We proudly present a new private server RF Barachiel Angel. Be the one who will be undefeatable, make your race roar and let the other fall silent, be what the other dream could be !!
Come here and join us for a never ending lust of battle
Spoiler for Server rate specification:
- Exp: 100
- Drop: 10x
- PT GM: Yes
- Force GM: Yes
- Skill GM: Yes
- Lvl cap: 66
- GP Cash Shop: Yes
- Minning: 50x
- Quest 50&56;: Yes
- Save Zone Area: No
- Bank: Open
- Battle Dungeon: Open
- Auction: Open
- Mail: Open
- Animus Exp Rate: 5000
Upgrading Chance
+1 to +2 90%
+2 to +3 70%
+3 to +4 50%
+4 to +5 25%
+5 to +6 5%
Loot Spesification
- All Rune: Pit Boss HQ & Pit Boss Varas
- High Elemental: Pit Boss HQ
- Perfect Elemental: Pit Boss Varas
- 3D, BBB Elemental: Dagon, Dagan, Dagnue
- Violent Elemental: Pit Boss Belphegor
- HDH Elemental: Pit Boss Thor
- Armor & Weapon 65 Rare: Kukra Captain
- Relic 45 All Race: Pit Boss Belphegor
- Relic 55 All Race: Pit Boss Metal Soccer Elf
- Calliana Necklace: Pit Boss Belphegor
- Leon 40 All Race: Draco at Cauldron Volcanic
- Excelsiar A,B,C: Flem, Young Flem, Wing
- Stable Box: Sette Guardian
- Unstable Box: Chip Controller
- All Talic: Chip Controller
NPC List
- armor rare b 35 - 65 max slot 6
- weapon rare b 35 - 65 max slot 6
- shield rare b 35 - 55 max slot 6
- council armor 50, 55 slot max 6 CCR standard
- palmas, knight walker, daidalos armor lvl 50
B. Dark Ambassador
- nothing change, standard of CCR
C. Hall of Fame ( spesial item vendor )
- OD 55% atck and deff, 1 stack = 50 million
- Stealh potion, 1 stack = 20 million
- Cure pot 2,5 scnd, 1 stack = 20 million
- Pit Boss portal except Dagan, Dagon, and Dagnu
- Relic weapon lvl 45 6 slot
- Burst protect compose potion, 1 stack = 40 million
D. NPC sette
- crawler merchant, vafer merchant, snatcher merchant now sell elven weapon with price of 106002 except elven wand 108002,elven shield 6 slot 141336, shield rare 65 121336 (all in pvp point)
- accurasi potion ( 1 stack = 10 million )
- critical potion ( 1 slot = 10 million )
E. Foreign vendor
- VC stone, BM stone
- Outcast land scroll 1pc = 1531000 race currency
- Ammo
- Charm and generator
- Light un- manned mine tools = 5000000 race currency
- Batery: 2500000 race currency
- CCR standard
For all of you who need RF Barachiel Angel DVD Installer, you can submit your address with format like the example below:
Name :
Address :
Zip Code :
Active Phone Number :
• Send the address format to gmrf@barachiel-angel.com.
• The format should be full and complete.
• No cost for the DVDs, just pay only for the charges of delivery service.
• Our location is in Bandung, Indonesia. You can see a list of Shipping price from Tangerang city to the other city in JNE.co.id.
• If there something to ask, please contact admin or staff, we are ready to help you.
� No Junk Post
� Out Of Topic Prohibited
� Respect each other
� Do not share everything that is not related to RF Barachiel Angel
� NOT ALLOWED for Double Posting / Triple Posting purposely
� Use QUOTE to answer questions and others!
Spoiler for In-game rule:
In order for maintain the server stability and comfortabilty while you play the game, please read the general rules below:
• Do not use illegal programs or software (3rd party) in the game.
• Every character that caught using Nickname that is offensive to tribe, race, or religious affairs will result in permanent ban.
• You are not allowed for using Nickname with the letters GM, [GM] and all sorts of variations.
• Do not use Nickname with words of action or emotion code in the game, such as: Sit, Stand, Help, Clapping, Baseball (because it can be whisped).
• Prohibited from using terrain exploitation and bugs in the game, example: siege Kit bug, map bug expolits, etc.).
• Do not use any kind of words that contain offensive, politics, pornography, porno action, abusive messages under no circumstances, you are also not allowed to send other players hateful, offensive or aggressive messages, this also includes sexual harassment, racism or any other kind.
• You are not allowed from promoting, disturbing, insulting other servers and community.
• Do not discuss and displaying any kind of cheats and bugs.
• Do not use any other language outside English in the global chat, speaking non English in the global chat will result in a warning, kicked from game, and a temporary account ban.
Global chat are including Race chat, sell/buy chat and all chat.
• Do not hiding and hit other race or the chip itself inside the chip.
• Prohibited for using and exploit any kind of tower or turret bugs.
• You are not allowed for using any kind of debuff skill to same or different races in the safe zone. When you are in a safe zone you are not allowed to perform any kind of skill except self buff and buff from same race
• Insults and threats to the Admin or GM, the user will result in permanent BAN.
- Every character who violate the rule will face the consequence.
- There will be a step of punishment bassed on the fault
The punishment should be:
a. Kick from the game
b. Account banned for 3 days
c. Account banned for 5 days
d. Account banned for a weeks
e. Account will permanently banned
Admin and GM decision are absolute.
Call and report to us if there is a violation of the rules above.