Berikut ini berbagai persenjataan militer China yang tak kalah canggih dengan persenjataan militer negara besar seperti Amerika, Inggris dan Rusia..
Dengan kekuatan prajurit militer terbesar di dunia dan didukung dengan berbagai peralatan militer yang canggih dan mutakhir, di jamin Amerika dan kawan-kawan berpikir 2-7 kali untuk ngajak 'tawuran' dengan Cina
Berikut ini adalah 5 peralatan militer China yang menggunakan teknologi super canggih, mutakhir serta cetar menggelegar... Cekibrot gan!
Spoiler for Pesawat Tanpa Awak The Dark Sword:
Pesawat Tanpa Awak The Dark Sword
In 2006, China unveiled an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) design known as Dark Sword, which has since vanished from the public eye. Western analysts aren’t sure whether the craft is still under development. If it is, certain design characteristics—such as a suspected ramjet engine—suggest that it’s a high-speed drone that could carry out surveillance and strikes far from Chinese shores. Whatever the Dark Sword’s fate, China’s UAV plans are ambitious: This past summer, the Chinese government announced plans to build 11 coastal drone bases.
Spoiler for Pesawat Tanpa AwakPterodactyl I :
Pesawat Tanpa AwakPterodactyl I
China’s Pterodactyl I UAV strongly resembles the U.S. military’s Predator drone. It appears to be designed for medium-altitude, long-endurance surveillance and strike missions. Another Chinese drone—the Soaring Dragon—looks like a smaller version of the U.S. military's RQ-4 Global Hawk; analysts think it’s designed for high-altitude maritime surveillance and reconnaissance.
Spoiler for J-20 Stealth Fighter Jet:
Pesawat Tempur J-20 Stealth
In 2011, the PLA began testing the J-20, China’s first homegrown stealth fighter, which could enter service sometime after 2017. Analysts believe the J-20 has radar-deflecting skin and internal weapons bays. Very little public information about China’s combat aircraft development program exists, but the emergence this past September of a second stealth fighter prototype—the J-31 Falcon Eagle, which some observers think could be capable of performing takeoffs and landings on aircraft carriers—suggests that the J-20 is only the first in a series of advanced Chinese fighters.
Spoiler for DF-21D Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile:
DF-21D Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile
Stationary ballistic missiles are easy for enemy forces to destroy preemptively. China’s mobile, truck-launched DF-21D ballistic missiles are not. After blasting off near the coast, the missiles travel to the edge of space before reentering the atmosphere at more than 3,000 mph and dropping 1,300 pounds of explosives on targets. China didn’t nickname the DF-21D the “carrier killer.” U.S. defense analysts did.
Spoiler for The Shenlong Space Plane:
Pesawat luar angkasa Shenlong
With a space station under construction and plans for a manned moon mission, China aims to alter the balance of power in orbit. In 2007, the nation showed off its antisatellite missiles by shooting down a decommissioned weather satellite, creating 40,000 shards of space junk in the process. Now it’s testing an unmanned orbital vehicle known as Shenlong, or Divine Dragon. Comparable to the U.S. Air Force’s X-37B space plane, the Shenlong could rapidly place satellites in orbit—and potentially carry weapons that could disable the communications, navigation, and surveillance satellites of adversaries.
Bonus Tambahan
Dalam beberapa rilis berita di luar negeri, seperti yang dilansir oleh beberapa media massa di Amerika dan Inggris serta lainnya, berdasarkan penelitian dan observasi yang ada selama beberapa tahun.. China disinyalir memiliki lebih dari 3000 rudal berkepala nuklir yang disembunyikan di bawah tanah. Semula intelejen memberikan perhitungan antara 40 hingga 400 mata rudal nuklir. Namun dari hasil laporan dari berbagai dokumentasi, diperkirakan lebih dari 3000 rudal berhulu ledak nuklir.
Kapal Induk Liaoning yang membuat khawatir Amerika. Dan saat ini China disinyalir sedang membuat kapal induk yang lebih besar dan canggih. Yang mampu menampung lebih banyak artileri tempur. Modiar Amerika..
Spoiler for Rudal atau misil milik militer China:
Wah Indonesia diserbu produk China aja, kita sudah ampun. Apalagi diserbu ribuan rudal berhulu ledak nuklir. Mumet...
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Original Posted By yudhArch►sekarang siapa yang berani lawan china?