"Aku lebih memilih terjebak ke dalam sebuah friendzone agar aku tidak melihat airmata kesedihan ketika kamu menjadi kekasihku."
Kisah ini kompleks banget, sama kayak kehidupan gw akhir-akhir ini, di kekang oleh sebuah perasaan hina bernama Galaudan penuh dengan ketidakpastian, terutama dalam urusan percintaan
Spoiler for :
Kisah ini terbagi dalam 50% pengalaman gw dan 50% hasil karangan gw, so cerdaslah dalam menyimpulkan sebuah cerita Dan untuk masalah update, di usahain tiap weekend
sebelum gw buka coretan di tempat tercinta ini,
mari kita nyanyi-nyanyi sejenak terlebih dahulu
Spoiler for The Intro:
One OK Rock - Ending Story??
You've got me trapped in corners
Think I have nowhere to go
But I'll show you, first thing I do
You've got me oh so wrong
You've got me trapped in corners
Think I have nowhere to go
But I'll show you, first thing I do
You got me fucking wrong
Let's go
The never ending story of
How you bring me up, just to bring me pain
Where we going? Seems around
I've had it up, things will never ever change
Say you changed enough for reasons
We can't seem to forget
If you want a story
Here it is
You'd love me
to stay here
I hate you
Can you admit you're wrong?
No never
It's like you said
The never ending story of
How you bring me up, just to bring me pain
but this is just one of your games
I've had it up, you will never ever change
uh baby
try to picture moving on
I wanna picture worth my time
A thousand words for every tear of mine
Chasing myself in circles
When will this finally end
E ni kaita youna kyoufu ni
Owa re sugoshita
Deguchi no nai ruupu kurikaeshi
It's like you said
The never ending story of
How you bring me up, just to bring me pain
But this is just one of your games
I've had it up, you will never ever change
uh baby
try to picture moving on
I wanna picture worth my time
A thousand words for every tear of mine
I'm going through stages
like roaming through pages
Daremoga jibun wo miushinau
Son'na toki wa hibi no kensou kara hanarete
Miwataseba soko ni wa hora ima no kimi ga utsurukara
Over and over again
It's like we're looking and searching for sin
Or something that will take this
Pain away from my brain
So you're talking and yapping and lips are moving but
I am free
You? none
You'd love me
to stay here
I hate you
Can you admit you're wrong?
No never
It's like you said
The never ending story of
How you bring me up, just to bring me pain
but this is just one of your games
I've had it up, you will never ever change
uh baby
try to picture moving on
I wanna picture worth my time
A thousand words for every tear of mine
The never ending story of
Where we go we seems around
The never ending story of
but this is just one of your games
yok langsung bermain ke chapter pertama
Spoiler for the Prologue:
Nama gw Rama (sori rada frontal nyebutin nama asli ) gw masih kelas 2 SMA di sebuah SMA top di Bandung, dan gw sering di tindas (di bullymaksudnya ) karna gw orangnya yang rada antisosial dan susah untuk di ajak bercanda. Perawakan gw pendek (bayangin kelas 2 SMA masih 162 cm, padahal gw kan cowo), sedikit gemuk, kulit putih agak pucet (bule2 pada umumnya ), rambut hitam ikal, dan ketika waktu luang, gw lebih memilih diam di rumah ketimbang kongkow-kongkow ga jelas di luar
Kehidupan absurd gw itu di mulai ketika gw mengenal apa itu cinta, ya tepatnya umur 9 taun (kalo di itung-itung gw udah nge jomblo sewindu, kayak lagunya tulus aja ).Beberapa kali gw ngeceng cewe, dan itu semua berbuah kegagalan karna gw selalu ogah dan takut untuk menyatakan perasaan gw ke orang yang gw keceng.
Sebuah ironis memang, padahal prestasi akademik gw gemilang pada waktu SMP, tak pernah terlempar dari 10 besar.Tapi ketika gw tau kerasnya lingkungan SMA, tiba-tiba gw terlempar dari zona nyaman dan terancam tidak naik kelas.Itu semua karna sifat gw tadi yang tidak tahan dengan ejekan maupun candaan mereka yang sama sekali kampungan
Poll ini sudah ditutup. - 7 suara
Mending Update Chapter nya gimana gan?
Kebut Tiap Minggu Update 2 Chapter
Update berkala 1 Chapter/Minggu
Cukup sampe di sini aja ceritanya :norose:
terserah agan deh jalan cerita maunya kayak gimana :bettys tulis di kolom reply