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[AMAZING] Seniman Ini Membuat Pelangi di Jalan
Spoiler for elion:

[AMAZING] Seniman Ini Membuat Pelangi di Jalan
Gambar-gambar yang luar biasa memperlihatkan pelangi melengkung di atas jalan di Cape Town mungkin terlihat seperti buatan dari komputer, tetapi fenomena spektakuler ini nyata.
Spoiler for pelangi:

Pelangi biasanya terlihat tinggi di langit tapi yang satu ini bisa terwujud hanya beberapa meter dari tanah di Afrika Selatan yang juga memiliki julukan Negeri Pelangi.
Spoiler for pelangi:

Spoiler for pelangi:

Seniman Michael Elion membuat tampilan menakjubkan di luar galeri Commune1 di Cape Town.
A glimpse of spring hit Cape Town last month on Friday 7th September, and dancing on a rainbow seemed the perfect way to celebrate! one small seed caught up with Michael Elion artist / architect who mainly works on large scale public artworks. On behalf of Creative Week Cape Town he created a man-made rainbow, which will appear in front of Commune1 Gallery (64 Wale Street, Cape Town (map) every sunny day from 2:45pm, for around 45 minutes, until October 14th.
Spoiler for pelangi:

Spoiler for pelangi:

Pelangi tersebut tercipta dari uap air dan sinar matahari dan dihasilkan dengan menggunakan pompa tekanan tinggi didukung oleh motor bensin. Michael mengatakan butuh waktu hampir satu tahun untuk membuatnya berhasil.

What inspired you to do this?

Well let me tell you the process of how it all started… I was surfing, and when the wind is blowing strongly in the surf you get a stinging mist that showers over you, and every now and again you get to see a perfectly circular rainbow. So, I thought let me try and see if I can put a rainbow in a frame and I began to play with a rainbow like that. After doing different tests I realized that in order for you to see a perfect circle, you need to be completely inside the mist and the sun needs to be at a certain point. That began the process of testing how to make the rainbow bigger; I actually wanted to make a clock like a sundial except using a rainbow as the dial. As I experimented more I realised what a difficult thing it is to get right. It took almost six months to figure out how but it eventually came together at some point in 2010 after I’d sourced the right sort of pump and got special nozzles from the US.

Spoiler for pelangi:

Spoiler for pelangi:

****Semoga jadi inspirasi kita semua****

klo mo tanya2 bs langsung aja ke FBnya >>michael.elion

Diubah oleh barch 19-12-2012 13:15
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