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Oke, ceritanya dimulai dari saat ane bermain game Gran Turismo 2 ( silahkan cek di gugel yang gatau ) dan iseng iseng ngebuka semua manufacture mobil. saat ane membuka pabrikan VECTOR (bisa dilihat di South, terus cari VECTOR) ; buka mobilnya di Line-Up (dimana cuma ada2 kalo ga salah : M12 dan W8) ; buka description dari M12 ; dan JRENGG! ane dikejutkan dengan adanya kata "Indonesia" di dalam descriptionnya! Penasaran, ane pun buka Google, dan setelah googling beberapa lama, akhirnya terungkap sudah semua faktanya~ Let's see!
Spoiler for english:
The Vector M12 was a vehicle designed by the Vector Motors Corporation, and was the first vehicle produced after the hostile takeover of the company from Jerry Wiegert by the Indonesian company Megatech. The model was produced from 1995 to 1999, when production was halted, partly due to slow sales of the cars and mismanagement of the company. The average price of the vehicle was $184,000 (USD).
The vehicle was a rebodied Lamborghini Diablo with a chopper gun fiberglass body set on a lengthened Diablo chassis. It was a loose copy of the Vector WX-3, which was not released due to the Megatech takeover. The drivetrain was a 5707 cc Lamborghini V12 engine, which produced 499 PS (367 kW; 492 hp) and 425 lb·ft (576 N·m) of torque at 5200 rpm. This differed from the V8 in the W8 and the WX-3, which Vector claimed to produce 1,200 hp (895 kW) in twin-turbo form (and 850 hp (634 kW) when naturally aspirated). The W8 and WX-3's engines were transversely mounted, unlike the M12's V12. The engineering changes placed the cockpit slightly further forward than in the WX-3, with a shorter nose and longer tail. The M12 was able to accelerate from zero to 60 mph (97 km/h) in 4.8 seconds and had a top speed of 189 mph (304 km/h).
The M12 was supposed to be a more finalized and road-friendly version of the WX-3, which could get up to 13 miles per gallon. There were 18 M12s produced: four pre-production models and 14 production models. One of the M12 pre-production cars was converted to motorsport specification by the factory, but did not perform successfully due to mechanical problems[citation needed]. This car would again be converted, this time into the SRV8.
In 2011, two of the 14 production models were both damaged in separate accidents, car numbers 06 and 13, respectively. Car 06 was destroyed in a fire, and car 13 was damaged by flood water in Britain. Car 13 is apparently being repaired in Dubai. It is currently unknown what will happen to car 06.
The M12 production run ended in 1999 when Vector could not pay Lamborghini for the engines. Lamborghini took a W8 as payment, but Wiegert litigated for ownership of that car. An M12 unit would later be modified into the SRV8 model, but the Vector company did not survive.
Yang pusing, bisa diliat versi translatenya
Spoiler for gugel translate:
Vector M12 adalah kendaraan yang dirancang oleh Vector Motors Corporation, dan merupakan kendaraan pertama yang diproduksi setelah pengambilalihan bermusuhan perusahaan dari Jerry Wiegert oleh perusahaan Megatech Indonesia. Model ini diproduksi 1995-1999, ketika produksi dihentikan, sebagian karena memperlambat penjualan mobil dan salah urus Perusahaan. Harga rata-rata kendaraan adalah $ 184.000 (USD).
Kendaraan ini adalah Lamborghini Diablo didesign ulang dengan tubuh dari fiberglass yang diatur pada chassis Diablo diperpanjang. Itu salinan longgar Vector WX-3, yang tidak dirilis karena pengambilalihan Megatech. Drivetrain adalah 5707 cc Lamborghini V12, yang menghasilkan 499 PS (367 kW; 492 hp) dan £ 425 · ft (576 N · m) dari torsi pada 5.200 rpm. Ini berbeda dari V8 dalam W8 dan WX-3, yang Vector diklaim mampu menghasilkan 1.200 hp (895 kW) pada twin-turbo bentuk (dan 850 hp (634 kW) saat naturally aspirated). The W8 dan mesin WX-3 yang telah dipasang melintang, tidak seperti V12 M12 itu. Perubahan rekayasa ditempatkan kokpit sedikit lebih maju daripada di WX-3, dengan hidung pendek dan ekor panjang. The M12 adalah mampu berakselerasi dari nol sampai 60 mph (97 km / jam) dalam 4,8 detik dan memiliki kecepatan tertinggi 189 mph (304 km / h).
