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Having Sex Twice

A late middle age couple go to the doctor for their annual
check-up. The doctor examines the man first.

MD : " I wish my other patients were as healthy as you.
Your cholesterol level is low, you have the body of a man
20 years your junior. You're in great shape ! Do you have
any concerns ? "

Husband : " Yes--it's about sex. "

MD : " You came to the right place--ask away ! "

Husband : " Well, doc, the first time I do it, everything's
fine. The
second time I do it, I sweat like a pig ! "

MD : " HMO that comes to mind from the medical
literature. Tell you what-- I'll ask your wife when I examine
her. "

The doctor calls the wife and examines her.

MD : " Like your husband, you're in great shape ! A
body of a woman 20 years your junior. How's the marriage
? "

Wife : " Fine ! We've been married 45 years and we get
along great. "

MD : " Do you have any concerns ? "

Wife : " No, not really. "

MD : " Well, your husband shared one with me. He
says he has a concern about sex. "

Wife : " Really, now ? ! "

MD : " Yes, he said the first time he does it he's fine,
and the second time he sweats like a pig. "

Wife : " I'm not surprised! The first time is in January, and
the second time is in July ! "
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