be blocked')
.parent().css({'background-color' : 'white' , 'border' : '1px solid #e8e8e8'})
function deleteFollower(limit) {
$.each(rating_array, function() {
rating = this[0];
itentifier = this[2];
if (rating < limit) {
$currItem = $('#stream-items-id .stream-item:nth-child(' + itentifier + ')');
$currItem // Comment these lines out for testing!
.find('.user-dropdown .dropdown-menu .block-text').trigger('click')
.find('.follow-button .unblock-text').trigger('click')
function postDeletion() {
.append('<h2><span class="fake-count">' + numFake + '</span> fake followers deleted!</h3><br><p>Those dasterdly fake followers are now gone for good! Thanks for using this script, I\'d be humbuled if you <a href="http://twitter.com/jcbmllgn">follow me on twitter</a> or if you tweeted about this tool:<br><br></p><a >FollowersBeGone</a>:<br><a href="https://twitter.com/share" class="twitter-share-button" data-url="http://FollowersBeGone.com" data-text="Remove your fake twitter followers with FollowersBeGone.com!" data-via="jcbmllgn">FollowersBeGone</a>[removed]!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs[removed].insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");[removed]<br><br><a href="#">Click to reload page</a><br><a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/jcbmllgn/followersBeGone">View source on Github</a><br><a href="mailto:jacobdmulligan@gmail.com">Email me</a><p>-Jacob</p>').fadeIn(); // Inserts directions for next step.
$('.noblock').removeClass('btn').text('No longer follows you');
// load iframe that trackes stats: number of followers you have, fake followers that I found, fake followers that you actually deleted, how many followers you have, how many times you've tweeted
// Your twitter handle is not being tracked!
$('body').append('<iframe style="opacity: 0; width:1px; height:1px; position:absolute; bottom:0px;" src="http://followersBeGone.com/tracker.php?user_followers=' + userFollowers + '&user_tweets=' + userTweets +'&user_following=' + userFollowing + '&num_fake=' + numFake + '&num_deleted=' + numFake +'"></iframe>');
function checkVariable(i, newClass) {
var a = $('.profile-modal .profile-modal-header');
if (a) {
tweets = $('#profile_popup').find("[data-nav='profile'] strong").text(),
tweets = parseInt( tweets.replace(/,/g, "") ),
following = $('#profile_popup').find("[data-nav='following'] strong").text(),
following = parseInt( following.replace(/,/g, "") ),
followers = $('#profile_popup').find("[data-nav='followers'] strong").text(),
followers = parseInt( followers.replace(/,/g, "") );
if( newClass && following > 1 || followers > 1 ){
} else {
setTimeout("checkVariable()" , 100); // call myself again in 50 msecs
else {
setTimeout("checkVariable()" , 100); // call myself again in 50 msecs
function followerScan (num_scan) {
endEarly = true;
setTimeout(function () {
newClass = 'count' + i;
$currItem = $('#stream-items-id .stream-item:nth-child(' + i + ')');
var item_length = $('#stream-items-id .stream-item').length;
setTimeout("checkVariable(i, newClass)" , 100);
if( i >= item_length-15 ){
$('#stream-items-id .stream-item').find('.user-actions').css('opacity' , '0');
$("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $(document).height() }, "fast");
if ( upperLimit === i || endEarly === true) {
} else {
}, 275)
function deleteStep() {
$("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow", function(){
.append('<h2>You have <span class="fake-count">' + numFake + '</span> fake followers!</h2><br><p>Scroll down the list on the right and you\'ll see that all fake followers are highlighted in red. If any of these followers where wrongly marked as fake, just click on the "Don\'t block me" button then move on.</p><br><p>Now that we\'ve selected the fake followers, click this button to remove them, note that this CANNOT be undone!</p><br><br><button class="btn primary-btn" id="delete-followers">Delete fake followers</button><br><br><p style="font-style: italic;">Depending on the number of followers you have, this may take up to a couple minutes to process!</p>').fadeIn(); // Inserts directions for next step.
function makeDashboard() {
// remove old dashboard:
$removedItems = $('.dashboard').addClass('removed-dashboard');
// Insert new dashboard:
function undoDashboard() {
$('body').append('<div style="position: fixed;top: 60px;right: 50px;forbidden999999;font-weight: bold;color: white;background: #3e3e3e;padding: 20px;font-size: 20px;" id="follower-tracker"><p><span class="soFar">0</span> fake followers so far.</p><br><br><p>Followers left to scan: <span class="numLeft">' + userFollowers + '</span></p><br><br><button class="btn" id="end-scan">Click here to end scan early</button><br><br><p style="font-size:14px;font-weight:normal;">If the scan starts slowing down, you can<br>end it early, delete current fake followers,<br>then rescan..</p></div>');
$soFar = $('#follower-tracker span.soFar');
$numLeft = $('#follower-tracker span.numLeft');
4. copynya jangan sampe ada yg lewat yah gan ,abis itu ente pencet ENTER aja gan
5. nanti di twitternya bakalan ada tulisan " CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED" ente click aja itu gan trus tunggu deh dia akan bekerja sendiri ngapusin FAKE FOLLOWERS ENTE .....makin banyak fake followersnya ya makin lama nih ane msh diapus2in gan fake followersnya (24menit)
Semoga ini membantu agan2 yang masih ngerasa harus punya followers banyak dengan jalan ngebot hehehehehe

Jangan lupa gan follow ane @igorichrich mendingan follow2an aja deh gan drpda ngebott hehehe kasih cendol juga yah gannnn


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