M12 seharusnya Menjadi versi yang lebih diselesaikan dan jalan-ramah WX-3, yang bisa mendapatkan hingga 13 mil per galon. Ada 18 M12S diproduksi: empat model pra-produksi dan 14 model produksi. Salah satu mobil M12 pra-produksi dikonversi dengan spesifikasi motorsport oleh pabrik, namun tidak berhasil melakukan karena masalah mekanis [rujukan?]. Mobil ini akan dikonversi lagi, kali ini ke SRV8.Pada tahun 2011, dua dari 14 model produksi keduanya rusak dalam kecelakaan terpisah, nomor mobil 06 dan 13, masing-masing. Mobil 06 hancur dalam api, dan mobil 13 rusak oleh air banjir di Inggris. Mobil 13 rupanya sedang diperbaiki di Dubai.
Saat ini diketahui apa yang akan terjadi pada mobil 06.Menjalankan produksi M12 berakhir pada tahun 1999 ketika Vector tidak bisa membayar Lamborghini untuk mesin. Lamborghini mengambil W8 sebagai pembayaran, tetapi Wiegert litigated untuk kepemilikan mobil itu. Sebuah unit M12 nantinya akan dimodifikasi menjadi model SRV8, tetapi perusahaan Vector tidak bertahan.
Penasaran sama modelnya? Check it Out!
Spoiler for Vector M12:
Spoiler for Vector M12:
Spoiler for Vector M12:
Spoiler for Vector M12:
TAPI TUNGGU DULU! Kenapa Vector Bangkrut? Ini dia jawabannya!
Spoiler for megatech:
Megatech moved Vector from its Wiegert-owned headquarters building in Wilmington, California, to Green Cove Springs, Florida, where the company could share office space with fellow MegaTech-owned automaker Automobili Lamborghini.
The new Vector Aeromotive Corporation created a car called the Vector M12, which was loosely based on the WX-3 but powered by a version of the Lamborghini Diablo V12 engine. Consequently, some work on the M12 was handled by Lamborghini. As such, many of the essentially American "spirit" characteristics of previous editions did not carry over to the M12.
Production of the M12 began in 1995 in Green Cove Springs, Florida, and the car was introduced at the 1996 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, where Vector displayed two examples. Production was shuttered late in 1996 when the $189,000 cars did not meet projected sales targets. Production resumed after MegaTech sold off Lamborghini (to Audi) and Vector (to management). By early 1999, only 14 M12s were produced. Lamborghini did not fulfill its contracted delivery of motors due primarily to Vector's inability to pay for them.It was alleged that Tommy Suharto, son of Indonesian strongman General Suharto and a MegaTech principal, illegally embezzled from the company for his own personal gain.
According to one story, Lamborghini took a W8 for payment for the engines, but since the W8 in question was still Wiegert's property at the time, he took the case to court. He won it back, although Lamborghini, now owned by Volkswagen, has since refused to give the car back.
Spoiler for kesimpulan dengan Bahasa Indonesia:
Jadi Megatech sebenarnya dulu memegang saham Lamborghini dan Vector. Tapi akhirnya menjual Lamborghini ke Audi dan Vector dikembalikan ke managemennya. Lalu Vector pun tak sanggup membayar mesin ke Lamborghini sehingga membuat Vector bangkrut. Itu disebabkan karena Pemimpin dari Megatech, TOMMY SUHARTO menggelapkan dana untuk KEUNTUNGANNYA SENDIRI
Yakk betul, karena korupsilah, akhirnya Megatech pun menjual Lamborghini dan membuat Vector bangkrut
Makanya, Indonesia harus dibebaskan dari korupsi! Coba agan-agan bayangin kalau kita masih ada saham Lamborghini
dan Vector? Mungkin Supercar dari Lamborghini dan Vector akan menjadi "mainstream" disini, lebih sering daripada duet maut AvanzaXenia
Sekian trit ane, maaf bila ada kata-kata yang salah
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