"Il Pulcino Pio" is an Italian song released as a single on 18 July 2012 on Globo Records by the Rome radio station Radio Globo. The song is credited to the character Pulcino Pio (literally the chirping chick) and is actually interpreted by Morgana Giovannetti, an actress and host of the station. It became the 2012 summer hit single in Italy peaking in the FIMI official Italian Singles Chart at #1 and staying at top for 8 consecutive weeks (August to October 2012). It also became a hit in France, Spain, the Netherlands, and other European countries in their respective local language versions. The English version was released as "The Little Chick Cheep", the French version as "Le poussin Piou", the Spanish version "El Pollito Pío", the Dutch version "Het kuikentje Piep" and the Catalan version "El Pollet Piu".
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